Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Help Create & Maintain Advantages, So Niche Members Don't Settle for Easy-to-Reach Surrogates.

I'm analogizing this experiment (below), not advocating it. “Monkey” can be a slur. Let’s call them “babies”.

I've interspersed experimental extrapolations/interpretations & marketing/psychological applications.

With coordinated offers & referrals, retailer teams convert customers' benefits into advantages. Your team's communication helps customers avoid dashing between stores & websites like these babies.

If your team doesn't offer advantages, consumers might perceive you as replaceable, commodity surrogates. You'll replace surrogates if your advantage offers are compellingly described for niche members' lives.

Analogy: Harry Harlow tested primate babies with “surrogate mothers”. (Check search engines.)

Babies fed from wire-framed surrogates outfitted with milk bottles, then returned to comfortable cloth-covered surrogates. When cloth surrogates had milk, babies preferred them.

Babies endured incomplete experiences with uncomfortable, inadequate surrogates. Negative anticipation might’ve counteracted short-term relief as babies tolerated growing stress. Minimal physical features (milk & cloth) became less beneficial. Though one stress was temporarily eased, other long-term stresses created/extended tension.

If they could think like humans, these babies might’ve felt extreme tension when they realized necessities are missing without knowing what or why. If somebody could identify & describe missing benefits, replacements could be found or developed.

Hope is easier with knowledge. Guided identification & descriptions increase functional hope, so less-stressed customers are clear-minded & open to logical persuasion. Though persuasion can start with negative emotions, advantage offers should bring positive emotions because people feel/anticipate relief.

In-store experiences should confirm rational decisions & link logical & emotional comfort with your store.

Offers Should Start Satisfying Expectations Before Store Visits.

Like distracted humans, these babies didn’t form/have accurate expectations, but presuppositions bred frustration like humans mistakenly presupposing stores offer value.

When discounters' offers are incomplete, humans have personal, social & financial reasons to patronize multiple stores. Consumers’ reasons are your opportunities. People consciously expect cheap prices, so "saving” money increases enthusiasm. Without product specifications, people become frustrated because running store-to-store doesn't bring full remedies.

With limited knowledge & experiences, distracted consumers may perceive they're up & running but are down to barely crawling. Efforts might start well with cheap stuff, so people focus on other priorities & don't notice cheap materials breaking down.

People perceive the same products though brands cheapen product versions to appease discounters.

When standards & expectations feel normal & don't evolve, people are surprised when conditions devolve. Like babies choosing surrogates, consumers might dash to other discounters whose products have different deficiencies.

Reality becomes harder to accept, for people stressed by: unfulfilled needs, health/energy levels, priorities/time pressures, etc. Advantage offers reduce hardships & make reality more acceptable.

Yearnings probably interfered with babies' limited comfort with cloth surrogates. While with cloth surrogates, would babies ignore hunger to avoid needing wire surrogates until hunger is overwhelming? Babies were probably tense while drinking milk from wire surrogates.

For full restoration, babies need nourishment plus assurance of protection to avoid losing energy to excessive tension.

Babies' habitual tension could persist after transitioning to biological or cloth surrogates without long-term assurance.

Without uninstalling inadequate products, residual problems remain. If discounters allow refunds/exchanges, removing/uninstalling cheap products prolongs projects & delays benefits.

While coping with accident damage, people might minimally benefit from attempted repairs with cheap products. For full recovery, injured &/or exhausted people need advantages of long-term assurance, comfort & productivity. If injuries &/or exhaustion diminished work quality, benefits might be nonexistent & maintenance might not prevent damage.

Needs & desires collide while desires influence expectations & skew perceptions of “progress”.

Conflicts arise when people want enjoyable activities while avoiding/rejecting “necessary” hassles/uncomfortable tasks. Explain why high-quality products & detailed guidance are necessary for effectiveness & efficiency.

Babies weren’t relieved by two surrogates “fulfilling” basic needs. Without conscious criteria, babies expressed frustration because surrogates can't satisfy all psychological & physical needs. Even if babies grow physically, they won’t thrive without guidance & sanitation.

Two inadequate options didn’t give babies anything to improve experiences between visits.

Despite knowledge & experiences, consumers may be ill-prepared for complex details & ill-served by factless product-price ads. People need insightful information for stress-relief & clearly considering offers. Implementation consultations come later.

Use advantage offers to explain quality & inspire positive feelings, so people link positivity to you, your store & offers.

Babies Don’t Understand Limitations.

Advantage offers build understanding. If projects fail because combined product instructions aren't condition-specific, dissatisfied customers might submit bad reviews.

