Saturday, June 25, 2016

Setting Your Market Niche's Buying Criteria Will Make You More Successful Than Your Competitors

Subject: Setting Your Market Niche's Buying Criteria Will Make You More Successful Than Your Competitors Author:Dennis S. Vogel

Why should anybody buy something from you instead of from a competitor?

Whatever that reason(s) is/are won't make a difference (won't do you any good) if they're not presented logically, with emotional appeal, to your target market.

If you have a mobile oil change service, here's something that will help you. If you have a different business, then adapt this.

1) What's the biggest benefit you offer?
2) Why is it such a big benefit (compared to other alternative products/services)?
3) Why is it more important to a certain group of people than to others?

Let's say your prospects are very busy and distracted, so they have a hard time remembering appointments. Also, when their work shifts are over, there's a lot of traffic, they're tired and just want to get home and rest. But they've driven their cars more than 3,000 miles since they had the oil changed.

They can set up an appointment with you, up to a month in advance. (When they have an accurate estimate how many miles they'll drive.) You'll call them the previous day to confirm your appointment, you'll already have the vehicle's description and license plate number, so you'll want to be sure you have a good idea where their vehicle will be at the appointed time.

So, knowing all that, let's set your market niche's buying criteria so you can reach and catch the attention of others like them. Their buying criteria is something they'll identify with and use when they consider what to buy or even whether or not buy anything.

"You work 8 or more hours per day. After work and on days off, you're tired and still too busy to fight traffic just to bring your vehicle to an oil change service. That's why ABC Mobile Oil Change comes to you and your vehicle.

"Your vehicle is too valuable to neglect oil changes, and your time is too valuable to use it driving to a service station.

"ABC Mobile Oil Change saves your vehicle and your time. Call ###-#### for time and energy saving details today before you drive too many more miles."

That's how to do it. It seems simple and maybe even simplistic, but it can make the difference between thousands of people picking you or your competitors. It's literally that important.

An added note- you should send them or leave a reminder card or magnet for their next oil change (what the mileage will be when another change is needed).

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2016 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-

Subject: My big competitors sell the same brands Author: Cassandra

My major competitors sell the same brands. Their store brands are just like the private label products I sell.

How can I set or reset the buying criteria, when it's already set - DISCOUNT prices?

Subject: Re: My big competitors sell the same brands Author:Dennis S. Vogel

Hi Cassandra:

Brands are important to some people and others will buy whatever is less expensive. There are other things that matter to people also.

I don't what kind of business you have, so let's concentrate on your location and what could be important about it.

Some of your competitors are probably further away from your prospective customers than you are. So you may be able to save people time and hassle in traffic.

If you have a ground level store with one floor and your competitors have stairs or slow elevators, shopping at your store may be more convenient. Especially if you have products that appeal to people with joint pain (especially in their knees).

I don't mean to be sexist but let's try this. Other males and I tend to go into a store commando-style. We go in, get the mission done, then we get out quickly.

Some women tend to browse as they shop. That's the experience they want. I'm not judging them.

Do you have your store set up in a way that makes it easy to shop quickly? Or is it set up for browsing?

Is on one floor? The ground floor?

Are your competitors in the middle of a business district while your store is near a residential area?

NOTE- Don't think that if your store has been there for 20 years that everybody knows and remembers it's there. They don't. They don't own it so they think about many other things that don't include your store.

Don't think that just because you advertise your message is received. It may not be understood. It may not be compelling to prospects. You may think it's great because it pushes your hot buttons, but you're not your market niche.

Let's try this buying criteria. I'm writing this in a way that I hope will appeal to some people, but it hasn't been tested. (You can adapt it to your business and test it for effectiveness. Please read my posts about testing for an explanation.)

"In between working and your time off at home is your life as a commuter. You want to get home and enjoy the rest you deserve. But there are things you need at home.

"When you're on your way home from work, you're tired & possibly frustrated. You're not in the mood to shop. At Life's Necessities, you can shop quickly because everything is easy to find & reach.

"The store is on one floor, you don't have to climb stairs or wait for elevators. We've even timed some typical customers who agreed to test our system. Most of them were able to complete their usual shopping in 20 minutes. They told us that they're able to get to the store within 10 minutes from when they leave work. They get home five minutes after they leave the store.

"Your situation may be different, but it probably won't take you much more than 35 minutes to do your shopping after work. That is unless you want to browse for a while. Our sales floor is set up so you can quickly find things that you need weekly, in just a few minutes. Things you need less often are set up so you have enough room to look at your own pace."

The criteria I wrote is 209 words long (depending on what's considered a word, just number or symbol), so it's a bit long. You'd need to adapt and edit it for your situation.

If you want specific guidance, please contact me or post another message.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2016 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-

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