Copyright 2008 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
This blog post was transferred from another service.
Subject: Stupid Scammer Or Just Mistaken Spammer?
The message attached to mine in this thread is a spam/scam message I found in this forum. What I wrote in response is harsh, but I don't feel sorry to low-life spammers/scammers. They're pitiful, not pitiable.
I put this back in here to encourage you to check facts & confirm numbers in your marketing messages before you send them. Plus, be careful when you consider buying into somebody's claims, even mine.
My Comments/Response to Joe Banks:
There are a maximum of 7 billion people on the Earth now.
According the U.S. Census Bureau Population Clock, the world population is about 6,546,891,714.
According to the United Nations (, the world population in 2005 was 6,464,750,000. If you want to learn about life expectancy you can use this URL
I'm assuming people still die & you'd provide access to people who are alive. Dead & not yet born people, statisically don't pay attention to email messages.
Maybe half of the currently living population have Internet access. Human cloning still isn't perfected. Human gestation takes about 9 months. About half of the world's population are females, maybe half of them are of child bearing age.
In the USA, children start understanding the concept of written communication at about age 2.
Then there's the problem of various languages & illiteracy. Many people can't read any language.
These are just a few of the problems you'll have. When you've solved these, if I'm still alive, ask me about the other issues. Maybe by then the population of the universe will be high enough to fulfill your claim. But of course, then there'll be other issues to contend with.
So, Joe, how will you provide daily access to 1 billion unique individuals for 90 days?
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2008 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Subject: Let us advertsie for you (great spelling huh?) Author: Joe Banks
Let our company email your ad to close to 1 billion people a day for 3 months--these are different people daily,,not spam,,get more sales now http://-----
Subject: Stupid Scammer Or Spammer? -- Meaning Of Compelling
I don't feel sorry for low-life spammers/scammers, who try to trick & cheat others. They're pitiful, not pitiable.
I just deleted another loser's garbage. Here's one sentence:
"If you would like to take part in this SCHEME or would like a bit more information then please see the attached file that was kindly donated to us."
I emphasized "SCHEME" as the word explaining this scam. It's also a word you shouldn't use when you're marketing your legitimate offers. If you're perceived as a schemer, you'll lose or never earn credibility.
Another bad word choice from a scam/spam message was in an email garbage I got. I was encouraged to act now on the offer to buy Viagra because it won't last.
What won't last the Viagra, the "benefit" or the offer? It wasn't specified.
If you leave anything open to interpretation, people will interpret it different ways. Some of those interpretations will work against you.
People have too many things to think about, they're too distracted to CONSCIOUSLY fill in any blanks. (You need them to be conscious to some degree to decide to buy from you.) But people's subconscious minds have plenty of time & energy to interpret, misinterpret & reinterpret things.
If your message isn't clear or is otherwise forgettable, a subconscious mind will drop it & focus on something better - more interesting & compelling. Subconscious minds are very good at distracting conscious minds & focusing them on other things.
You need subconscious minds to work with you, not against you. Even if you're not trying to get to executives by going around gatekeepers (receptionists, assistants& secretaries), you still have gatekeepers to deal with prospects' subconscious minds.
If your messages & offers aren't more compelling than any competing messages, offers or thoughts, you'll lose. Yes, you compete with people's thoughts too. You need to make your messages & offers more urgent & compelling than what prospects are thinking or you won't gain or hold their attention.
What I mean by compelling is undeniable, forceful, urgent & important; something they can't afford to miss. It should be clear to prospects they'll lose something. Even if they won't lose what they already have, clearly emphasize the opportunity they'll lose by delaying. When a prospect hears or reads your offers, s/he should feel restless & a bit desperate. Don't overdo the desperation or you won't be credible. Don't push past integrity either by inducing fear unless it's a true emergency.
In a message I wrote for a nail-biting remedy, I could've warned nail-biters they could end up with blood poisoning from severe infections. It's true, they could have dire problems, but it's not likely.
Also be sure your messages go to real prospects, who can afford what you offer. I get offers for insurance quite often. I suppose I can't afford to lose the opportunity to gain more protection for my family & me. But I also don't have the money to invest in more insurance, so I'm not a prospect.
It's hard in some cases. Which TV programs (maybe "Fear Factor"), radio stations, newspapers &/or magazines do nail-biters watch, listen to or read? You'd need to dig deeper for other attributes. Define a typical nail-biter - gender, age, marital status, family life cycle, career choice (actual & aspirational), hobbies (what they do to distract themselves from biting their nails or worrying?), which other remedies they may've chosen, etc.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2008 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
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