Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Avoid Encouraging Consumers to Ignore Advertising.
People avoid wasting resources on anything perceived as unproductive.
You'll maximize advertising efficacy by testing offers & using consultations to learn consumers' perceptions of current & potential circumstances. While withholding direct criticism of customers' goals, you can lead people to persuade themselves to adjust perceptions & goals.
Offer Example: '(Store) offers (products) & insightful knowledge for shaping (results) into advantages. Imagine checking your house for (problem) without dread because (Store) guidance will link your product choices with instructions for achieving your goal. You can end (problem) & create progress with less stress because you created new advantages.'
Don't risk big bucks without knowing how consumers perceive reality. Learn their beliefs about their abilities to shape reality. Consistently test offers & adjust after interviewing respondents.
Apparently, retailers assume consumers are motivated to accept ads. Consumers consistently need/want benefits, but questionable claims & bland offers indicate advertising isn't worthy of attention. Advantage offers build on Awareness by earning Attention, Interest, Desire & Action.
Advantage Offers Motivate Consumers To Accept Ads.
People are motivated or naturally inclined to approach familiar locations & resources for opportunities plus avoid potentially threatening unfamiliar things.
Advantage offers are different than competitors' bland ads & stimulate curiosity by establishing consumers' awareness of valuable options for creating remedies & opportunities. Ads should demonstrate you understand niche members enough to help them escape trouble, change directions & achieve goals.
Overwhelmed people temporarily avoid exploration & might skip limited time/supply offers, while resting or recovering from stress. Avoidance can become habitual stagnation despite an uncomfortable status quo. Habits seemingly have gravitational pull & breaking free includes techniques for maximizing products to establish traction & momentum.
Setbacks Break Momentum by Undermining Traction
Advantage offers explain basics so consumers recognize their circumstances & realize you can guide their steps for maximum traction & minimum slippage.
Even uncomfortable mistakes can become habitual when overwhelmed people don't recognize negatives or positive alternatives. Explain why offers are viable options via step-by-step understanding. Example: (Symptom) indicates (cause). Step-1 uses (product) to start (process) which is necessary because __.
Build insightful local knowledge to develop questions about maximizing suppliers' offers & for guiding customers' expectations & actions.
Ask customers for reports plus request suppliers' testimonial & case study files to demonstrate why product & technique combinations bring advantages. These establish foundations for offers & consultations. Exchange insightful information in updated consultations when customers return for more advantages.
Adapt insights into offers. Example:
Customer- 'When I used (products & techniques), I got (benefit).' Retailer- 'By adding (Product-A & Technique-B) to (benefit), you can increase it to (advantage).'
Future Offer: 'It's time to plan for (benefit). (Store) consultations explore your expectations to refine your goals. Let's consider your skills & conditions, so you'll sharpen your ability to do (techniques) & maximize (products) for creating (advantage).'
Increase Your Sales by Increasing Value.
My advice integrates your store into customers' lives & integrates their successes into your success.
If you reject this advice, how will you differentiate offers & your store?
Typical advertising ('Product-X $7.99') doesn't offer better experiential opportunities or observable remedies. Would you buy from somebody yelling, 'Widgets $56'
Test compelling descriptions because people might ignore nondescript or redundant offers. When you test product combinations & offer statements you might attract consumers who weren't impressed by previous offers.
Motivate People to Move Toward Your Offers.
When actions & increased comfort correlate, people feel approaches or avoidance bring progress.
Advantage offers induce people to approach for new & upgraded experiences or problem avoidance. Activity exploration & planning can increase motivation because people anticipate better options especially when your retailer team offers disruption avoidance. How much disruption is preventable if customers can prepare?
Analogy: As Problem-ABCD starts, can customers avoid D, reduce C & quickly repair AB damage? After repairs, which offers would help customers personally recover enough to enjoy opportunities? How can your retailer teammates help customers confidently prepare for trouble & plan opportunities?
As stress dispels positivity from people's minds, how will you explain offers so functional hope & motivation relieve stress. After consumers feel that relief, they want more. Help people accept your advantage offers by explaining how you improve functionality.
Consider Consumers' Issues When You Develop Offers.
Do customers have updated knowledge about problems & techniques while planning to approach opportunities & avoid problems? If you don't offer knowledge updates, how will customers choose the best retailer, products & techniques?
