Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Help Customers Integrate Benefits into Advantageous Predictable Storylines.

Stories alternate progression & regression in personal goals & social connections. Whether products are used socially, effects influence self-perceptions, which can shape social interactions & life-stories.

If storylines shifted unfavorably, did people misinterpret external factors or fail because of inadequate assets or despite good resources? What was misinterpreted? Which choices brought failure?

If people surrender, stagnation cancels happy endings. After numerous losses, victory seems out-of-reach & surrendering cuts losses.

Guide experience reevaluations to convert fulfilled expectations into steps toward happiness & unfulfilled expectations into improvement lessons. Positive expectations & lessons open alternatives when knowledge & attitudes inspire actions.

Problem remedies can cause side effects & conflict with other life aspects while disrupting happy endings. Negative assumptions seem safer if people are unsure whether unfamiliar products & conditions might increase risks. Even if circumstances stagnate, familiarity seems safer than unfamiliar changes.

Early-adopters want new technologies, willingly confront incompatibilities & contribute developmental insights about problems & benefits. If suppliers share early-adopters' input, use it to coach customers in using products early enough to prevent or limit problems.

Technology compatibilities can increase progress but incompatibilities increase burdens. Because conditions differ & each household uses different products, manufacturers can't fully predict incompatibilities.

Many consumers won't buy until necessities are imperative &/or drawbacks are eliminated. Consultations & pre-need practice can establish familiarity with requirements, so customers prepare to recognize & mitigate trouble.

Without accurate problem recognition, people might use convenient, familiar but inadequate products. Without owning recognized products for recognized problems, people might buy familiar discount products.

Without full problem recognition, people might treat symptoms & indulge in success delusion when symptoms recede, though problems remain.

Since we're sensitive to potential stereotypes, let's continue using Marshall Goldsmith's bear-salmon Success Delusion analogy.

If anthropomorphized salmon conclude their major problem is predators can see them in shallow rivers, turning back might seem safer. By agreeing to spawn while bears hibernate, salmon could encounter totally frozen spawning areas, so delays are counterproductive.

Comfortable Familiarity Won't Guarantee Success.

Advantage offers include insightful opportunity & problem information, so people choose successful options.

Use advertising frequency & reach to make offers familiar plus make products convenient with pre-need knowledge.

Some learn better through doing activities, but hesitate about learning lessons from mistakes. What's the minimum information consumers need for recognizing problems plus recognizing you as a convenient, authoritative source?

Just-in-time actions should include pre-need learning & practice. Start prevention before full symptom onset. Start solutions before problems become irreversible. Prevention & solution refinements result from repetitive evaluation, learning & practice processes as people achieve confidence.

Because troubles differ widely, alertness is vital but unproductive until people combine alertness with refined identification. Excessive caution might overload mental processing & attention, so people don't notice details & mistakes delay benefits.

Offer Example: '(Store) acquired (products) which you can use to __. Let's consult about circumstances & requirements. If you need different product versions, let's check wholesalers' listings. Discounters have limited choices. At (Store), you have voice plus choice. Ask questions so we can find answers, if you don't understand benefits of products & techniques. Since your success requires more than products, (Store) offers insightful information & guidance to find tutorials for developing skills applying to your tools, materials & circumstances. Let's be sure your plans & preparations fit your goals. At (Store), your chosen product & service combinations will bring you confidence.'

Familiar Circumstances & Strange Twists

Even if natal rivers wouldn't change, spawning salmon are different than ocean-bound fry. Adults' slower upstream swimming & size makes them attractive to predators. Bears don't seem dangerous to undetected fry.

After avoiding hooks, nets & predators in oceans, salmon could feel confident since rivers are shallower & narrower with fewer attack opportunities, but bears attack differently.

Memories might indicate reality & influence expectations which are assumptions about reality.

If based only on familiar threats, plans breakdown quickly. Reality-checks might embarrass some customers, but you can request permission to explain reasons: 'Though this equipment is expensive, let's explore why this (repair/replacement) is important for you.'

New Warranted Vehicles Can Be Burdensome.

Problem preventions & remedies can relieve burdens but add others. Example: Barely damaged vehicles could be functionally repaired but emission-reduction & safety technology replacement costs exceed vehicle resale values.

Necessary technology repairs become unaffordable, so recent models become junk. Even if intact components are valuable, would technicians charge excessively to install used components to repair salvaged vehicles? Would there be affordable warranties & insurance?

If totally refurbished products' purchase & operation costs approach new product prices, would people expect offsetting values: convenience, reliability/durability/confidence, comfort, etc.?

People might purchase privately without realizing moderately damaged technology becomes unpredictable.

If unguided purchases become mistakes, happy endings are unlikely. Wise decisions are necessary for fulfilling responsibilities. Unwise actions disrupt confidence with increased stress whether actions are short missions or long-term pursuits.

If life-story chapters become worse, people might prefer stagnation. Your consultations can bring incremental improvements to show customers' emerging chapters can be better.

Conflicting Desires, Expectations & Beliefs

Despite desiring & expecting quick improvements, people might disbelieve quick-fix offers. Explain how you develop integrated benefits & why they're important.

Offer Example: '(Store) offers integrate into your life. This means while consulting, we'll determine circumstantial causes & effects plus product & technique combinations to achieve your goals. Let's compare product & technique benefits to your expected opportunities, so you'll be ready for plan implementation.'

Whether creation & maintenance activities/projects represent sprints or marathons, people's preparations & results affect confidence. Without confidence, stress builds into fatigue & interferes with judgment & implementation.

Mistakes raise stress & downward spirals multiply. Guide consumers' perceptions of successful achievements, then offer resources for winning races.

However people design stories or missions, benefit eagerness should be balanced with costs of acquiring implementable knowledge & skills. People may act prematurely without testing if complex tasks seem easy.

Testing can reveal benefits, but deeper explorations & benefit developments require insightful knowledge & skills acquired through actions. If customers learn from incremental steps that don't fulfill expectations, label those as tests.

No Problem or No Reported Problems

Salmon successfully swim to oceans but eaten salmon can't report spawning failures, so each year salmon expect successes.

If you don't find enough insightful knowledge from shared discoveries, help customers create personal lessons.

As conditions change, people should verify expectations based on memories, perceptions, education &/or observations.

Tests are developed to define limits of applicability & functionality. Successful tests might show resources &/or techniques aren't functional in some circumstances. It means other resources & methods should be tested.

Risks remain until somebody explores possible resources & tries actions to develop &/or combine resources & techniques.

Adequacy is generally definable but criteria are specifically applicable. Other people's lessons & observations can reveal risks that indicate preparation criteria. Some needs might become apparent after starting.

If typical criteria are low-prices, people might not explore criteria for each need. Since people hesitate about spending more than necessary, explain what could be lost & how high-quality products ensure opportunities &/or prevent losses.

Planning, skill-building & resource acquisitions should be iterative. Potential losses might become apparent at various steps & make prevention possible. Skills should fit resources & fulfill steps, so finished plans make each step achievable.

After people define expectations & projects (life-story chapters) emerge as expected, disruptions can be like awakening in different stories. Plot twists make stories interesting & possibly hard to follow, so people might struggle with explanations.

Internally, these disruptions put other priorities off-track like derailed trains blocking traffic. A life is like a track & priorities are like trains. When high priorities are derailed, people delay other priorities until tracks are cleared & repaired.

