Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Functional Hope Can Maximize Meaningful Benefits & Inspire Customers
People's sensory reception & perceptions of the same stimuli are different. Since mental states vary, your ads might be missed, processed or partially received.
Since people process meaningful messages, let's evaluate meaningfulness:
Do your offers connect people's current or recent experiences to their goals? Do you help people settle issues that aren't fully resolved or could recur?
Describe relief of health &/or property problems because people: 1) don't want to believe troubles still exist or could recur & might reject warnings; 2) might ignore vague symptoms because old information & cheap products fail to bring relief.
Ad repetition reinforces offers while experiences confirm needs still exist.
Example: To overcome success delusion, advertisers can describe indicators of pest incursions. People figure traps solved pest problems because indicators diminished. Wishful thinking blocks contrary thoughts, so homeowners don't consider how pests enter. Homeowners should compare pests' sizes & abilities with house construction to find potential entries. Material inspections & knowledge reveal necessary replacements & patches.
Stress crowds-out positivity. Functional hope renews freedom from people's actions to escape stressors.
Functional hope opens mental space to plan for uncomfortable possibilities because functionality inspires hope of overcoming new & recurring problems.
Watch For Reasons Consumers Should Watch You.
By monitoring local people's triumphs & struggles, you can find & connect resources for converting struggles into triumphs then extending or renewing triumphs.
Whether it's typical pessimism or pride, people misinterpret options because failures make success seem impossible or reserved for privileged people. To describe formulas or projects, use product specifications, testimonials & case studies to explain how & why success becomes probable in local conditions.
Offer to explore why product versions & attempted methods were insufficient. Persistence brings progress as people learn improved techniques for using high-quality products, possibly by adapting observed successes.
With teamwork, you with your customer group can invest money, insightful knowledge, effort & persistence into personal & group advantages. As customers report problems & progress, all can learn to build results into benefits then combine those into advantages.
Without confidence to explore & expand knowledge, people might suffer problems even with optimal products. Case studies can supplement skill-building tutorials, so people learn what's practical plus how to implement suggestions.
Since low expectations can seem logical, customers might stop short of personal & product potentials. Because of risks, hesitation feels safe. During implementation, seemingly safe practices can fall short of long-term safety & practicality.
Since June 2022 without human stereotypes, we're anthropomorphizing bears & salmon plus extending Marshall Goldsmith's analogy to avoid success delusion.
Analogy: When conditions support predators, fish need more than swimming techniques. People rely on experience in new conditions. People, who feel "made for this", take to problems like fish to water. Fish & bears are "made for this". Bears grab ignorant fish.
Advise investing for current circumstances because previous successful efforts might be outdated. Practical examples imply insightful knowledge even if you don't recommend specific techniques to avoid liability.
Interrupt Bad Things. Expand Good Things.
Negatives seem bigger & positives seem smaller than reality.
Reinforce attention-to-detail with updated information because it's important for choosing offers & completing projects. People are distracted by perceptions, expectations, predictions or conclusions of failure & success.
Because of experiences & observations, people might expect contextual threats & miss benefits. After experiencing &/or observing problems & solutions, people are distracted also by concerns of future problems. Immediate problems can distract people from warnings or evidence of impending serious problems. Other times, public scandals & distant disasters hold attention, so people are less apt to notice advertising.
Let's expand on Al Ries & Jack Trout books. In "Positioning", they wrote about "The Assault on the Mind" & minds have positions for information bits.
Unfamiliar threats seemingly suck mental energy away from information processing & upstage typical personal & public priorities.
"The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" details importance of categories. Customers' problem categorizations & prioritizations influence purchases.
Despite daily sensory deluges, if you pound messages into brains, Top-of-Mind-Awareness can associate your products/services with opportunities & problems. Does Top-of-Mind-Awareness compare advantages & help people choose optimally? Instead, offer advantageous reasons so people position you in their minds. Induce people to keep you in a prioritized category position as their specific advantage source.
