Friday, February 22, 2019

Jay Abraham said Human nature is immutable

Copyright 2014 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
This blog post was transferred from another service.

______________NOTE: I prefer to not edit or correct messages sent to me.
______________I was tempted to edit out some of this message.
______________I've posted this message because it doesn't blatantly insult
______________anybody or group specifically.

According to Jay Abraham
Human nature is immutable. It has been immutable from the first time man found himself on this earth. Human nature will be the absolute same until Armageddon or a nuclear holocaust.
You are human, and the way you react to me, or you react to each other, or you react to anything, is no different than any other human being you are trying to deal with reacts.
He also disproved himself with his example shuting 'big"money" and then asked poeple what it means to them. They gave different answers & he said it would effect who reacted & how.
Some humans are gross & I'd resent being compared to them.
I know you wrote that you don't aGREE with Jay Abraham about everything. Yet, you hold him up as a guru.

There's no way for that to be true. People have different prejudices sexual orientations beliefs opinions that are just plain wrong!!!
Hoiw about human uniqueness?
I don't know how much to depend on him or you. I need answers from sojmeone.

I won't keept sending messages & be bothersome. Ihope you find time to answer me.

Subject: Human Equality Is Imperative For Optimal Marketing
In reply to: "Jay Abraham said Human nature is immutable"

I haven't been checking for email messages as often as I'd like. I have a lot going on, so thank you for waiting for my response.

To some extent, judging people as being offensive is deciding they're either bad or just not good enough according to a set of standards. That kind of attitude is apt to show through anybody's attempt to hide it. No matter how good people think they are at disguising how they feel, their unspoken opinions are plain to see in their behaviors.

If somebody is sensitive, s/he is apt to detect people's attitudes, but some are overly sensitive. They seem to feel what isn't real. They expect to be offended, so in reality they offend themselves.

Disapproval may be interpreted as a personal insult even if the person is accepted, but the person's action isn't. We can do business transactions despite disapproving of somebody's appearance or harmless actions.

Different Personalities But Essentially The Same Nature
Human nature doesn't mean every human is exactly the same. Even in the context of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs, we each have similar needs - in the lower levels, we have the same needs.

We have different preferences for fulfilling needs & varying resources to achieve fulfillment.

We do things differently because we have different comfort zones.

Though we think & believe differently, it doesn't mean we're wrong or right. I don't understand how or why some people are attracted to each other. My lack of understanding doesn't make them wrong or me right.

There are things I won't do but other people do for affection & intimacy. As long as people don't victimize others, they can do what they want.

What The *&^$%# Is That?
Retail Example: An audio-visual equipment dealer doesn't have to like classical music or classic rock to help people choose systems that 'sound like I'm in an orchestra' or 'really boom out some bass'.

With enough product knowledge, a retailer can guide customers through various options to find what's best for their situations.

Human Nature Examples
People commonly enjoy what they consider to be beautiful.

Whether tattooed skin is attractive is a matter of how people feel about tattoos/body art in general & specifically the images & words in tattoos. Even to some who have tattoos, some images & words are taboo.

But many people feel any tattoo is bad.

We don't have to look at people's skin.

To serve people, we don't necessarily need to fully understand their choices. We can understand what their choices are based on.

If I'd own a restaurant, I'd prefer to limit my menu to what I eat. Yet that would limit my market niche.

I'd be careful about what I would offer since some food odors are offensive - even nauseating - to people. Some people have severe allergic reactions to trace amounts of some foods, so I'd carefully choose which foods are prepared at the same times.

To Make A Long Story Short Means Fewer Details
Even as long as my articles/blog posts are, I can't include everything about every relevant subject.

Even as long as Jay Abraham's seminars & books are, he can't include everything about every relevant subject.

When Jay Abraham said, "Human nature is immutable", I'm sure he meant we have a lot of recognizable similarities, but we're different enough that we aren't clones.

As for human nature being immutable, we definitely aren't like cookies taken from the same dough recipe & made with the same cookie cutter.

Some similarities & differences are due to choices we make, since we can conform as much or little as we want.

Some human nature traits may be adjusted on an individual basis by mental reprogramming, but in this context, "nature" refers to what's fundamental & foundational.

Our human nature is our foundation. Without a foundation, a building could be swept away & damaged more easily.

Computer programming (software) & hardware can be changed, but the result is either a different computer or another kind of device. As long as a device has the essential computer software & hardware, it's a computer even if its full functionality isn't used.

Everybody has low priority needs, desires & abilities that are rarely or never acknowledged or used.