Contrary facts & theories blow in like windstorms. Despite facts being equally true, people shouldn't force-fit them if they fit different conditions. Example: Repaired roofs don't rain-proof houses. Wind can blow rain around window frames.

When people are more concerned about price than applicability, they're tempted to imagine short-term results are functional. Instead of regretting cheap stuff purchases & getting barely adequate satisfaction, people should know what's possible & practical.

Product benefits are easy to explain but harder to make interesting. Differentiate by showing interest in customers & you'll seem more interesting to them. Make offers about local people based on your research which shows your interest in them.

After receiving your messages, people's confirmation research is easier than in-depth research. Their thoughts & questions probe memories: 'I remember that happened.' 'I've felt that.' 'I've noticed that.' 'Did you experience it?'

After that confirmation, people might check other sources for details but personal verification is more meaningful. As people verify functionality & durability of their value creations, advantage offers present more potential value people hope for.

Functional hope applies to integrating products, skills & insightful facts. Force-fitting is NOT integration. Force-fitting cheap stuff with top-quality products causes malfunctions & derails priorities.

Ensure progress with top-quality products made for specific purposes without degradation from cheap products.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Share Beliefs & Match Criteria to Integrate Customers' Success with Yours.

While reading this, consider consumers evaluating personal beliefs while strange external beliefs invade too quickly for full evaluations.

Seeing is believing unless people stubbornly ignore, misinterpret &/or reject uncomfortable details. Nobody perfectly perceives all details or whether issues are pertinent to goals.

Confirmation biases are decisions of what's true or would be without complications. What are niche members' preferences for resolving complications? Advertise into customers' beliefs including empowerment to maintain or improve reality.

Since people's confidence wanes, do your offers support biases or make advantages reachable with specific resources?

Offer Example: 'Since weather supports & hinders plants, gardeners need integrated knowledge & products. (Store) kits customize instructions to integrate products & skills with tutorials. Local problem evaluations guide products & skills integration to harness positive factors with fewer negatives. Make gardens pleasant challenges with strategic tilling, mulching & planting fitting your goals, soil & weather.'

Advantage Offers Combine Mental & Physical Benefits.

Continual disappointments seemingly confirm failure delusions (perceived impossibilities). Customized kits generate possibilities to augment customers' life stories or chapters. Kits boost abilities, so people can establish, support &/or extend self-confidence.

Let’s continue extending Marshall Goldsmith’s success delusion analogy & avoid human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon with piranha protectors. (This post ends with straight advice.)

This nonpolitical analogy (below) demonstrates serving niches. It seems strange until you consider current controversies from opponents competing for "truth" & rejecting each other. How will you compete when people are comfortable with lies?

If nature or society pressures salmon to spawn, "SHOULD" &/or "CAN" beliefs could inspire actions.

Belief Formation: 'I should spawn, but can I? Previous adults haven't returned, so how would we know spawning is still possible? When we left, some eggs remained. Do fry come from those? Are scientists lying about unproductive eggs?'

Integrate INFORMATION into Belief FORMATION.

While deciding & planning, what do salmon believe about themselves, responsibilities & conditions? What are their preparation criteria? Do they want or believe they need help? What would ensure proficient goal achievements, so salmon decide to act?

Salmon might reject piranhas as unnecessary consultants or extreme escorts because salmon adequately survived danger & fulfilled opportunities for years. Ocean-bound salmon haven't seen bears. Salmon don't return to oceans & report bear troubles.

Danger awareness OR upstream swimming could be manageable until concurrent difficulties emerge. Simultaneous mental AND physical exertions cause exhaustion.

Though salmon don't survive spawning experiences or bear encounters, bears have observed case studies &/or experiences with salmon. Would sensible salmon go unprotected because they reject piranhas without bear experiences? Are salmon like many humans prioritizing pride over physical safety?

Salmon could be deluded about probabilities of spawning successfully since their parents spawned. While living in oceans, adults don't see bears eating salmon. Would they be convinced by bear attack videos or pictures of rotting fish scraps eaten by scavengers? When unprepared salmon learn bears are real, it's too late to avoid danger.

Salmon could think their population indicates their parents were safe enough to spawn.

Counter Argument: If swimming upstream is easy & safe, why aren't thousands preparing to spawn? Females can have thousands of eggs. Males have milt for thousands of offspring. In safe conditions, hundreds of adults could propagate thousands of offspring. Logical questions can prompt reconsideration of beliefs & options.

(Advertise observable facts, so skeptics notice customers' successes & reassess confirmation biases about unsolvable problems.)

If salmon don't implement protective or preventative actions, bears are apt to attack. Salmon won't get second chances. Piranha might save salmon by doing "extreme" things to bears.

Protection drones might be invented if piranhas' successes are judged as extreme. If bears witness piranha attacks, salmon might avoid extreme actions with remote-controlled passive drones to scare, but not attack bears. (Remote-controls require thumbs? It's an analogy!)

Would bears learn to identify drones & attack salmon? Would bears invent drones to hunt & serve-up prey?

Attack drone marketers might compare passive drones to drone (male) bees without stingers. 'You won't be protected if drones can't attack enemies.' Passive drone marketers would exploit any cases of "extreme actions". Bears would judge any salmon defenses as extreme violence.

Optimal protection could seem extreme or minimal depending on biases. If salmon want full protection without controversy, should they avoid danger (change spawning practices), risk danger by using minimal measures or ensure safety despite criticism of violence?

Testing is necessary but should salmon start with maximum measures then decrease, or minimum then increase? Depending on criteria, the same results seem inadequate or excessive.

Marketers could avoid consultations but recommend products & procedures with testimonials &/or case studies. But without collaboration, how would retailers & customers find resources to maximize effectiveness without excessiveness?

How Would You Counter Objections Of Extreme Practices?

Piranhas won't attack bears on land. Bears might be attacked while drinking or crossing rivers peacefully. How would piranhas or drones differentiate peaceful bears from predators? Though bears don't warn prey, should bears be warned about piranhas?

If piranha recruitment is salmons' only effective, efficient protective & preventative action, "STEP-1" could be hiring one piranha as a test. If that piranha goes with the first salmon contingent & makes an example of a bear, other bears could attack while the piranha is busy.

Some bears would think they'll defeat any fish because they've defeated many. How many piranhas would be necessary to cause bears to stay away? How many piranha-bear case studies would "prove" piranhas caused bears to stop attacking?

After piranhas would be accepted as escorts, should they consult with salmon to maximize plans & resources? Would communication devices help fish exchange questions & answers or report expected plus unexpected results? Fish-to-fish communication devices can inspire confidence & reduce stress. If salmon didn't request help, reducing stress would conserve energy. Salmon could be more productive & enjoy traveling.

(If people don't actively use products/services, benefit availability is like insurance. Though insurance premiums might seem wasted, financial protection is reassuring.)

Would communication/in-transit consultations help piranhas adjust current & future offers? In-progress incremental tests can bring quick results & adjustments instead of waiting to learn afterward or acting based on historically different conditions. Direct observational & experiential applications can preserve emerging benefits while actions are functional.

Piranhas might survive even if salmon become prey, but without salmon spawning, the customer-base would shrink. Piranha should interview salmon while they evaluate positives & negatives plus record testimonials. Did salmon feel personally secure? Were they uncertain about achieving their goal? Did they understand how & why products & actions were/weren't efficacious?

