Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Walmart Customers At A Local Pet Store

Walmart Customers Pet Store

Subject: W-mart customers Author: Shelia Date Posted: 15:14:54 01/23/02 Wed
I own a pet store that is only 2 miles away from a super Wal-Mart. I have been is business for 3 years and each year there is positive growth. Each day there is at least 2-5 customers that come to me because they need someone to tell them how to use the product they just purchased at Wal-Mart. Better yet, they want to know why all the fish they purchased at Wal-Mart have died. It seems like we are always correcting the problem "after the fact". It brings us business, but how can I educate the public to come to us first. (We advertise heavily already) Worse, are the customers that want our advice and then ask us if they can go and purchase the "fix" at Wal-Mart. How do my and my employees deal with that kind of problem? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Here's my original response to Shelia 's post:
Subject: Re: W-mart customers Author: Dennis S. Vogel Date Posted: 15:10:44 02/02/02 Sat
In reply to: Shelia 's message, "W-mart customers" on 15:14:54 01/23/02 Wed

Hi Shelia,

Let's start this way -
If you didn't own a pet store anymore, what would you (as an educated consumer) look for in a pet store or pet department in a chain store?

My guess is -
-You'd look for people who can answer your questions (in case there was some information you'd want/need)
-If you wanted fish, you'd probably want to know if dead fish are removed from the tanks regularly/quickly and why the fish died.

I worked at two Wal-Mart stores. I've smelled the dead fish that were left in waste baskets.
I've also been recruited to catch loose parakeets (when some were brought in for a promotion).
I've seen the new pet food stock put on top of or in front of the old stock. (Many employees don't rotate stock because they're pushed to work quickly, plus they figure rotating stock is a hassle.)

Wal-Mart employees are mostly trained in W-M policies with a bit of emphasis on the products they sell (unless things have drastically changed in the last 3 years).

Now for another question (This isn't meant as an insult) -
Do you run your store differently than that?

I'm sure the answer is YES!!! But do customers know that? Do consumers know how much of a difference that makes?

This may seem off-subject, but stay with me here.
The minimum wage is about $5.50 per hour. So, how much is a consumer's time worth?

If they're asking you questions in person -
1)they've already found a parking spot
2)they've already found a knowledgeable person who can help them.
3)their time and energy is valuable so it's your obligation to serve them so they can save their time and energy.

It seems like they want "tech support."

How can you do give them that?
You can use a computer (or a paper system if necessary).
Have a specific file for them and their pet(s).
Record what they bought (animals, food, accessories, etc.) and the purchase dates.
Record their challenges and questions.
Have a solution/answer database.

Imagine this -
You have a question. You call me.

Me- "Hello, this is ___ Pets, the animal lovers' tech support center. How can I help you and your pet today?
"OK, if you tell me your name I'll access your file so you don't have to answer questions you've already answered.
"OK, Shelia, thank you for calling. I see you talked to Amy yesterday, did the XYZ help?
"So, there's been some improvement, good! Then we're on the right track. We have a lot of information about that. If you tell me your e-mail address, I can send you the specific information you need right now.
"Yes, I know it would've seemed good if Amy had given you this information. If she had, you'd still be reading it, it's that much. With the things you told me, we've narrowed it down to ABC, so I can send you 2 pages instead of the 50 pages Amy would've had to have given you to cover the situation. I hope you understand."

You should set consumers' buying criteria.
"Get the products & service you & your pet need in one place. Asking questions one place then going somewhere else to get what you need is wasting your time. It means your pet waits even longer for comfort while you search for somebody to help you at one of those chain stores. Spend the time & energy you save with the pet you love.
"Each business does things differently. Some stores have clerks who work in many departments & don't know much about what they sell.
"We believe you & your pet deserve better service & caring. That's why we answer your questions & are ready to give you 'pet technical support.'"

The whole answer for your situation would be a lot longer, but hopefully, this will get you off to strong start.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2017 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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Here's my updated post: 2/28/2017

If people ask for advice about buying anything from other stores, you need to be careful. Do you know about possible hazards in other stores? I wrote about some hazards below.

