Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
That’ll Never…Wow! It Works!!! Because We Added Value!
Let’s continue with events for helping consumers reset perceptions & positively evaluate options.
Sponsored events expand advantage offers as you enhance customers' productivity by decreasing stress.
Prolonged, intensive thinking increases tension which triggers defensiveness without clarifying remedies. Relaxation decreases defensiveness & opens minds.
Open-mindedness aids planning/goal-setting as you help customers select products & methods, then test preliminary approaches. After enjoying events, clear-minded customers evaluate preliminary results. With fresh perspectives, customers’ evaluations indicate whether to continue or adjust.
People should test perceptions & practices as conditions change.
Successful experimentation lifts people from dark valleys & makes peak experiences reachable. Deep valley navigational indicators are more limited than at sea-level. Celestial experiences sink if people navigate with incorrect celestial bodies.
While goal-setting, people should learn indicators for specific journeys. Storms obstruct vision & people go off-course. When contrary indicators are perceived as storms, people resist necessary changes & stay on-course. Which facts/clues interpret contrary indicators?
People may habituate to hard-to-change experimental/preliminary results because other attempts seem riskier.
Recreation Enables Satisfaction.
If people don’t cognitively adjust to current reality, biases become indicators/standards. During rests, reality bypasses biases & influences thoughts which are more comfortable than external opinions.
Decisions are based on personal interpretations of "evidence".
Reality changes while people narrowly focus ahead & hope/think "evidence" remains unchanged. Biases affect whether people notice unexpected things or think nothing matters except top priorities. Which criteria indicate priorities should change?
Analogy: Floods seem inevitable everywhere to valley dwellers who think everybody's vulnerable. Precautions seem impractical, so people prioritize controllable (possibly less important) issues.
Progress comes from forward momentum plus harnessing approaching opportunities, avoiding threats & ignoring distractions, including bland advertising.
Encourage consumers not to settle for tried-and-true options from different conditions. Roof gutters & downspouts are tried-and-true for reducing basement flooding. Catastrophic floods are at ground-level.
Learn & adapt people’s perspectives & experiences while testing. Don't assume people are correctly aware of problems, remedies &/or your store.
Old Marketing Implies Old Offers.
Experimental offers help people compare evolving experiences & expectations mentally & in real-life.
Marketing experiments & adaptations help customers experiment & adapt options for eliminating/reducing new risks & conflicts. Despite prioritizing familiarity, people want the latest, most effective, efficient options. Worn-out advertising implies outdated options.
Respite refreshes/reorients & opens minds, so thoughts are clarified. Old & new product results seem alike when minds habituate to situations & miss incremental changes. Progress & regression become apparent after fresh glances or full reevaluations, especially with updated criteria.
Use events & advertised product criteria to refresh people's perspectives for justifying new decisions. Restoration resets perceptions/perspectives for fully testing & comparing remedies to emerging trouble.
Stephen Covey emphasized urgent, important matters & advised sharpening personal “saws”.
Educational, entertainment events can refresh minds while presenting urgent, important information.
When fatigue dulls minds, results are dull. Analogy: During meal preparation, sharp minds discern unappetizing vegetable parts & sharp blades enable effective, efficient cutting without crushing veggies.
Personal preparation should include rest & high-morale. Fatigued people might not notice low-morale decreasing performance.
Meaningful successes are achieved by clear-minded people overcoming risks & conflicts. Compared to risky purchases, do consumers understand how your offers decrease risks & conflicts? After mentally advancing through problem/opportunity Awareness, Attention to, Interest in & Desire for advantages, people hesitate because purchasing Actions have consequences.
People risk insufficient funds after purchasing. Expenditures can spark internal & interpersonal conflicts.
Since consistent stress often affects other life aspects, people feel doomed when they’re fatigued by unrelated accumulating problems.
You expect consumers to spend money they’d rather keep or spend on something else. Sponsor events to develop rapport & goodwill instead of being part of consumers’ generalized stress. Retailer teammates’ customers can receive event offers & invite others. If your combined customer-base is too small for an audience & event promotion is too expensive, add charity fund-raising so publicity raises awareness.
Explain purchase advantages & consequences of not purchasing. Examples: undesirable status quo, problems worsening & FOMO. Pro & Con Charts can compare purchase benefits with nonpurchase consequences.
Intense Positives Offset Intense Negatives.
Horror stories can distract anxiety patients from real or perceived threats. (Search ‘Spooked’ Podcast Producer Eliza Smith.)