Salmon might think they're safer in numbers because they can overwhelm bears. It'd only work because some salmon are caught while others swim past. Salmon might object to recruiting predatory fish while justifying how they prey on smaller fish.

As Our World Churns, So Do We!

How will defend yourself & customers who use products for unintended purposes?

Whichever niche you choose, you'll need to defend customers to yourself & others. If you switch away from unprofitable niches, how would you justify your prior defense? How would you justify switching?

Advantage offers demonstrate loyalty to customers, so they justify integrating your store because they prefer specific products, principles & practices. What do niche members stand for/against? How do you support their stance? Passion for people motivates people's mutual support.

If you lose or don't have a passionate affinity for your niche, products/services & insightful knowledge, how will you continue day-after-day. You might logically defend choices to yourself & others, but you should have emotive energy.

Zig Ziglar said enthusiasm means "I Am Sold Myself". Selling includes internal & external logic & emotion.

Jim Collins's Hedgehog Concept is based on understanding 3 intersecting circles: "what you can be the best in the world at, what you are deeply passionate about, and what best drives your economic or resource engine."

Your dedication grows from your passion for profitably developing your talents & insightful knowledge to help people create & maintain advantages. Compelling offer descriptions boost rapport by expressing your dedication & connecting your passion to consumers' passion. Rapport attracts customers & holds them in your orbit as integration increases.

Express how benefits combine into advantages & why these are important for customers, plus why customer integration is advantageous for them & you. Customer integration means you're united, so continued integration builds & maintains more advantages.

Establish Your Niche. Join The Team.

If you offer similar products, differentiate from competitors with insightful knowledge for specific people's goals. If you don't have testimonials or case studies, refer to product reviews. Without identifying people, advise checking news reports, especially about people who disregarded warnings.

People might be confident about success despite hazards & be unprepared until you present indications with precautions & remedies. As you create customer satisfaction, present testimonials & case studies about using insightful information with criteria to diagnose & overcome problems.

Discount product-price offers show discounters lack facts about products & consumers' conditions. That price focus shows concern about money. Insufficient facts show discounters aren't teammates concerned about consumers' results.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Avoid Encouraging Consumers to Ignore Advertising.

People avoid wasting resources on anything perceived as unproductive.

You'll maximize advertising efficacy by testing offers & using consultations to learn consumers' perceptions of current & potential circumstances. While withholding direct criticism of customers' goals, you can lead people to persuade themselves to adjust perceptions & goals.

Offer Example: '(Store) offers (products) & insightful knowledge for shaping (results) into advantages. Imagine checking your house for (problem) without dread because (Store) guidance will link your product choices with instructions for achieving your goal. You can end (problem) & create progress with less stress because you created new advantages.'

Don't risk big bucks without knowing how consumers perceive reality. Learn their beliefs about their abilities to shape reality. Consistently test offers & adjust after interviewing respondents.

Apparently, retailers assume consumers are motivated to accept ads. Consumers consistently need/want benefits, but questionable claims & bland offers indicate advertising isn't worthy of attention. Advantage offers build on Awareness by earning Attention, Interest, Desire & Action.

Advantage Offers Motivate Consumers To Accept Ads.

People are motivated or naturally inclined to approach familiar locations & resources for opportunities plus avoid potentially threatening unfamiliar things.

Advantage offers are different than competitors' bland ads & stimulate curiosity by establishing consumers' awareness of valuable options for creating remedies & opportunities. Ads should demonstrate you understand niche members enough to help them escape trouble, change directions & achieve goals.

Overwhelmed people temporarily avoid exploration & might skip limited time/supply offers, while resting or recovering from stress. Avoidance can become habitual stagnation despite an uncomfortable status quo. Habits seemingly have gravitational pull & breaking free includes techniques for maximizing products to establish traction & momentum.

Setbacks Break Momentum by Undermining Traction

Advantage offers explain basics so consumers recognize their circumstances & realize you can guide their steps for maximum traction & minimum slippage.

Even uncomfortable mistakes can become habitual when overwhelmed people don't recognize negatives or positive alternatives. Explain why offers are viable options via step-by-step understanding. Example: (Symptom) indicates (cause). Step-1 uses (product) to start (process) which is necessary because __.

Build insightful local knowledge to develop questions about maximizing suppliers' offers & for guiding customers' expectations & actions.

Ask customers for reports plus request suppliers' testimonial & case study files to demonstrate why product & technique combinations bring advantages. These establish foundations for offers & consultations. Exchange insightful information in updated consultations when customers return for more advantages.

Adapt insights into offers. Example: Customer- 'When I used (products & techniques), I got (benefit).' Retailer- 'By adding (Product-A & Technique-B) to (benefit), you can increase it to (advantage).'

Future Offer: 'It's time to plan for (benefit). (Store) consultations explore your expectations to refine your goals. Let's consider your skills & conditions, so you'll sharpen your ability to do (techniques) & maximize (products) for creating (advantage).'

Increase Your Sales by Increasing Value.

My advice integrates your store into customers' lives & integrates their successes into your success. If you reject this advice, how will you differentiate offers & your store?

Typical advertising ('Product-X $7.99') doesn't offer better experiential opportunities or observable remedies. Would you buy from somebody yelling, 'Widgets $56'

Test compelling descriptions because people might ignore nondescript or redundant offers. When you test product combinations & offer statements you might attract consumers who weren't impressed by previous offers.

Motivate People to Move Toward Your Offers.

When actions & increased comfort correlate, people feel approaches or avoidance bring progress.

Advantage offers induce people to approach for new & upgraded experiences or problem avoidance. Activity exploration & planning can increase motivation because people anticipate better options especially when your retailer team offers disruption avoidance. How much disruption is preventable if customers can prepare?

Analogy: As Problem-ABCD starts, can customers avoid D, reduce C & quickly repair AB damage? After repairs, which offers would help customers personally recover enough to enjoy opportunities? How can your retailer teammates help customers confidently prepare for trouble & plan opportunities?

As stress dispels positivity from people's minds, how will you explain offers so functional hope & motivation relieve stress. After consumers feel that relief, they want more. Help people accept your advantage offers by explaining how you improve functionality.

Consider Consumers' Issues When You Develop Offers.

Do customers have updated knowledge about problems & techniques while planning to approach opportunities & avoid problems? If you don't offer knowledge updates, how will customers choose the best retailer, products & techniques?

If people are dissatisfied with previous offers & uninterested in stale promotion methods, how will you achieve AIDA?

Determine whether to motivate consumers to continue actions, adjust or change directions. After that, find THEIR reasons for actions instead of trying to persuade people to adopt YOUR motivations.

To prepare for or preserve opportunities, which disruptions do customers need to avoid? Do consumers recognize existing disruptions? How do consumers define opportunities & disruptions? How do you help customers maximize opportunities & minimize disruptions?

Fill consumers' knowledge gaps with insightful facts to create understanding of ways your offers fill gaps between conditions & consumers' goals.

Help consumers understand facts. Expectations drive purchases when people make assumptions about conditions, products & methods. As you learn about common assumptions, your ads should clarify issues. Do niche members expect superior advantages from generic products or methods?

Assumption-Based Actions Resemble Magical Thinking.

As we continue with magical thinking from January, let's avoid more human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon & extend Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy about success delusion.

I don't mean people believe they're magical.

