Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Successful Customer Service Requires Your Attention, Interest, Desire & Action.
Jay Abraham said people are interested in those who are interested in them. To be an interesting conversationalist, express concern about people before sales attempts. Consultations show concern & willingness to learn.
Stephen Covey advised seeking to understand before expecting others to understand. When you understand niche members, you can offer easy-to-understand advantages.
For value-building, advantage offers start with attentive interest to understand niche concerns. Maximize value by contextually fitting proposals to customers' lives & helping them understand causes & effects.
Basic Example: ‘Because you're concerned about (issue), (Store) combines (benefits) into customized advantages to solve, then prevent (problem). (Issue) is complex, so somebody else’s approaches might bring only limited success. To achieve full success, it’s time for (Store) consultations because (issue) is emerging. Let's prevent its full negative effects.’
Explain causal factors plus sufficient prevention or counteraction.
Example: Since people don't spend time in crawl-spaces below houses, negatives aren't noticed. There's just enough air movement for mold spores & humidity to enter & increase. Mold fouls air in occupied rooms by expanding upward & outward. After mold & damage remediation, ventilate crawl-spaces with filtered, dehumidified air. Regularly use problem checklists so you’ll remember prevention practices.
Your interest & understanding inspire consumers' interest in your offers by indicating potential advantages consumers won't find in discount stores.
Systematize insightful facts to increase value of customers’ assets. Synchronize insight inventory with product inventory based on people’s personal, social & seasonal transitions. Which product & insightful information combinations preserve stability during transitions?
Show interest in people’s concerns by explaining how to customize product benefits into advantages in current & desired life contexts.
Reach People Through Their Interests.
Your & customers' success depends on their: 1) receptivity to offers via specific media; & 2) available time, energy & money to buy. Multiple exposures are necessary, so distracted minds compare offers when related needs bubble to the top. As people consciously focus on activities & compartmentalize unrelated desires, subconscious minds scan for necessities, prioritized opportunities & threats.
Example: Mealtimes liberate hunger which settles for any necessary relief. Appetites crave flavor above necessities. Food advertising can register in subconscious minds, where appetites prioritize desires. Food descriptions & fragrances can stir memories plus arouse familiar cravings or curiosity.
Analogy: Food fragrances initially indicate appealing ingredients. Appealing indicators inspire minds to combine memories with updated awareness, attention & interest then determine which food seems desirable enough to warrant acquisition action.
Even without interpreting specific ingredient fragrances, people anticipate flavors especially when pleasant memories are triggered. Anticipation & appetite push from interest to desire satisfaction at least equivalent of what satisfied previous standards. How will you set niche members' standards to fit your advantage offers?
Fragrances seem to communicate chemically & descriptions trigger neuro-chemical memories. Appetites are harder to suppress when people anticipate satisfied desires.
You can inspire anticipation when you know how flavors (benefits) satisfy niche members’ appetites (triggered desires). Appetites combine interest with attention & push for fulfillment. People desire excitement (flavors) & have appetites for specific adventures (recipes).
Personal Example: My parents had me eat cooked cabbage; YUCK! They knew cole-slaw included raw cabbage, YUM! They could’ve satisfied my appetite with raw cabbage. Until I was older, I didn’t connect cole-slaw appetite with cabbage which was differentiated from cooked cabbage. Cooked cabbage consumption feels like losses. Cole-slaw consumption feels like winning though raw cabbage isn’t exactly a trophy.
Cole-slaw memories don't block cooked cabbage memories, but cole-slaw anticipation means I'm aware other cabbage combinations could be worth pursuing (action).
When you're interested in people, you can learn which memories to stir into renewed desires. When you know what's familiar & which impressions are inaccurate, you can differentiate your offers.
If you offer kohlrabies to people who dislike turnips, you'd need to differentiate based on appearance & flavor. If you promote the cabbage flavor, you can advise people to eat cooked or raw kohlrabies based on cabbage preferences.
Differentiate Based On People's Lives.
Do people perceive your offers as equivalent or superior advantages? Differentiate customers' advantages from other people's experiences with analogies, observations &/or familiar anecdotes.
Offer Example: ‘If you enjoy free-flight, ski-jumps could be like low-risk sky-dives & gliding. (Store) offers safer simulated experiences with wind-machines, hang-gliders & bungee cords.’
