Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Happy Days Aren't Lost. Find Resources to Block Sadness & Restore Happiness.
Let's continue our Happy Days analogy & extend Marshall Goldsmith’s success delusion analogy (started June 2022) to avoid human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon.
This Happy Days analogy fits retailing because teenagers' concerns remain through adulthood. Retailers should understand obstacles to customers’ goals.
Abraham Maslow published his Hierarchy of Needs & studied humans' desires to dominate others.
Many thugs won't change because they won't admit being wrong plus they’re afraid of victimization. Thugs use objects & actions they fear to threaten others. Bullying "confirms" those objects & actions are terrifying, plus thugs enjoy feeling powerful.
If previous victims still feel vulnerable, they might want overt products to discourage thugs.
Thugs may demand covert weapons to avoid being perceived as weaklings by peers. Thugs wield weapons to intimidate victims. Though victims may be afraid of weapons, self-deluded thugs believe victims fear them. It's like magical thinking because victims fear weapons & injuries.
Magical thinking starts in childhood. Example: Obedient children look both ways before crossing streets but don't wait for drivers to stop. Instead of investigating unknown causes, some people hope to control what will offset effects of unknown causes.
Magical thinking & success delusion relate when people don't understand or clarify important causes & effects.
Examples: Knowledge is NOT power. Cramming for tests doesn't bring educational excellence or professional proficiency.
Proficiency comes from integrating insightful facts & optimizing implementations to fit conditions.
Discounters' customers learn about product categories & expect quick benefits. Consumers should learn to integrate specific products for influencing local problems & opportunities plus identify when efforts are successful.
Instead of diligently learning techniques, Richie felt threatened & "crammed" self-defense lessons with Fonzie's quick remedy suggestion to act tough. (It’s like discounters' inadequate offers to save money without considering product effectiveness.)
People are frustrated by gradual benefits of method testing & learning. After learning repair techniques & succeeding with high-quality products, people might attempt similar repairs with cheap products. After successful repairs, people like believing they succeeded without considering other factors.
Offer Example: ‘After winter storms damaged __, it's repair time again. (Store) is stocked with (products). Though mortals can repair __, nature is still more powerful. (Store) checklists are available to assess what to replace or repair. You might have previous project instructions. Those might apply to cheap alternative products, but (Store) offers high-quality (products) with manufacturer warranties, so you can rely on them through a full winter. If you try replacing cheap stuff during cold weather, you'll be uncomfortable with the weather & substandard results.'
Vulnerabilities Multiply Impatience.
Impatience & unrealistic expectations disrupt cognitive processing.
Self-defense novices internally battle comfortable habits which seem superior compared to nascent skills. It's like salmon successfully swimming from ocean-dwelling predators. In shallow rivers, fish can't dive deeply to avoid birds & bears. Predators grip harder to overcome fish trying to swim faster, so fish are injured more. They feel dominated & react with current abilities instead of adapting to new threats.
Which responses are appropriate? After assessing circumstances, do customers' skills & resources fit their intentions?
Arguing grade-schoolers skirmish to vent short-term anger, but thugs leave no doubt they intend to dominate victims.
Richie tried proving he could sustain independence with effective responses. Some problems start subtly, so retailers should warn about vulnerabilities & offer detection methods to establish problem & prevention/remedy awareness.
Personal vulnerabilities include possibly losing anything valuable. After securing basic needs, people want information to explore & reserve opportunities. People don't want thugs or problems to ruin perceived opportunities.
Don't wait for consumers to search. Describe opportunities & offer resources.
Customer Integration Makes AIDA Part of Personal Experiences.
Advantage offers focus customers' ideation processes on how vital your store is for goal achievements.
Practically as possible, understand motivations by studying niche members' experiences & goals. Fonzie's experiences indicated Richie should act tough with physical intimidation. Richie added his perceptions & nascent skills into his nearly failed attempt.
Customer integration includes remedy & opportunity awareness, so AIDA integrates personal experiences with in-store experiences.
AWARENESS transitions to ATTENTION as people receive messages about advantages &/or observe problem & remedy successes & attempts. Attention transitions to INTEREST as people add input into ideation processes, which are beyond fleeting thoughts. Interest increases when people interpret observations & messages based on personal experiences. These interpretations influence preferences.