Human nature imitates salmon nature when anybody assumes experiences indicate future consequences. Ocean-bound salmon swim to opportunities & away from problems. Rocks, logs, weeds & predators in shallow rivers are unfamiliar challenges for salmon.

Predators notice salmon swimming/leaping over obstacles. Air-borne salmon swim (they can't fly) & try swimming motions to break predators' grips. They swim toward spawning areas as if swimming is their only requirement. Their main activity is swimming since it matches their abilities. Swimming has always been sufficient, why change now?

If they prepare & don't let predators take control, salmon could use their tails to slap predators then escape while predators attempt self-defense. (It works in cartoons! OOPS! Magical Thinking!)

What would demonstrate benefits of preparations, so people accept offers? What could persuade people to adopt other resources for more abilities & be thoroughly prepared? How would you explain thorough preparation based on customers' needs/desires, goals & expectations?

People's actions & attitudes seem to mimic spawning salmon as they return to natal rivers without considering other options & planning precautions. Salmon hatchlings don't have the same experiences as adults swimming upstream. If they'd remember any details, evidence-based comparisons could be reality checks.

Consultations could prompt adults to remember river & personal conditions. For multiple spawning species, adults' case studies would help future spawners.

You can work with groups to create advantages based on members' varying experience levels. You & members can combine experiences, insights, & knowledge with physical resources to spawn advantages for each.

Conditions Analogy: 'Salmon hatchlings swam through small spaces & weren't noticed by predators. While swimming/leaping over rocks, adults are caught or barely escape. If they had known water-levels (condition-A) would change; they would've searched for camouflage (resource-B) & prepared to blend in (do action-C), so they could spawn (achieve result-D).

Human Consultation: As you remember (condition-A), what do you expect when you return? By looking at these pictures or scouting the area, you'll notice (condition-A) changed. Do you want to achieve (result-D)? Are you prepared to do (action-C)? (Discounters) have (resource-B-minus) & don't demonstrate it. I'll demonstrate how to use (resource-B+plus). Its advantage over (resource-B-minus) is __. (Resource-B+plus) makes (result-D) achievement easier because __.'

Many fish aren't threatened by bears & don't have lessons for salmon. They need to consult with or be escorted by piranha because salmon physical options are limited. Choices seem to be pre-ordained by salmon nature but self-inflicted limits are optional.

After bears teach cubs about piranha, salmon could use Anti-Predator-X piranha drones. (Work with me, OK!?)

What evidence would show which product & technique options advantageously fulfill desires so customers are persuaded to invest?

Great Lakes salmon might reject anti-predator products because salmon eat other species. If you offered Anti-Predator-X $38 without explanations, it would be irrational to expect anybody to magically recognize it & its benefits.

Salmon busily strive to fulfill responsibilities without knowing about land-based predators (humans & birds) because few salmon escape & inform others. After surviving for years without protection, salmon might magically assume a need for protection is a myth because salmon are the only serious predators.

Some sport-fishers catch-&-release salmon, who could think they escaped but deny being caught.

You won't persuade everybody. You only need to attract the persuadable with questions braggarts won't answer. Fishing-line breakers could claim they're too smart to be caught but how did they get that hook-shaped mouth jewelry?

Consultation Analogy: 'Lures seem attractive but real organisms look like (insects) & move like (wiggling motion). Use Hook-Detector to confirm safe food.'

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Happy Days Aren't Lost. Find Resources to Block Sadness & Restore Happiness.

Let's continue our Happy Days analogy & extend Marshall Goldsmith’s success delusion analogy (started June 2022) to avoid human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon.

This Happy Days analogy fits retailing because teenagers' concerns remain through adulthood. Retailers should understand obstacles to customers’ goals.

Abraham Maslow published his Hierarchy of Needs & studied humans' desires to dominate others.

Many thugs won't change because they won't admit being wrong plus they’re afraid of victimization. Thugs use objects & actions they fear to threaten others. Bullying "confirms" those objects & actions are terrifying, plus thugs enjoy feeling powerful. If previous victims still feel vulnerable, they might want overt products to discourage thugs.

Thugs may demand covert weapons to avoid being perceived as weaklings by peers. Thugs wield weapons to intimidate victims. Though victims may be afraid of weapons, self-deluded thugs believe victims fear them. It's like magical thinking because victims fear weapons & injuries.

Magical thinking starts in childhood. Example: Obedient children look both ways before crossing streets but don't wait for drivers to stop. Instead of investigating unknown causes, some people hope to control what will offset effects of unknown causes.

Magical thinking & success delusion relate when people don't understand or clarify important causes & effects. Examples: Knowledge is NOT power. Cramming for tests doesn't bring educational excellence or professional proficiency.

Proficiency comes from integrating insightful facts & optimizing implementations to fit conditions.

Discounters' customers learn about product categories & expect quick benefits. Consumers should learn to integrate specific products for influencing local problems & opportunities plus identify when efforts are successful.

Instead of diligently learning techniques, Richie felt threatened & "crammed" self-defense lessons with Fonzie's quick remedy suggestion to act tough. (It’s like discounters' inadequate offers to save money without considering product effectiveness.)

People are frustrated by gradual benefits of method testing & learning. After learning repair techniques & succeeding with high-quality products, people might attempt similar repairs with cheap products. After successful repairs, people like believing they succeeded without considering other factors.

Offer Example: ‘After winter storms damaged __, it's repair time again. (Store) is stocked with (products). Though mortals can repair __, nature is still more powerful. (Store) checklists are available to assess what to replace or repair. You might have previous project instructions. Those might apply to cheap alternative products, but (Store) offers high-quality (products) with manufacturer warranties, so you can rely on them through a full winter. If you try replacing cheap stuff during cold weather, you'll be uncomfortable with the weather & substandard results.'

Vulnerabilities Multiply Impatience.

Impatience & unrealistic expectations disrupt cognitive processing.

Self-defense novices internally battle comfortable habits which seem superior compared to nascent skills. It's like salmon successfully swimming from ocean-dwelling predators. In shallow rivers, fish can't dive deeply to avoid birds & bears. Predators grip harder to overcome fish trying to swim faster, so fish are injured more. They feel dominated & react with current abilities instead of adapting to new threats.

Which responses are appropriate? After assessing circumstances, do customers' skills & resources fit their intentions? Arguing grade-schoolers skirmish to vent short-term anger, but thugs leave no doubt they intend to dominate victims.

Richie tried proving he could sustain independence with effective responses. Some problems start subtly, so retailers should warn about vulnerabilities & offer detection methods to establish problem & prevention/remedy awareness.

Personal vulnerabilities include possibly losing anything valuable. After securing basic needs, people want information to explore & reserve opportunities. People don't want thugs or problems to ruin perceived opportunities.

Don't wait for consumers to search. Describe opportunities & offer resources.

Customer Integration Makes AIDA Part of Personal Experiences.

Advantage offers focus customers' ideation processes on how vital your store is for goal achievements.

Practically as possible, understand motivations by studying niche members' experiences & goals. Fonzie's experiences indicated Richie should act tough with physical intimidation. Richie added his perceptions & nascent skills into his nearly failed attempt.

Customer integration includes remedy & opportunity awareness, so AIDA integrates personal experiences with in-store experiences.