Customize kits for customers’ achievements in local conditions, so high expectations boost customers’ enthusiasm for projects. Enthusiasm energizes people who pay attention to details when success is probable & advantages are treasures worthy of financial, mental & physical investments.

If people feel stuck between inadequate options, details bring unnecessary frustration. Even if babies habituated to surrogates, familiarity brings more dissatisfaction.

Though people prefer confidence from fulfilled expectations, people may expect uncomfortable negatives. Familiar problems may be predictably distressing.

Explain details to various sub-niches while comparing before-&-after case studies. If your ad is online, prompt consumers to click for more information. If unfamiliar details seem overwhelming, consumers can scroll back or click links for information sources.

Help customers learn from personal histories & case studies.

With limited personal histories, babies feel unfamiliar, unexpected needs; priorities are pains or discomfort babies don’t understand. They know something's wrong & don't have remedy criteria. Babies don’t know if problems might fade, worsen &/or were worse for anybody else.

Without (cases studies) experiences & observations, babies' lives overflowed with uncertainty. They wanted immediate relief & tolerated partial stop-gaps because surrogates were vaguely mother-like in appearance & need-fulfillment. Babies could habituate to adequacy without knowing consequences of incomplete results.

AIDA Applies to Goal Achievements & Maintenance.

Without Awareness of adequate motherhood standards, babies might not pay Attention to real mothers without knowing they should be Interested. Though babies Desire combined food & comfort, acquiring mothers wouldn't be a prioritized Action despite better nutrition in milk specifically for them.

Analogy: Though people learn nutrition is important, they need knowledge to identify, locate & use nutrients. General nutrition won’t suffice for life-stage nutrient needs.

Retailers should guide people with insightful knowledge & convert Awareness into Attention & Interest.

With help in defining gaps & diagnosing problems, lives can be journeys into certainty. Retailers should mentor customers like parental friends setting guidelines, so customers discern best &/or worst practices. This certainty aids further clarification as people compare observations & facts during planning & implementation.

Gap recognition is important, so people don’t misstep or find only expected gaps. Certainty about causes & effects aids theories & testing to determine what brings satisfactory progress.

Biases Influence Prioritization.

Even if all (including solution & prevention projects) seemingly fails, new priorities are whatever hurts beyond current/previous pains. Babies have few memories & alternative perceptions, so proximity is their reality & surrogates are close.

Like consumers with only inadequate options, babies don't have reliable evaluation criteria. Your advantage offers could be niche members' last chance to avoid failure.

Limited experiences indicate immediate (ill-prepared) actions seem proper.

People don't know which facts they lack. Retailers often don't consider niche members' factual gaps. Though niches exist because members have specific interests & desires, members lack Awareness beyond narrow/limited observations & experiences. Even if people observed/experienced issues, some facts aren't obvious, so full interpretations aren't possible.

Biases often substitute for facts. Undisputed biases can become stronger. Though you might not know specific biases, help customers identify gaps, then explain how gaps interfere with achievements. Biased emotions can override/overload logic. When people claim biases are logical, create cognitive dissonance so people invest cognitive labor to accept beneficial insights & are apt to remember advantageous facts.

Which accomplishments do niche members want? Which case studies demonstrate desired accomplishments? Which beliefs & facts inspired customers to achieve those goals? How do those inspiring beliefs & facts compare to contrary limiting beliefs?

If people observed/experienced failures, possible reasons are inadequate products, inaccurate beliefs, misapplied facts &/or misinterpreted conditions. Consultations can overcome those reasons & help people discard negative biases.

Learn your niche's communication methods. Express your understanding with exploratory what-if questions. As niche members' understanding integrates with yours, progress increases.

Experimental babies didn’t have stated criteria but complained because they knew something was wrong/missing.

Complainers might think complaining is their only practical option. You might need to philosophically carry them to clear viewpoints & gesture toward valid points. Like human babies, consumers can feel bogged down & immobilized.

When failed communication becomes apparent, you can adjust & evaluate responses. Sometimes, people feel better when somebody shows enough concern to communicate. People hate indifference.

Show by comparison, you're more concerned than competitors. If your concern isn't obvious, consumers will cry louder for somebody else & express baby-like disgust without explanations. If consumers don't explain, review your efforts & compare previous responses.

Offer Example: ‘If you notice desired achievements like (advantages), you could copy what others did or think goals are out-of-reach. Here’s your better option: At (Store), let’s study your conditions & case studies to find specific products, insights, methods & skills for achieving & combining (benefits) into (advantages).’

Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.

Copyright 2025 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.

Your business's profit potential depends on how much value your market niche perceives in what you offer. They won't perceive any value unless they have a reason to think about it. It's why you need effective marketing.

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