If people are dissatisfied with previous offers & uninterested in stale promotion methods, how will you achieve AIDA?
Determine whether to motivate consumers to continue actions, adjust or change directions. After that, find THEIR reasons for actions instead of trying to persuade people to adopt YOUR motivations.
To prepare for or preserve opportunities, which disruptions do customers need to avoid? Do consumers recognize existing disruptions? How do consumers define opportunities & disruptions? How do you help customers maximize opportunities & minimize disruptions?
Fill consumers' knowledge gaps with insightful facts to create understanding of ways your offers fill gaps between conditions & consumers' goals.
Help consumers understand facts. Expectations drive purchases when people make assumptions about conditions, products & methods. As you learn about common assumptions, your ads should clarify issues. Do niche members expect superior advantages from generic products or methods?
Assumption-Based Actions Resemble Magical Thinking.
As we continue with magical thinking from January, let's avoid more human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon & extend Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy about success delusion.
I don't mean people believe they're magical.
Human nature imitates salmon nature when anybody assumes experiences indicate future consequences. Ocean-bound salmon swim to opportunities & away from problems. Rocks, logs, weeds & predators in shallow rivers are unfamiliar challenges for salmon.
Predators notice salmon swimming/leaping over obstacles. Air-borne salmon swim (they can't fly) & try swimming motions to break predators' grips. They swim toward spawning areas as if swimming is their only requirement. Their main activity is swimming since it matches their abilities. Swimming has always been sufficient, why change now?
If they prepare & don't let predators take control, salmon could use their tails to slap predators then escape while predators attempt self-defense. (It works in cartoons! OOPS! Magical Thinking!)
What would demonstrate benefits of preparations, so people accept offers? What could persuade people to adopt other resources for more abilities & be thoroughly prepared? How would you explain thorough preparation based on customers' needs/desires, goals & expectations?
People's actions & attitudes seem to mimic spawning salmon as they return to natal rivers without considering other options & planning precautions. Salmon hatchlings don't have the same experiences as adults swimming upstream. If they'd remember any details, evidence-based comparisons could be reality checks.
Consultations could prompt adults to remember river & personal conditions. For multiple spawning species, adults' case studies would help future spawners.
You can work with groups to create advantages based on members' varying experience levels. You & members can combine experiences, insights, & knowledge with physical resources to spawn advantages for each.
Conditions Analogy: 'Salmon hatchlings swam through small spaces & weren't noticed by predators. While swimming/leaping over rocks, adults are caught or barely escape. If they had known water-levels (condition-A) would change; they would've searched for camouflage (resource-B) & prepared to blend in (do action-C), so they could spawn (achieve result-D).
Human Consultation: As you remember (condition-A), what do you expect when you return? By looking at these pictures or scouting the area, you'll notice (condition-A) changed. Do you want to achieve (result-D)? Are you prepared to do (action-C)? (Discounters) have (resource-B-minus) & don't demonstrate it. I'll demonstrate how to use (resource-B+plus). Its advantage over (resource-B-minus) is __. (Resource-B+plus) makes (result-D) achievement easier because __.'
Many fish aren't threatened by bears & don't have lessons for salmon. They need to consult with or be escorted by piranha because salmon physical options are limited. Choices seem to be pre-ordained by salmon nature but self-inflicted limits are optional.
After bears teach cubs about piranha, salmon could use Anti-Predator-X piranha drones. (Work with me, OK!?)
What evidence would show which product & technique options advantageously fulfill desires so customers are persuaded to invest?
Great Lakes salmon might reject anti-predator products because salmon eat other species. If you offered Anti-Predator-X $38 without explanations, it would be irrational to expect anybody to magically recognize it & its benefits.
Salmon busily strive to fulfill responsibilities without knowing about land-based predators (humans & birds) because few salmon escape & inform others. After surviving for years without protection, salmon might magically assume a need for protection is a myth because salmon are the only serious predators.
Some sport-fishers catch-&-release salmon, who could think they escaped but deny being caught.
You won't persuade everybody. You only need to attract the persuadable with questions braggarts won't answer. Fishing-line breakers could claim they're too smart to be caught but how did they get that hook-shaped mouth jewelry?
Consultation Analogy: 'Lures seem attractive but real organisms look like (insects) & move like (wiggling motion). Use Hook-Detector to confirm safe food.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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