AWARENESS transitions to ATTENTION as people receive messages about advantages &/or observe problem & remedy successes & attempts. Attention transitions to INTEREST as people add input into ideation processes, which are beyond fleeting thoughts. Interest increases when people interpret observations & messages based on personal experiences. These interpretations influence preferences.

Interest & preferences inspire DESIRES. Improved understanding inspires people to imagine adopting & adapting advantage offers into better futures. Desires & understanding prompt purchasing ACTIONS or inquiring about integrating advantage offers into goals & breaking negative connections.

Explain Adequacy & Importance.

Inadequate products may bring temporary benefits like junk food quenching hunger without healthful benefits.

Intermediate quality is like topical products to treat & hold skin long enough to protect emerging tissues.

High-quality products & techniques include internal treatments & nutrients establishing & preserving long-term remedies & preventions. People need insightful facts about high-quality nutrients enabling internal processes to heal injuries from external threats & decrease vulnerabilities.

Offer Example: ‘(Store) offers advantages of long-term (product) quality, so your investment brings (physical benefit) & you're confident your effort fulfills expectations. When you rely on (Store) guidance, your (product) installation brings lasting value so you can focus on other priorities including relaxation. If people are unsure about durability, they've chosen the wrong store & inadequate products. It's a bold statement. Choose (Store), if you want to be bold. (Store) combines insightful knowledge, high-quality products & techniques for fulfilling priorities. Avoid overwhelming problems. Don't let discounters tempt you with cheapness. Invest in advantages you deserve.'

Define Desires.

Though Fonzie perceived fear as respect, Richie showed friendship & respect can be redefined.

Customer integration redefines retailer-customer relationships by building long-term advantages beyond money. Transactional relationships can be financially profitable but shallow.

All physical & intellectual inputs potentially add or multiply dimensional values for current & future participants.

Even if product knowledge & skills seem common, customers need coaching to overcome big & small problems. As problems/enemies increase, people need different defensive techniques to disrupt attacks plus offensive techniques to stop attackers.

Self-defense could be minor resistance to stop some muggers. When newscasts or rumors raise fear or anger, people might want stronger techniques to quickly subdue attackers & reduce exposure.

Offer practical efficacy so people can quickly settle issues & aren't overwhelmed.

Offer Example: ‘As seasons change, you need to store equipment, check for negative seasonal effects & prepare for the next season. (Store) offers guidance checklists for prioritizing activities so you can fully focus on finishing projects before starting other priorities. When you reduce overwhelming stress with (Store) guidance, you'll experience more benefits of (Store) advantages.'

Self-defense novices repeat movements in similar contexts which reduces external distractions. Intermediate students are tested in seemingly random contexts.

Tests raise students’ self-consciousness because people feel pressured & contemplate movements. Tested students have disrupted timing which makes them less adept & more vulnerable to strikes. Some tests evaluate katas (choreographed dances learned as if attackers will accommodate).

Kata students & instructors interact with each other via identical techniques of one art. Skilled enemies are rude & likely to attack with other techniques & patterns.

Instructors & retailers should develop customized advantage offers to integrate people's resources (including abilities) with new resources for influencing problems (enemies) in unfavorable conditions. Fighters lose when training/preparations don't fit conditions or enemies’ techniques. It’s like consumers expecting generic products to remedy multiple problems & create durable benefits.

After many lessons & tests, students earn colored belts which might work as offensive or defensive weapons but are mainly decorations.

Students might learn martial arts for defense, discipline, self-confidence, exercise, &/or tradition. Exercise is possible without traditional dances. Discipline & self-confidence are internal but increase as external guidance refines mental clarity & physical results. Defense should be adapted based on attackers & conditions.

Civilians might want effective humane martial arts for dealing with bullies. Combatants need martial skills without art for eliminating dangerous enemies.

Instructors should determine if they want to be traditional or profit from people who won't victimize others & willingly help others.

Some martial arts instructors train students to entertain audiences in tournaments or movies. If instructors specialize in survival training, they should offer serious defense training. Since excessive force & injuries are criminal & civil issues, instructors should warn students about inflicting short- & long-term disabilities plus first-aid obligations to vanquished attackers. Practitioners can adapt deadly techniques to be less injurious, but those adaptations reduce effectiveness & efficiency & can backfire.

Toxic machismo types talk about putting attackers "in the hospital".

If I'm biased against traditional martial arts, have I been misled/misinformed? Am I rejecting what's uncomfortable? Have I misperceived some or all martial arts because I don't understand their value in specific conditions? Am I differentiating myself by rejecting something to boost my self-concept &/or to find followers because I imagine myself to be a leader? Am I differentiating myself from potential competitors?

Those are marketing issues plus cues for competitors to adjust offers.

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Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 29, 2023

Happy Days Are Predictable with Retailer & Customer Cooperation.

Zig Ziglar used stories to help sales trainees remember lessons.

Consumers can feel like they're battling problems, so let's continue my interpretation of the sitcom Happy Days as an analogy/story.

Thugs didn't victimize anyone when Fonzie intervened. Since Fonzie wasn't always available, Richie wanted to proactively rely on self-service/self-defense.

Skills aren’t immediate, so success is iterative. Novices might doubt themselves &/or techniques. People maximize self-defense by integrating it into their lives. Instructors invest time to guide improved implementation plus adjusting to attackers.

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Retailers can intervene directly or help customers find criteria for determining which skills fit products, goals & conditions.

Customer Integration maximizes offers by integrating advantages instead of making separate results. Retailers can guide customers with checklists for monitoring changes plus determining which tutorials fit goals & conditions.

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Victimization increased Richie's total teenage stress, so he was impatient with self-defense lessons because thugs still victimized novices. His stress affected other life aspects including relationships.

Fonzie encouraged Richie to act tough, but with Richie’s Howdy Doody face, he could only be so tough. Bluntness can be justified when balanced with gentleness based on relationship types & personal acquaintance.

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As customers redirect attention into establishing product familiarity & learning skills, positive life factors might decline & negative factors could worsen. Customers might be unprepared for stress. Distracted people need cues, so urge customers to cover other bases.

Though your specialty is limited to opportunity & problem categories, consider how problems influence & are influenced by customers' total reality. Problem-induced stress drains energy people need for existing & new trouble. Problem reprioritization divides people's attention. Concentration is split when people fret & reconsider product & technique choices to avoid regrets.

Consult about customers' goals of overcoming current & potential stresses plus determine which problems might grow while people implement one solution. People feel smaller as problems seem to grow.

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Thugs didn't back down because Richie didn't seem skilled enough to be tough. They loomed larger because Richie didn't have quick fixes. When Richie complained, Fonzie remembered a missing detail: Besides Richie's appearance, he didn't hit anybody & establish a tough reputation.

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Like people thinking big thugs are unbeatable, customers' internal reputations don't compare well to perceived problems.

Quick fix expectations are comforting until reality invades. Novices don't know which details are missing, so offer detailed guidance for maximized results. Descriptive case studies guide & reassure people. Instructive criteria guide people & assure they're accurately choosing & applying techniques.

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Richie used imperfect skills to grab a thug's arm for a flip. Richie yanked the thug's jacket off & improvised by convincing the coward that crumpled jacket could've been him. The cowardly thug didn't want to mess with anyone that crazy.

Thugs generally don't bother anyone who predictably fights or could be unpredictably violent.

