Saturday, June 25, 2016

Starting a business

Subject: Starting a business Author: Melissa

NOTE - This message was sent to me via my e-mail address. I'm posting it here to help you. If you like to send me a question and have me post it, then please do that.
My e-mail address is -

I really would like to open a business. I want to open a restaurant with entertainment. I have chosen a name but don't know where to begin. Could you give me some insight on where I start. I don't have the understanding or know
how to begin. So I feel like I am procrastinating from starting something I want so badly. I am not sure what type of information you need from me to help. I want to start small and go from there.

Thanks, Melissa

Subject: Re: Starting a business Author: Dennis S. Vogel

My specialty starts after a business has started. I only have a few tips about starting businesses.
The advice I gave Melissa wasn't as much as she wanted or as much as I wish I could have given her. The basics of it may help you. Please read the warnings I gave her.

Hi Melissa:

One thing I definitely know about the restaurant business is that it's hard to make a restaurant profitable. So, if you open one you need to know a lot more than I know about it.

A web site you can get information from is

I could give you good ideas to market a restaurant, but first it's best for you start it.

Is there a restaurateur near you who may be retiring soon and would let you exchange work (sweat equity) for partial ownership?

Or is there a restaurateur in a nearby city who will want a second restaurant in the near future? If so, you may be able to work yourself into an ownership position.

Just be careful whom you get involved with. If you feel uneasy about somebody, don't get involved with that person no matter how good the opportunity may seem. Our intuition won't look us in the eye and say "Don't do it!"

Intuition just gives us strong hints - gut reactions, tension/insomnia, or feelings of well-being. Don't ignore any of these.

When you're ready to open your restaurant, then I can help you market it.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2016 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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