Thursday, July 18, 2024

Workplace Communication: Stop Asking “Do You Understand?”

Customer integration requires understanding which is established by observation & interpersonally through communication. You can confirm what you observe & ask customers what they feel you should observe. I’ve written about this in other posts.

Without understanding, functional hope deteriorates. With understanding, you can learn directly from in-store customers what they understand & value, so they’re persuaded by your Advantage Offers.

Here are some paragraphs from a thorough explanation:

Workplace Communication: Stop Asking “Do You Understand?” (and do this instead) by Karin Hurt and David Dye | Jul 15, 2024

Every moment of communication with your team or customer is precious. Especially in hybrid, remote, or fast-moving organizations, you’ve got to make every interaction count. But one of the worst ways to waste these precious moments is by asking, “Do you understand?”

If the person answers “yes”—well, you know nothing more than you did before you asked. They said “yes,” but what does that “yes” actually mean? Maybe they think they understand (and whether they do or not, you don’t know). Or maybe they just told you yes because that’s what they think you expect to hear.

Dennis S. Vogel

Your business's profit potential depends on how much value your market niche perceives in what you offer. They won't perceive any value unless they have a reason to think about it. It's why you need effective marketing.

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