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Without insightful knowledge, people don't know what to expect & might procrastinate to avoid trouble from mistakes. Despite authoritative guidance, people might mess up then improvise. Whether mistakes are by commission or omission, urge consumers to recover as much as practical & decrease negatives.

Cause & effect insights reveal vulnerabilities & emerging symptoms. Stressed novices don't know how to evaluate unfamiliar problems, products & techniques, so explain why offers are crazy enough to work.

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Richie was the original main character. People might've identified with Richie's struggles & his adjacency to Fonzie, who made it safer for Richie to be himself. Fonzie was flawed but heroic & became popularly aspirational. If people feel admirable reputations are out-of-reach, adjacency might seem realistic.

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Like Fonzie became the main character, your specialist reputation & empathy encourage customers to be adjacent by mainstreaming you & your advantage offers.

Though supportiveness isn't directly profitable, your dedication attracts customers better than widely-available products. Customers might confidently misapply products & techniques to battle misperceived circumstances. Supply clear criteria & resource reinforcements.

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Richie regained confidence partly because his new action-based reputation was enough for one problem remedy.

Richie could've had different results from confronting thugs who'd judge him based on misperceptions.

Besides Fonzie's reputation, how would thugs react if Fonzie had a Howdy Doody face &/or was small in stature? Fonzie appeared bigger than Henry Winkler.

If Richie figured his limited crazy reputation would discourage other thugs, he'd learn reality depends on who & what are involved.

Richie struggled for independence while depending on Fonzie, like teenagers wanting adult-level self-sufficiency. They might know the definition without knowing what self-sufficiency means in their lives.

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Guide customers' preferred interdependence levels. Customer integration advantage offers help customers internalize meanings of experiences & resources. Circumstantial self-sufficiency isn't total self-sufficiency.

If people's impatience drives unskilled actions, familiar discount one-stop shopping might seem sufficient. Explain advantages of your better options because patience aids in breeding & nurturing ideas & methods instead of acting on problem appearance. Advise customers against rushing like salmon spawning without planning to nurture offspring.

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Since June 2022, we've avoided human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon while extending Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy to avoid success delusion & spawn insights. We're blending analogies.

Teenagers rush in like salmon eagerly charge upstream without evaluating bears as threats. Without enough rest & food, salmon narrowly evade multiple bears. Preparation for one isn't readiness for all. Escape from one isn't victory over all.

Are They Furry, Ugly & Stink? They're Bears!

Bears are similar threats whether they stand on stones or wait in water. Bears attack differently by learning & adapting.

Fish are limited to swimming movements including leaping & wiggling. If fish used different criteria to identify threats, they'd still rely on sliminess & wiggling to escape from sharp teeth & bear breath. Despite losing scales, salmon rinse off bear saliva while swimming. If they'd learn from encounters, would they realize injuries interfere with future efforts?

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People have limited perceptions & seemingly unlimited biases. Since they trust familiar products & techniques, people interpret circumstances based on preferences more than evidence.

If results don't fulfill expectations, help people evaluate circumstances, products & techniques. Are products less effective because problems changed? How has damage limited original product benefits?

Offer Example: 'People mostly want quick remedies. (Store) advantage offers include preparations for what's changed & changing. You'll gain advantages from (Store) monitoring emerging problems & comparing with product specifications, so you can prepare techniques. Let's adjust product choices & methods as you report causes & effects step-by-step. Let's start evaluating how conditions affect your goals, so you won't start too late & be overwhelmed.'

Because perspectives are limited, people don't recognize circumstantial changes & don't adjust opportunity & remedy pursuits. Whether problems are personal, social or physical, effective planning requires acknowledging troubles & limitations.

After misidentifying changes, people don't know what to do, so certainty & confidence shatter quickly. People learn too late if they overestimate their abilities &/or product quality. Add local knowledge to case studies & tutorials to help customers acquire practical skills for using optimal products.

Do your suppliers offer better/longer warranties than competitors? As you offer high-quality products for specific conditions, confront competitors & skeptical consumers with questions. Ask consumers to define values by evaluating their needs & desires. Do competitors offer price inducements as value substitutes?

Products are made for limited applications, but techniques can increase versatility. Provide guidance so people don't try force-fitting products into goals.

Use Advantage Offers to Influence Perceptions & Expectations.

On surfaces, ugly problems can seem small while spreading below. Because of unfamiliarity &/or wishful thinking, people misjudge severity. What evidence is available to show you aren't exaggerating problem severity?

Cheap products & unplanned efforts seem sufficient when people perceive problems as minor or opportunities as easy. New problems & opportunities don't have "reputations".

Offer guidance for product choices so customers don't attribute dissatisfaction to product quality. Satisfaction can be low when nascent product quality varies & is imperfect for consumers' needs.

Do you offer early/rough or later/optimized product iterations?

Consumers' opinions could be based on early iterations or possibly later improvements. After discounters push for cheap prices on established products, manufacturers risk reputations by reducing quality.

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Richie was frustrated when Fonzie acted wiser or tougher than he was. Until exposed to liver, Fonzie aspired to be like Superman, but liver isn't Kryptonite. Despite that flaw, Richie didn't reject Fonzie & his guidance.

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You & your guidance don't have to be perfect. Your insightful knowledge & empathy should inspire customers to proceed cautiously while you discuss results & next steps.

From a distance, people don't discern whether results are from nascent products (pre-liver Fonzie) or improved versions. Until techniques are used with products against fully-emerged problems, remedies are theoretical. Current versions could achieve results that seem Fonzie-tough until conditions change to liver.

Successful case study goals & results might not apply to somebody else’s conditions. Guidance should be updated according to step-by-step results & adjusted expectations.

Some retailers overload customers with products. You should differentiate by recommending products & techniques for initial steps. You can propose products & next steps for planning, but sell based on confirmed needs.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Happy Days Are HERE. Why Are You THERE?

Since normal negatives inevitably increase, people reduce stress of external struggles by surrendering. Internal struggles grow into resentment ("Why me?") & don't accept surrender.

Mixed emotions arise when people surrender to avoid feeling like failures, but feel frustrated without opportunities & remedies. Help customers identify & workaround limitations & obstacles.

Normality is flexible, but people need planned adjustments instead of improvisation. People need realistic options, but nobody perceives full reality of opportunities & problems.

In our world of distractions & conflicting opinions, if people could receive all sensory input, perceptions would challenge beliefs. Mental traffic would be disrupted as impressions are stopped at subconscious borders.

People might think control is beyond their reach & doubt reality if you offer full benefits. Representative case studies show consumers how people like them succeeded.

Explain people's step-by-step successes, so customers confidently recognize steps they can do. Beginning steps can match personal experiences & observations, when customers internally confirm what they did or discern. When they personally confirm your advantage offers & accept your help with other steps, integration merges into partnership.

Control is on customers' horizons when they combine your offers with their efforts. Since goal achievements are beyond horizons, provide navigation & logistics so customers confidently set courses. When storms (problems) emerge, customers can adjust directions & timing to preserve progress.

People seek any ports in storms to preserve resources, but prefer returning to homeports despite sacrificing progress. Is it better to experience unfamiliar ports or divert to explore other latitudes? Until storms pass, help people explore opportunities for achieving consistent progress.

Where There's a Will, There's a Way!

Case studies are Attention, Interest, Desire, decision & Action patterns of buying & using resources.

You can motivate people to test alternative approaches & connections. While people survive with "A", they yearn for "C" but it isn't durable enough to last. They need to maintain "A" as a foundation & build "B" to connect "C" then preserve “ABC”.