We can have a high level of certainty when we make business decisions based on human nature, as long as we know:
1- which similarities & differences are fundamental;
2- which mutable traits are apt to matter most to our market niche; &
3- how individuals & groups of consumers are apt to express those mutable traits.

There are too many situations & variables for me to specify any of these enough to help any of you. You probably know your niches better than me.

I Hope This Leads To A Better Understanding
Since you were very blunt in your message, I hope you can tolerate some bluntness.

I prefer to not edit or correct messages sent to me. I was tempted to edit out some words from you that seemed to express your prejudices.

If I've misinterpreted your message, I apologize for being wrong.

I won't apologize for my belief about human equality, which I've briefly expressed below.

Below my statements about human equality, I've written about marketing & human nature. It's all related because understanding people is necessary to those who want to be as close to indispensable as possible.

Human Equality Is A Fact
Some people feel superior because of their beliefs. It means they feel superior because they feel others are inferior.

Prejudices, & especially bigoted statements, indicate more about bigots than about those against whom bigots hold prejudices.

Bigots refuse to fully acknowledge reality - good people are equal in value. It isn't a matter of who deserves equality.

Equality is a state of being. Equality (Being Equal) isn't earned, but it IS forfeited by those who do anything that violates equality & justice. Being Equal to others can't be earned.

Analogy: 7 can't earn the same value as 4 + 3. 7 can't become the same value as 4 + 3. It's just a fact: 7 = 4 + 3.

Whatever our differences are, we're still equal to each other. However we look on the outside; however different we are the inside, our equality is a fact.

7 = 4 + 3; 7 = 1 + 6; 7 = 2 + 5

Our differences contribute to who & what each of us is. Since we're all humans, we have more significant similarities than differences.

Why did I pick the number 7 for this illustration? Each of us is like a 7.

Any 7 can & does stand well on its own; yet a physically built 7 would be top heavy & easy to knock down. We can be knocked down physically, mentally & socially.

No matter how strong you may think you & members of your group are, if somebody knocks down any 7 anywhere or anytime, there'll be one less 7 to support you.

77777 77777 77777

If somebody pushes a 7, others will probably fall if they don't work together to stay balanced. We're all vulnerable individually; we're less vulnerable together.

Human Equality Is Imperative For Optimal Marketing
Since I write messages to help many readers, what I've written below is more than a reply to you.

This section has a base line of knowledge to illustrate how & why we need to help each other. Since humans are very similar we share a common nature, so, communication & mutual understanding are possible.

It's important to know how to tap into human nature so we can help consumers as much as we can.

What I've written in the next paragraphs are a few examples of human nature. I won't write a text book, there are enough available already.

Retailers can help humans fulfill the needs & desires I've written about below. Some similarities can make mass production profitable. Some of our differences can make customization profitable.

Humans need shelter & other protection from weather (the elements), but humans usually want more than basic clothing & housing. In clothing fashion, a concern is - What would complete an ensemble?

People want look & feel good, if they don't look & feel good, they want to be better. Humans want benefits to last longer.

We want to go beyond what we & our peers have already. We want to do more advanced things than we've done before.

We want things that help us feel special & younger, yet still mature.

We want to be stronger & healthier. We want more (better quality & possibly quantity) of what we need & desire.

Other than addicts, we want to get rid of & avoid what hurts us, so we have less of what's undesirable. We want to get rid of &/or avoid what we consider to be trash.

We want to avoid problems when we can, we try to mitigate, solve or delay others.

In any set or collection of things people want/need, what would take it to the next level? The next level is an upgrade.

I often hear & read about people resisting change. That resistance is objecting to what feels uncomfortable, scary, unnecessary & costly. In this instance, costly means changing will seemingly diminish some resource(s) without improving or adding more of what resisters value.

When people control changes & the rate of change, they feel less threatened.

Anthony Robbins asked people if they like surprises. Many responded, "Yes." Tony corrected them by saying they only like the surprises they want. It's like that with changes also.

Changing feels uncomfortable because it means giving up what's comfortable. Changing means giving up part of a comfort zone.

In some people's cases, comfort zones are hazardous. They may know the hazards that haven't killed them - yet. They think some form of "Everybody's going to die anyway. How bad could it really be? I'm still alive!"

They probably deny the seriousness or even validity of the hazards.

After people have been content with a situation, they often want something different. That usually means they want what they consider to be better.

If customers aren't sure what could improve their conditions, you should have some questions based on your product knowledge & trade skill.

They probably don't know as much about what's available as you do.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2014 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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