Here are important factors in determining people's buying criteria.
Why do people buy a specific product? Will they repurchase it?
Why do people buy a specific brand? Will they repurchase it?
Why do people choose a specific store? Will they return there?
You should arrange & prioritize these ideas (below) based on your needs.
You can influence people by focusing on why they should choose a specific product, brand & store for their situations.

I wrote some questions below to help you to focus on these factors. Some questions are similar but explore slightly different angles.

To offer unique value, you need unique thoughts. To get unique thoughts, you need to think in unique ways.

Why Are Certain Animals Important To Certain People?

Pets can be like family members. Family members have roles to fulfill. What's the value of a pet's function? How can you help a pet add value to a person's situation?

When people adopt pets, what kind of gap do they intend for a pet to fill? That gap is a person's desire & need. Why does a person want a situation to be different? Specifically, what does s/he wish would be different?

How do they intend for a pet to fill a gap?

What does a pet need to fill a gap?

If a person did a job evaluation for a pet (or any product), what would be the criteria in an evaluation?

Have Some Fun With This.

If a pet said, "This human expects me to ___." & "This human expects me not to ___." What would those expectations be? How could you help a pet fulfill those expectations?

What are the main purposes for people to have pets? You may know these or you should do research.

Possible examples: Pets can be therapeutic. They can be educational - help people learn about life (biology) & responsibility.
How do/can you help pets fulfill people's main purposes? Do you excel in science? Can you add to the therapeutic effects?
Pets can be entertaining; they need things to help them fulfill that role.
If a pet would prefer a certain toy over another, what would that preference be? How might a pet fill in these blanks? "He bought a ___. If he gave me a ___, I could ___ a lot better."
How can you communicate those purposes & your specialties?
How do competitors come up short on or fail in these factors?
Some competitors may be open 24 hours per day. Could you or staff members check those competitors without consumers seeing & recognizing you?

Do you have anybody who isn't recognized as being connected with your store? Are there others who would check competitors? You need somebody who knows about pet issues. S/he should be objective & accurate, not prone to exaggeration. S/he can report about potential problems, inventory, display methods & promotions.

Here are considerations for marketing messages & helping to choose pets & supplies:

Can you check pet owners' forums/blogs? You can learn what's important to them.
What are their logical & emotional reasons for:
Choosing a certain kind of pet - breed, size, age, gender, color & number?
When they buy supplies, do they buy the best, better or average quality? Do they buy large quantities?
Who receives a pet as a gift (child or family)? Which animals require a lot of adult supervision?
Who is most responsible physically & financially for a pet?
What are their household sizes (1-2 people, family, room mates)? Maybe you can advise certain pets based on sizes & habitats.

Do pet sitters have separate supplies or are supplies transported with pets?

Statistics can be interpreted many ways. Are there firm, objective statistics about survival rates for pets from big stores & specialty shops?
What are major reasons for differences in pets' survival rates?

How well can you help people find reliable information resources to help pets be healthy & happy?

Considerations For Choosing Which Stores To Buy From.

It can make a difference how animals & pet supplies are handled in stores. Are they exposed to potentially harmful materials like cleaning supplies &/or other merchandise?

Are pets protected from cleaning supplies & procedures? They can be harmed by exposure to cleaning materials. Though they may survive, their health could be compromised in subtle ways that contribute to longer term problems.

Are animals stressed in various stores by employees, customers, other animals, etc.?

High traffic store maintenance can require different cleaning products & more frequent procedures than cleaning other stores. Hazardous chemicals can be absorbed by food in bags. Hazardous chemicals can cling to supplies & toys. Hazardous fumes can end up in cages & aquariums.

When employees work in different departments, they could have hazardous things on their hands & clothes. If they smoke tobacco or anything else, residue can be transferred to pets & products.

There's a difference in the quality of water pets are given or put into. How often is water changed/filtered? How often are filters changed?

Employees might wash or sanitize their hands & still have harmful residue on their hands.

