Monday, February 25, 2019

Help Consumers Be The Stars They Know They Are

Copyright 2007 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
This blog post was transferred from another service.

Subject: What is the best way to promote Author: Lisa Bloom

Lisa posted this question in

What is the best way to promote
It is an online jewelry store inspired by Hollywood celebrities.

Then I posted a brief message; I added to it & posted my longer response below.

Subject: Help Consumers Be The Stars They Know They Are
In reply to: Lisa Bloom 's message, "What is the best way to promote"

Hi Lisa,

I took a quick look at the home page. The main idea seems to be "inspired by Hollywood celebrities." Since many aspire to be stars, in show business or other businesses, they're inspired by what celebrities wear, say, do & think.

I advise you to focus on star-studded events like awards shows. As soon as you see what celebrities were wearing & before the shows' effects dim, check your inventory for things that look like what celebrities wore. Promote those items.

How & where to promote those can be tricky. Using pictures & names of celebrities, without their permission & for promotional purposes, can bring more trouble than it's worth. When you know what you can legally do, it'll be easier to decide how to do it.

Use magazines, ezines, newsletters, newspapers, web sites, TV shows (possibly through cable TV), search engines/portals & whatever else will help you visually show what you offer.

If you can legally use celebrities' names, you could test headlines like "Did You See What Sandra Bullock Wore At The 2007 Academy Awards? Check what we have to help you shine like Sandy did."

You could follow it with "Even the most beautiful pictures are accentuated by beautiful frames. Your beauty needs an equally beautiful frame like jewelry Sandy used to frame her beauty. It's called a choker, but you know it'll be your friends & family who'll be breathless when they see you wearing it. Sandy probably paid $XXXXX for hers, but you'll be wearing yours for only $ZZZ. We offer this much beauty for a few dollars because (then briefly describe the quality & qualifications of your staff & suppliers & how it helps you keep quality high & prices reasonable)."

"Welcome to" isn't a headline. Each home page & other web pages should have effective, compelling headlines to intrigue web surfers, so they'll look more deeply in your site. Headlines should have specific benefits for readers, don't be subtle. Put it out there so people will understand with no doubt--what's available for them.

Web browsers commonly have multiple tabs. Surfers, especially those with broadband service, have multiple web sites open at a time. If your home page doesn't give them a reason to keep it open in a tab, they'll close it.

Test different headlines, change them as often as you get a major product or a major event happens.

Help web visitors virtually try the jewelry. If you can't afford to put an application like this in your site, give them tips how to do in their computers. There are graphics programs made to paste layered images transparently so only the desired object is added.

They can use camera phones or other hardware to get pictures of themselves. You should also use a disclaimer like- "Imagine how great this jewelry will look when it's on your skin instead of in a cobbled-together picture."

Though the results of copying & pasting graphics together won't be great, it'll still get people involved with your site & products. They feel more comfortable with it. You can demonstrate with step-by-step pictures & instructions how to do.

Show a picture a regular person & how s/he looks with the jewelry. This can be done by copying & pasting jewelry or putting people's faces into a celebrity picture. There are programs made to do this for serious or entertaining effects.

Showing how good regular people look (wearing what you offer) is important anyway. It's too easy for people to think, "Of course, it looks good on (celeb name), anything looks good on her."

This is already getting to be long, so I'll cut it here. With more time & information I could develop more.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2007 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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