As memories fade, feelings become distant. Descriptions connect experiences & subconscious minds can maintain connections if conscious minds are pulled back to the present.
People are too distracted to reach for meaning over mental distances every time ads come long. Do that work for them, instead of letting their awareness & attention slip away. To inspire interest, help people connect what's familiar with your offers.
Be interested enough to differentiate among niches & their preferences for shaping plus combining conditions, products, skills & techniques. Each winter, Wisconsinites either leave; want to leave, but can't; enjoying staying; or are ambivalent.
Find ad recipients & use their degrees of desire for deciding ad timing plus products, services & information combinations. Wisconsinites, who leave in October, might want snow removal offers earlier than Wisconsinites exhausted by blizzards.
When you know what sustains satisfaction, help customers define & achieve full victory.
Your interest in people communicates your desire to recognize their specialness. Though it’s professional interest, you’ll imply personal concern about contributing to people’s well-being.
Empathy can be like pouring water to prime old long-handled pumps. Before self-priming pumps, jugs held water for pouring into pumps before lifting & pushing levers.
Like buying from discounters, people might apply excessive effort & time to eventually pump water without priming.
Discounters prime consumers with low-prices & wide selection. Water symbolizes value. You probably can’t afford low-prices, but you can afford valuable empathy. When you prime with empathy, you show consumers can safely reciprocate their interest with yours.
Awareness, Attention, Interest, Desire AND Action?!? Are You Serious?
Because of excessive distractions & contrasting priorities, people's awareness & attention are thinly spread among urgencies, emergencies & thousands of advertisers. Who has time & energy for interest, desire & action?
If retailers' offers only show interest in money (Product-X $43), consumers rightly wonder, "What's In It For Me?"
When retailers explain benefits, consumers have reasons to PAY (invest time & energy) attention. Retailers should explain how benefits correspond to consumers' needs & desires plus offer coaching about converting benefits into condition-specific advantages.
Basic Offer: 'You can satisfy your (need/desire) by using (product benefits) to create (advantage). (Store) has (products) plus guidance for you to maximize (product features) to improve __ & reduce __.'
People are concerned about privacy & seeming ignorant, despite knowing questions & answers are necessary.
By demonstrating basic understanding you indicate when consumers share specific information, team efforts will create value to fulfill life improvement criteria.
Build functional hope to increase people's trust for sharing deeper information to enhance functionality. Customers feel less risk when they realize how much they gain from sharing personal details.
Though total interpersonal understanding is unlikely, empathy includes learning & accepting people's reality. Empathy helps retailers reach people & explore their troubles.
Even when your & customers' knowledge is limited, you can use combined knowledge to help customers understand gaps between present & potential circumstances. In consultations, you can propose diagnoses, provide guidance & offer deeper advice, written suggestions &/or recommend tutorials.
Customers' Destinations & Goals Are ‘THERE’.
How long do customers plan to stay 'THERE'? Do they have optimal resource quantities for getting 'THERE' & staying long enough for full achievements?
Since June 2022 without human stereotypes, we've anthropomorphized bears & salmon plus extended Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy about avoiding success delusion. It's gone swimmingly!
Whether it's genetic or lack of planning, salmon deplete resources by swimming upstream while eating little or nothing. Some males fight & females dig nests. Whether they successfully spawn, they die. Salmon should eat well in oceans because by focusing on prey in rivers, they might become prey.
They don't review expectations & plan: Step-1: Though ocean currents are different from rivers, train by swimming into currents. Step-2: Salmon are relatively safer swimming in oceans among familiar food & predator species. Study future conditions & plan contingencies. Step-3: Swimming upstream in fresh water rivers. Adapt techniques for shallow navigation & self-protection from unfamiliar predators.
Consultation Example: '(Effort) helps you reach __. (Product) supports your efforts, so you can __. When you achieve (benefit), options will open so you can choose (range of advantages). Kit-A results will help us test for the best approaches because (problem) is the preliminary diagnosis. Kit-A should start creating (benefit) from (preliminary result) with (products), so as you close that gap you'll notice one of these indications: 1) progress; 2) interrupted decline; or 3) possibly continued decline. Progress will indicate it's time to implement the full project with Kit-B. Interrupted declines would show you should continue with Kit-A before finishing with Kit-B. If declines would continue, the problem diagnosis could be __, so Kit-C would be effective. Please take pictures & notice (sensory indicators) so we can review your findings.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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