Monday, February 25, 2019

Get All You Can From Your Business

Copyright 2008 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
This blog post was transferred from another service.

If you plan to keep your business, you can still sell your knowledge & intellectual to people in other areas who will sign non-competition agreements with you.

If you want to retire or change businesses (& start another) you should sell your business multiple times.

Whatever kind of business you have, you have more than physical things to sell. Since many business fail, if you have a successful business you have an asset to sell.

You have knowledge, intellectual resources, processes, values, policies & plans you`ve used to become & remain successful. You don`t have to sell it only once.

If your business is regional, there are people--in other areas--who`d like to learn what you can teach them.

An entrepreneurial lawyer, consultant, seminar promoter or business broker could sell this knowledge for you or with you, if you don`t want to do it alone.

Be sure you specify you control the rights to sell what you know as a course, seminar, book, video/audio set, business opportunity &/or franchise. Otherwise, somebody may just assume these rights & profit from what you know & not share the profits with you.

You can sell your knowledge to each person for various payment terms--lump sum, deposit plus payments, share of the profits (percentage), limited partnerships, etc.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2008 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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