In your messages, you can include a short list of criteria to increase people's awareness of issues. It could also mean they'll be more watchful in your store too. Your criteria should show you have high standards & imply people should have high standards when they choose stores. You can help them set standards in their homes.

Even if you don't know how pets are treated in other stores, the questions might create awareness in people's minds. Help people realize you have high standards & so they'll favor your store.

Do you have the same supply chain as big stores? Do you have safer products? Do you have information about product safety? If you stock the same brands as competitors, you need superior reasons for people to buy from you.

Pets may seem tough enough to withstand many things since they hold things in their mouths. Though they may seem to be unaffected, some things can hurt them slowly.
You might have information about hazards.

Are animals exposed to too much light in big stores? Stores opened 24 hours per day might constantly display pets. Even security lights might be too much for pets to adequately sleep. When people bump or tap aquariums & cages, animals can be stressed especially if it happens many hours each day. Noises can disrupt animals' sleep & stress them in other ways. Animals hear noises which humans don't hear.

Are safe insects used as food? Have those insects been exposed to anything that could harm animals? If insects are dying from insecticide, they might move enough to attract a lizard's attention (& be eaten). If rodents are used as food, are they diseased or poisoned?

Why Do People Shop At Walmart?

As well as you can, you need to learn reasons pet owners buy from Walmart. These reasons shouldn't be your perceptions. People won't always admit all reasons they do things. It depends on what seems logical (sounds good) & their real reasons (possibly emotional).

Do they buy from competitors so they can save money? Do they prefer one stop shopping to save time? Do they buy only from familiar stores & locations where they feel safe?

What can you do to counter those reasons? According to consumers' perceptions, what is real value? Is value based on brand confidence? Do they measure value based mostly prices?

Does Walmart have the same brands of the same products as you do? Do people buy Walmart branded products (Ol' Roy dog food)? Do those products seem to be good enough? Do customers think those products are close enough to what you offer?

Part of your solution should be helping people feel comfortable buying from your store. People might dislike Walmart & shop there anyway because they're familiar enough with Walmart to be comfortable. When people know more about your store & what you offer, they might buy from you more often.

Long-Term Improvements

I don't know how long your efforts might take to turn the tide. Effective marketing often depends on building momentum.

People may need information to help them feel comfortable with what you sell. They might not have time to read or listen to it while they're in your store.
Unfortunately, they might not read information after they leave.

They might buy if they know or are familiar with people who are comfortable with products. Testimonials & endorsements can help. In effect, when others have decided already, customers might just go along with them.

Case studies might help them more than plain scientific facts. Scientific facts & jargon might confuse people. Can you show a result happened because a product was used? Can you show a consequence happened because a product wasn't used?

Certainty & near certainty can help people have enough confidence to decide. People might change shopping habits when they have strong reasons.

You can help people organize their thoughts & feelings about products & services into buying criteria.

You can determine if you'll take on competitors directly by listing their faults. You can do it indirectly listing your criteria for choosing products & suppliers.

You can specify your employment requirements & business practices. You can specify why you do some things & refuse to do others.

People will be more comfortable when their buying criteria match your criteria.

When they recognize your valuable resources, they may buy enough to keep you in business.

They might have a hard time in determining the value of your resources, so you need to do your best to balance high value for them & low costs for yourself. They might expect more than you can offer.

You might need to reveal some of your costs to help them realize how much they should buy to keep you in business.

People may be indecisive if they don't have enough information. Unfortunately they can be indecisive even if they have the right information but they don't have it organized according to priorities.

You may know what's important in various situations but you might have a hard time giving advice without knowing people's conditions. You can say, "If you answer some questions, I can help you choose what's best for your situation."

You could give people tips about how to find information. You probably know better search terms to help them find information sources via search engines.

Your Continuing Education

You can use social media & internet retail sites to get insights about what people need & want to know. You can check what they write about products & services. You can check book reviews & discussions about articles.

There's a limit to how much I can help now. I'd need to know more about your situation & have time to test marketing methods. You can learn more methods to test from my other posts & what other people have written in books & articles.

Copyright 2017 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if you need me to clarify what I wrote.