People should accept responsibility for decisions & actions, but people are perplexed by results of complicated issues. Wishful thinking imitates functional hope, so people need local examples of possibilities & warnings of potential impossibilities.

Offer Example: '(Store) is expanding the local insightful knowledge-base. The Internet has many product ratings & tutorials, but people need step-by-step options to customize opportunities & problem remedies. As neighbors report experiences before, during & after using products, our team efforts will customize strategies & techniques. Help will flow from members reporting results online or in-person, so others can adapt those results then give reports. Let's create cooperative progress by learning from & with each other.'

Product innovations, experiences, experiments & observations can expand options when people create & use insightful knowledge.

Happiness Doesn't Come From Perfection, It's Created Despite Imperfections.

This analogy is my interpretation: The sitcom Happy Days was based in evolving 1950-1960s culture. Richie Cunningham was the original main character. Watchers preferred Fonzie who adapted to fan preferences & became The Fonz.

Watchers might've identified with Richie struggling through adolescence as Fonzie transitioned from a thug to a fallible protector. Thugs backed off when The Fonz arrived.

He & Richie mentored each other. As Richie introduced Fonzie to stable family life; he helped Richie resist destabilizing thugs. Stability allows some vulnerabilities as people relax. Fonzie developed a mellow home life. Richie didn't find total safety but had more security.

Richie & Fonzie admired each other, but didn't want to trade places. They learned from each other & blended positives to reduce negatives.

When people feel continually threatened, it's tempting to figure they survive by avoiding other people's vulnerabilities. Comparisons feel comforting: I have XYZ & they have ABC, they aren't any better than me! Others have less.

Possessions inspire pride. Achievements build delightful morale with/without comparisons.

Fonzie didn't accept unfamiliar insights until he noticed though Richie's & others' lives weren't ideal, they had things Fonzie wanted. Unfamiliar insights might be reasons friends obtain & retain some secure comfort.

Without observing people's experiences, children's daily life stresses seem normal & inescapable.

Adults perceive "unreachable" alternatives as existing for others. Though people are more privileged than others, exclusive privileges often become democratized as retailers persuade people to learn about & adopt technologies. As mass production decreases prices, people can adapt goals by purchasing or renting more products & learning other skills.

As technologies expand, you can guide people in learning techniques to adapt product upgrades to their conditions.

People might feel accepting advice indicates they're inadequate &/or surrendering control. Before planning projects, people should define their spheres of control.

Will people oppose, accept or influence changes? Are people open to suggestions or insist their ideas are the only viable, valuable options? If negative case studies indicate people's ideas aren't feasible, will people reject those cases? If people's options don't achieve their goals, who/what is blamed?

Case Studies Are Instructive But Not Definitive.

Biases are like rocky gravel making roads possible but rough. Removal techniques vary in effectiveness & value depending on whether biases are anchored in people's identities or popular heroes’ reputations.

Induce people to reconsider biases with compelling, advantageous case studies. Description: ' (Person) created (advantage) by combining (benefits A,B,C) to boost (results), (Store) offers you local, personalized insights.'

If customers are stubborn, ask, 'If friends were making costly mistakes, would your concern prompt you to let friends cause self-inflicted problems or would you offer wisdom? That's good, would let me be your friend as we explore options?'

Integrating Requires Understanding.

Customer integration helps you use your understanding of customers to help them integrate advantage offers to maximize personalized values.

Insights make products more advantageous plus increase appreciation for products & customized advantages. Case studies demonstrate people connecting products & actions: ‘People used (product) to create (benefit) in (location) & combined it with (result), so they enjoy (advantage). Local people adapt it by __.’

Since June 2022, we've avoided human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon while extending Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy to understand success delusion & spawn insights.

Advise consumers against rushing ahead like spawning salmon assuming what's natural is successful.

Salmon don't know what goal fulfillments cost. Without planning to survive & spawn again like other fish, do salmon evaluate success on hatchling numbers or offspring surviving to spawn?

Method "A" could be returning to natal rivers. "B" could be completing the journey. "C" could be males winning/avoiding fights, then releasing milt where ("D") females securely embed eggs. Apparently, salmon barely eat & rest during ABCD. Each method could be fulfilled if salmon could avoid predation while eating & resting ("E") in unfamiliar conditions. It'd be AE+BE+CE+DE & bring success unless salmon aren't genetically encoded for it, which they can't change.

As you settle issues, another arises. Instead of endlessly searching for issues, structure & optimize frameworks to advance & preserve progress plus workaround unchangeable problems.

Evaluate structural advantages & disadvantages, then confine goals to what's achievable with available resources.

(Between here & the subhead below, this framework & questions might be overwhelming until you replace ABCD with products & methods plus apply questions to customers' projects. While reading it, consider how consumers endure unfamiliar problems & offers without information to fill gaps.)

Develop offer frameworks based on niche members' descriptions & goals: Before product quality declined &/or conditions changed, "ABC" combinations brought ideal benefits. AB/AC/BC was adequate. Progress requires higher technology & skills because elemental absences bring inadequacy: ABC-A=BC or ABC-B=AC. Is it because A or B are inadequate for securing benefits? Though C adds value to A or B, ABC is more durable, so advantages are complete longer into the future despite (problems).

If niche members had ABC before losing any elements, what caused the losses & what are the effects? Can those causes be decreased or eliminated? Can those effects be remedied? Can element replacements restore or recreate benefits? Which repairs would make those replacements practical?

What are the effects if some niche members never had ABC? What prevented those elements? How would people need to change circumstances to add any elements & preserve positive effects?

Are specialists required to do methods for using your products or could most consumers learn those methods? How long is the skill learning process? Are tutorials enough or should people have in-depth lessons about repairing & preserving specific conditions? If people can't afford fully skilled service, are they apt to: 1) Attempt actions with or without learning skills; 2) Hire somebody for partial work; 3) Skip actions?

Motivate Customers with Functional Hope.

We interpret conditional factors differently. Are those factors well-known? Do people have enough functional hope to motivate them to restore or recreate benefits?

What can you offer for people to evaluate practicality of their decisions & actions? Guide customers in comparing input from others including case studies.

People should know important facts including consequences of results from their decisions. It’s important to monitor conditions & niche members' preferences & adjust offers to help customers adjust what they influence & adapt to what they can't influence.

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 30, 2023

If Consumers Don’t Like There or That, “Been There, Done That” Advertising Is Wasteful.

Consumers are there doing that already. Does your advertising promise advancement? How does your advantage offer make THAT a better option for specific people while journeying to & being THERE?

Offer Example: 'Whether life is one journey or a series, you deserve the best options for benefiting from your journey & destination. Discount customers accept less value while preparing to achieve goals, so efforts are harder & achievements are less satisfying. Journey successes required high-quality in each product & technique. At (Store), let's define your success criteria so your plan integrates knowledge, skills & products. Before you buy resources, compare offers & participate in a (Store) consultation about your needs & desires.'

Retailers stagnate as competitors' fresh superior offers attract consumers. If you expect consumers to believe you offer progress, don’t imply “Been there, done that” with your advertising.

I’m risking rejection by writing how local retailers limit progress by resisting risks. Can retailers achieve long-term success by repeating or copying declining practices? Can retailers advance if their "authoritative" information sources are biased against exploration?