This seems counterintuitive/crazy but possibly cathartic (flushing mental residue, then resetting). Despite acknowledging fiction, patients expend energy to absorb intensity which triggers mental & physical tension. It’s effective because it’s imaginary, so people can escape if it’s too intense. Patients can control external exposures by leaving physically or switching off electronically.
Internal anxiety is harder to avoid but can be opposed without excessive measures. As treatments, products & methods can decrease/eliminate stress-triggering problems, events can relieve stress other treatments won’t.
After wringing residue from mental “sponges” &/or releasing pressure, customers can absorb resources. If conditions squeeze customers, how should they break that grip?
Your retailer team’s advantage offers & events guide customers in creating routes to leave, recover, plus gain insightful knowledge & methods to proceed incrementally while evaluating emerging results. When imaginary stimuli stop bringing relief, people can disconnect or alter approaches. If each effort brings temporary relief, results could indicate what to continue, discontinue, increase or decrease.
Like speed blurring drivers' vision, hasty people could miss details & be shocked by results.
Incremental progress might disappoint people. Testimonials & case studies can demonstrate how increments are achieved & integrated. Small improvements should be interpreted as successful experiments to consolidate into advantages. Disappointments are feedback about aiming/direction, target types/sizes, distances &/or choosing conditions & basing goals on abilities in specific conditions.
Despite tolerating but not controlling factors, people can try resettling/reoccupying their rightful places/spaces to limit vulnerability. As control slips, stress increases & makes control harder so people don’t recognize their lives or personal conditions as what they planned. If plans seemingly never work, people surrender & retailers lose customers.
Difficulties Seemingly Dig Claws In Without Letting Go.
Despite frustrations, functional hope encourages striving to loosen or break troublesome grips. If attempts fall short, guide people in learning from results to make products & methods compatible with changing conditions.
Constant cognitive labor adds fatigue & frustration. During conscious breaks, subconscious minds can clarify questions & answers about processing & integrating details to innovate ideas for testing.
After major attempts, consider what’s different about products, methods & conditions? What would make those differences/changes beneficial or less troublesome? Are those differences inconvenient bumps or overwhelming obstacles?
If there aren’t case studies, what indicates alternative routes to advantages? People might perceive alternative routes as identical or like previous rocky roads. Though refutation can be hard, explain how advanced inputs bring advantageous outputs.
When stress warps thoughts, changes could be misunderstood. Help people feel better & clarify perceptions.
Stressors don’t seem so bad when comedy diverts attention & people laugh. Thoughtfulness, productivity & joy aren’t compatible with anxiety. Productive thoughts can flow while minds are free.
Theory: As subconscious minds strive for homeostasis, fluctuating stress & relief disrupt habituation. Positive experiences bring conscious enjoyment for restoring/resetting homeostasis while subconscious minds analyze causes & effects.
Resets might not be peaks but can bring higher beneficial increments leading to advantages. Whether advancement is short or long-term, help people associate your retailer team’s advantage offers & events with personal positive resets. Remind customers/event participants about benefits & offer insightful knowledge & methods to combine benefits into advantages.
While positives interrupt negative patterns, people can function & respond to offers including test messages about general or specific relief.
Retailers might hesitate about specific offers applying to issues or personal desires consumers won’t acknowledge.
When responding to offers, people can embrace or disregard multiple specifics without acknowledging problems. Reticular-Activating-Systems can grasp any applicable benefits & urge conscious minds to fulfill AIDA. Listing multiple specifics invites people to accept desired benefits.
Offer Example: ‘(Event) includes (subject specialists) & (entertainers). You might need information about (subjects) or relief from (problems) & concerns about (emerging troubles). (Entertainers) will bring you joy, so you can set stress aside & absorb facts from (subject specialists) empowering you to create (advantages). (Retailer teammates) have high-quality (materials) & specialized (tools) plus tips for applying insightful knowledge. (Event) combines dual benefits to boost your mood & productivity. (Retailer teammates) are dedicated to improving local people’s lives.’
Deliverance might be incremental & essential for functional hope. When people are relieved, minds are open to positive impacts. Overwhelmed people overcome negativity & validate functional hope while incrementally increasing successes.
Excessive mental & physical stress wastes energy. Examples: Ignoring headaches & other internal distractions requires energy needed for external activities. If you tense muscles past fatigue, tension is involuntarily released but pain remains while your anatomy uses energy to clear cellular waste. When tension isn’t released, inward blood flow & energy renewal are restricted because waste is retained.
Cells & people’s lives need available capacity to receive resources. As people try squeezing in more work, they might block necessary renewal for productive & innovative energy.
Copyright 2025 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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