Friday, February 22, 2019

Being Different Or Lacking Understanding Doesn't Make Anyone Wrong!

Copyright 2009 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
This blog post was transferred from another service.

I responded to a comment in the Advertising Age web site. I'm posting it here to help you realize how harshly judging people could limit your business or career.

People don't want to buy from anybody who despises them. Even if you don't express it verbally, you may communicate it in your facial expressions & body language. You may choose diplomatic words, but say them with a demeaning tone.

Unfortunately, it's too easy to misunderstand people who love us. When we deal with people we don't know, misunderstandings are more likely. If we make diplomatic efforts or attempts too strongly, what we say may sound condescending.

Intentionally or unintentionally, customers may send signals to each other, which would make it hard for you to
attract multiple market niches.

The following Ad Age URL is apt to be unavailable after October 22, 2009 to nonsubscribers.

"American Idol" Impact -- in October by John Rash

Here's the comment I responded to.
By hgoldfarb67 | Los Angeles, CA October 16, 2009 04:36:22 pm:
The fact this show continues to roll, that anyone ever buys Albums from these acts that win or come in second/third really shows just how low our intelligence is in this country. Bush is gone it is time for us to grow up and stop acting like silly bumpkins who have nothing to do at night. Play scrabble damn it! Or even Trouble with everyone's favorite Pop-O-Matic but don't watch American Idol! Oh wait 35% of the US never graduates High School so this all makes sense!

-----My response is below-----
If I'm too busy to write sales copy, could I ask you to write some. . . Oh! Wait! You think you're far too superior to anybody who believes or enjoys anything you don't like or understand. I'm withdrawing my request for your help with sales copy.

It's time for you to grow up & stop thinking you're so superior.

Your attitude shows you won't go far in marketing beyond reaching only those who you fully accept.

I don't understand how somebody could want to own a luxury sports car.
I don't understand how somebody could like beer.

Here's some controversy:
I don't understand how somebody could be attracted to somebody of the same gender.
Who cares what I don't understand - except me?! What I don't understand is irrelevant to gay people who like luxury cars & drink beer.

My Lack Of Understanding Doesn't Make Them Wrong! Nor Does It Make Me Right!

They probably don't understand why I don't like what they like.

We can - should - approve each other's human rights despite our lack of understanding.

After reading what I wrote, people may think I'm a Christian Democrat (religiously conservative & politically liberal), which may seem like an oxymoron. Thinking I'm a Christian Democrat would show a lack of understanding.

If you check a good thesaurus, you won't find "different" & "wrong" listed together as synonyms.

If you check a bigot's thesaurus, you'd find a lot screwy--different-- synonyms.

You seem to feel about the same level of passion about those who are different from you. Why? What could they possibly be doing to hurt you or anybody else?
Why do you feel it's your duty or right to judge people who enjoy what you don't like?

I rarely watch any TV shows or movies. That doesn't make me superior or inferior, but it does mean there are more things I don't understand.

Because of their knowledge & understanding/familiarity, John Rash & others who are aware of current shows could reach & sell to some people you & I won't.

I don't know if I'll ever convince you to moderate your attitudes. I'm sure if I claimed or implied I'm superior, you'd have a reason to question my credibility & disregard my message.

You could probably reread any of your messages & never identify what would turn somebody else against you. You're probably so inured to your ideology, you probably don't notice it.
It may already have limited & be limiting your career.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2009 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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