People refuse trying "new" things by rejecting anything not "proven" to "work". For them, new=unfamiliar; proven=beneficial/profitable; work=dependable.

Without specific goals, retailers don't notice declining dependability soon enough for remedies.

Because people's priorities change, advertising tests & adjustments optimize profitability. Retailers fail professionally by failing to change congruously with consumers.

Testing is necessary since consumers like or ignore ad versions.

Why do retailers complain about consumers rejecting or ignoring new, unproven offers? Retailers & consumers reject what's unfamiliar. Stubborn retailers won't guide customers in effectively using unfamiliar products.

Which of these is more logical: 1) Explain how to use products to create benefits &/or reverse declining results; OR 2) Expect uninformed consumers seek products & determine uses?

If you don't inform consumers about your offers, who will?

Instead of labeling consumers as fickle or worse, retailers should test offers consumers can evaluate for relevance.

Relevant offers fit perceived opportunities or problems. Offers are irrelevant if consumers don’t know how products/services fulfill opportunities &/or remedy problems.

Knowledge incentivizes consumers to buy empowerment offers to create positive changes.

Advertising should induce AIDA: 1) Awareness of opportunities/problems & products/services; 2) Attention to consequences; 3) Interest by explaining consequence remediation; 4) Desire by explaining how consumers can use offers to bring positive changes; 5) Action by explaining reasons for starting promptly.

Advertising can fail without each factor.

How Do Your Offers Answer People's Question: "What's In It For Me?"

Are retailers offering value for consumers' lives or expecting charity sales to sustain business? As lives change, testing should include conversations to compare consumers' expectations with products & methods.

Expanding advertising reach & frequency might increase expenses without effectiveness.

Develop relevant offers instead of expanding what doesn’t work.

Analogy: Effectiveness & efficiency decline when workers keep sharing stale air. Stale offers are ignored.

Principle: Insanity is expecting better results from repeated actions. Consumers realize the same outdated products & techniques won't bring superior benefits, so they ignore stale advertising techniques.

Why should consumers pay attention to irrelevant ads? Relevant retailing differentiates competitors & positions stores in consumers' lives where problems exist & opportunities can be maximized? Powerful positioning isn't passive. Maximum success comes from actively benefiting customers.

Reject Stagnancy, Offer Innovations

Is store location really the most important factor? Retail failures claim competitors put them out-of-business. Can local consumers evaluate offers & choose retailers or do competitors people? Do discounters prevent local retailers' innovations? Read retailing news about big retailers advancing by maximizing successful tests & adjusting after some experiments fall short.

Since people ignore or reject unfamiliar innovations, meaningfully explain how advanced products & techniques bring & maintain progress. People want to understand how to avoid losses while focusing on gaining advantages.

Current & future successful innovators are often ridiculed until ridiculers embrace innovations or become less boisterous. Successes fade without maintenance & failures aren’t final for those who rise again.

Be More Like Birds Than Cats

Analogy: Cats, squirrels & birds eat at ground level without risking falls.

To escape cats, sometimes squirrels & birds go up trees before descending after cats climb trees. If cats won’t jump down or reverse climb, they’re stranded. Would-be prey can see what's ahead at ground-level & might survive by outrunning cats.

Potential prey doesn't see possible dangers in tree canopies but often survives by doing what cats can’t/won’t. Are known, ground-level risks worse than unknown risks up trees? Instead of betting their lives on one technique, animals can test by ascending incrementally to observe cats & look higher into canopies. Next moves are based on updated indications.

Business & wildlife survival isn't accidental. Techniques are learned plus innovated as necessary.

Big competitors don’t suck in every dollar. Discerning consumers want value & accept guidance in assessing how products solve problems & support opportunities. Successful competitors test to improve ads & methods.

Though experimenting includes tripping & falling, different approaches are necessary because consumers’ preferences & needs change.

Analogy: Toddlers trip & rise multiple times before eventually cruising between furniture to rest, regain balance & plan next steps before walking. When competitors walk along with consumers & respond to trips & falls, are you there too?

Whether consumers step hesitantly or boldly, are you or competitors there like encouraging parents?

Who’s More Hesitant: You, Competitors or Consumers?

If you refuse to provide information, don’t criticize consumers for hesitating without guidance. Without information about conditions, products & techniques, how can consumers know if your offers are relevant?

Offer Example: 'You might feel more comfortable with products & techniques others use. But their conditions, resources & goals are different. (Store) offers insightful knowledge with products to help you choose products & adapt techniques for your abilities. As you use incremental processes, you'll have guidance & evaluation criteria for determining next steps & starting on-time. Let's review your goals, resources & conditions to make your plans effective & efficient. (Store) doesn't claim perfection but provides realistic step-by-step success.'

Since June 2022, we've avoided human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon while extending Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy to avoid success delusion & spawn insights.

No Plan Survives First Contact

Habits are NOT sufficient plans. In oceans, salmon are predators & prey. They’ve avoided predation & missed prey because faster swimmers escape in deep water. Salmon return to rivers without considering the shallower water flowing among obstacles. To fish, rivers are water, how bad could they be? Predators watch for salmon leaping over obstacles or getting stuck.

Situational familiarity doesn't create detailed awareness. Knowledgeable observers might ignore or forget familiar things while searching for opportunities & threats.

Single-minded watchers look mainly for expected things & might disregard the rest. With limited time & energy for seeking, they overlook distractions (potential threats) as if nothing else matters.

Option Awareness Aids Flexibility.

Flexible procedures are valuable. Flexibility from options won’t matter if people aren't aware & prepared with plans plus alternatives.

Whether moves are defensive or offensive, plans or planners won't survive unchanged. Planners can use options to adjust plans if planners observe what fails plus are aware of & accept options while available. Imagine salmon thrashing bears’ mouths & asking, “What are my options?”

How will you sell products after warning consumers about threats? Offer functional hope with the maximum possible functionality.

Salmon proceed as if they have direct connections to spawning areas. They return to natal rivers. Even if external conditions are like those the salmon fry left, these adults are different. Predators notice bigger fish needing bigger spaces to swim through.

Customer integration creates or recreates connections by offering advantages of customizable resources & techniques.

Adjustments are important while options are available & can be optimized. However & whenever plans are made, option optimization is challenging like building & repairing jets in-flight. Start with structural integrity then observe progress & changes.

Find & optimize options while you can or you won't have viable choices. People are more apt to fail by refusing to test small & incremental options. Don’t bet all on any options including current methods.

Risk-averse people act as if they're apt to step-off cliffs. When people start early, small tests reveal beneficial steps so people probably won't need to risk hazards. Risk-averse people might avoid setbacks, but risk eventual total failure without progressing.

Since distant risks & problems aren't direct experiences & don't feel connected to "real" life, people focus on current pain. People confirm quick relief, even if it's retail therapy. Remote relief doesn't feel powerful enough to offset painful payments.

Without quick relief, functional hope lacks impact. Current & past comparisons can show functionality. Example: Because Option-X was used to create Result-Y, Benefit-Z was improved & preserved.

Communicate how investments contributed to benefits & how problems would remain or worsen without beneficial investments. Example: Instead of focusing on current feelings, focus on how you'll feel without relief plus progress. If you bought cheap discounters' stuff to fix XX, are you in the same, better or worse circumstances now?

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- https://thriving-small-businesses.blogspot.com/