Mental Traffic
Analogy: It's a minor inconvenience for me to let you go ahead in traffic. I could miss appointments by letting everybody go ahead. When people consciously let sensory traffic in, they could miss better value.
While dealing with mental & physical traffic, people need to get 'THERE'. Offer advantages for getting 'THERE', so people let you in ahead of others.
Imagine if all mental "vehicles" were trucks signaling value with product signs & drivers determine which trucks to let through. Sign messages plus truck sizes would hint about value people would expect. Do consumers have enough space to let your truck/messages enter? Your job includes explaining value to justify their costs of yielding to you.
Optimal interactions (including persuasion) happen in environments of norms. Laws & social norms influence behavior. Learn what society seems to enforce plus what niche members do for personal satisfaction & social allegiance.
Make advantage offers according to social rules-of-the-road as you drive value into personal spaces.
Attention, Interest, & Desire either diverge or merge like highway lanes as people become aware of optional Actions. Either way, success depends on being prioritized above others since your lane could be closed or rerouted as mental (memories & reminders) &/or physical (ability) access changes.
As excessive options merge into commoditization, differentiation is more important to separate offers while people can buy plus use products.
Induce Consumers To Let Your Offers Into Their Life Traffic.
Retailers are surprised when consumers aren't impressed enough by offers to fulfill AIDA. If people aren't aware of problems or opportunities, why pay Attention to Product-X $89?
Even if people are aware of problem severity or opportunity benefits, Product-X $89 doesn't explain how to improve anything or describe relief.
If people are aware of problems & opportunities, awareness might attract Attention, Interest & Desire. Inquiries & purchasing Actions come after information integrates Attention to, Interest in & Desire for problem solutions & opportunity fulfillment with Attention to, Interest in & Desire for product/service benefits.
Develop advantage offers to create awareness of problems, solutions, opportunities & fulfillment. Build AIDA to induce purchases.
What do you need to understand about people's life traffic? Humans have stimuli coming at them from almost all directions. It's almost like people need air traffic controllers to bring order.
Explain why people should let your offers in. If people have any available capacity to let your messages in, what makes your offers worthy of invitations?
High-traffic cities have carpool/bus lanes. Develop offers into valuable content "buses", so consumers prioritize them with dedicated lanes.
When your advantage offers integrate into people's needs & desires, promoted ideas can be like co-workers on employer-chartered buses arriving to create specific value. They're expected & allowed entry. When they're cleared by security, they're granted access after earning trust.
Offer coordinated products & methods to be like trusted co-workers on buses. Make them worthy of trust & invitation, by learning niche members' needs, desires & standards.
People might trust you with money via purchases after they trust you with time to offer value. When you provide advantages, you give reasons for putting other things (including overwhelming feelings & exhaustion) aside because people are eager for value.
We won't know all circumstantial factors affecting whether people expend mental energy & time on advertising.
People seem to have limits for some factors & combinations. Some limits might depend on brain regions. Very verbal people might have high maximums when conversing at work & home. Others seem to run out of words & need to zone out.
Visual people might have available mental energy & want more input but have tired eyes. Exhausted people can get second winds when interesting activities are available. Second winds are more than breath & require mental motivation.
Priorities Establish Right-Of-Way
Though subconscious minds involuntarily receive sensory impressions, advertisers are more successful when they gain access according to conscious priorities. Sensory traffic favorably passes based on personal right-of-way rules.
Loud, flashy interruptive advertising is like bigger vehicle drivers implying threat of force & size to push other drivers to yield.
Big (long) ads get through based on value, not gimmicks. Which facts & insights are worth immediate attention or research? Make your offers more valuable & worthy of attention than other things vying for niche members' attention.
Sensory impressions & priorities collide with others when right-of-way rules are disregarded. Establish value to avoid collisions.
Reticular activating systems are like mental receptionists responding based on ability to pay attention plus importance to people's lives.
Whether ads are logically or emotionally evaluated, reception depends on previous & current experiences. Do your best to make customer experiences fulfilling, so customers will figure you offer value for current &/or future opportunities.
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Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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