Interest & preferences inspire DESIRES. Improved understanding inspires people to imagine adopting & adapting advantage offers into better futures. Desires & understanding prompt purchasing ACTIONS or inquiring about integrating advantage offers into goals & breaking negative connections.
Explain Adequacy & Importance.
Inadequate products may bring temporary benefits like junk food quenching hunger without healthful benefits.
Intermediate quality is like topical products to treat & hold skin long enough to protect emerging tissues.
High-quality products & techniques include internal treatments & nutrients establishing & preserving long-term remedies & preventions. People need insightful facts about high-quality nutrients enabling internal processes to heal injuries from external threats & decrease vulnerabilities.
Offer Example: ‘(Store) offers advantages of long-term (product) quality, so your investment brings (physical benefit) & you're confident your effort fulfills expectations. When you rely on (Store) guidance, your (product) installation brings lasting value so you can focus on other priorities including relaxation. If people are unsure about durability, they've chosen the wrong store & inadequate products. It's a bold statement. Choose (Store), if you want to be bold. (Store) combines insightful knowledge, high-quality products & techniques for fulfilling priorities. Avoid overwhelming problems. Don't let discounters tempt you with cheapness. Invest in advantages you deserve.'
Define Desires.
Though Fonzie perceived fear as respect, Richie showed friendship & respect can be redefined.
Customer integration redefines retailer-customer relationships by building long-term advantages beyond money. Transactional relationships can be financially profitable but shallow.
All physical & intellectual inputs potentially add or multiply dimensional values for current & future participants.
Even if product knowledge & skills seem common, customers need coaching to overcome big & small problems. As problems/enemies increase, people need different defensive techniques to disrupt attacks plus offensive techniques to stop attackers.
Self-defense could be minor resistance to stop some muggers. When newscasts or rumors raise fear or anger, people might want stronger techniques to quickly subdue attackers & reduce exposure.
Offer practical efficacy so people can quickly settle issues & aren't overwhelmed.
Offer Example: ‘As seasons change, you need to store equipment, check for negative seasonal effects & prepare for the next season. (Store) offers guidance checklists for prioritizing activities so you can fully focus on finishing projects before starting other priorities. When you reduce overwhelming stress with (Store) guidance, you'll experience more benefits of (Store) advantages.'
Self-defense novices repeat movements in similar contexts which reduces external distractions. Intermediate students are tested in seemingly random contexts.
Tests raise students’ self-consciousness because people feel pressured & contemplate movements. Tested students have disrupted timing which makes them less adept & more vulnerable to strikes. Some tests evaluate katas (choreographed dances learned as if attackers will accommodate).
Kata students & instructors interact with each other via identical techniques of one art. Skilled enemies are rude & likely to attack with other techniques & patterns.
Instructors & retailers should develop customized advantage offers to integrate people's resources (including abilities) with new resources for influencing problems (enemies) in unfavorable conditions. Fighters lose when training/preparations don't fit conditions or enemies’ techniques. It’s like consumers expecting generic products to remedy multiple problems & create durable benefits.
After many lessons & tests, students earn colored belts which might work as offensive or defensive weapons but are mainly decorations.
Students might learn martial arts for defense, discipline, self-confidence, exercise, &/or tradition. Exercise is possible without traditional dances. Discipline & self-confidence are internal but increase as external guidance refines mental clarity & physical results. Defense should be adapted based on attackers & conditions.
Civilians might want effective humane martial arts for dealing with bullies. Combatants need martial skills without art for eliminating dangerous enemies.
Instructors should determine if they want to be traditional or profit from people who won't victimize others & willingly help others.
Some martial arts instructors train students to entertain audiences in tournaments or movies. If instructors specialize in survival training, they should offer serious defense training. Since excessive force & injuries are criminal & civil issues, instructors should warn students about inflicting short- & long-term disabilities plus first-aid obligations to vanquished attackers. Practitioners can adapt deadly techniques to be less injurious, but those adaptations reduce effectiveness & efficiency & can backfire.
Toxic machismo types talk about putting attackers "in the hospital".
If I'm biased against traditional martial arts, have I been misled/misinformed? Am I rejecting what's uncomfortable? Have I misperceived some or all martial arts because I don't understand their value in specific conditions? Am I differentiating myself by rejecting something to boost my self-concept &/or to find followers because I imagine myself to be a leader? Am I differentiating myself from potential competitors?
Those are marketing issues plus cues for competitors to adjust offers.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
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