Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Positioning Your Store for Maximum Customer Satisfaction
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Make Your Store Their Superior Choice
Monday, October 19, 2020
Optimize Customers’ Results Better Than Competitors Do
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Success Depends On Helping Customers Shape Their Conditions
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Integrate Your Store with Customers’ Goals
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Customer Integration & People’s Central Issues
Customer integration can be deeper if your offers connect to people’s central issues. Possible Examples: health, safety, family loyalty, shelter, career, comfort
Certainty Is A Valuable Benefit.
Product returns & exchanges can relieve dissatisfaction but you can help customers avoid dissatisfaction with consultations about combining products & information for certain results. Explain how to use product & information combinations to convert current conditions to desired results.
Study customers’ central issues, so your offers fill as many gaps as practical & remove as many risks as possible.
People need certainty in their central issues, so they need complete (often long-term) solutions. Gaps are differences between current conditions & people’s goals.
Talk to customers about what certainty & completeness is for their concerns. If completeness isn’t possible or affordable, explain how your offers fulfill customers’ main criteria.
People miss benefits when they're skeptical about products or doubt solutions are possible. Skeptics have been disappointed & want more certainty than most people.
You can acquire loyal customers by helping skeptics bypass doubt with authoritative coaching about the right products & techniques for specific problems.
Explain how specific technology combinations of products & techniques solve problems better than alternatives.
Doubt rises when projects fail. Offer to review details of customers’ needs, so they have all products & information for successful, complete results.
Projects might fail if people don’t know about product limitations or how to use features to create specific benefits.
Though detailed learning requires more time, people can be more certain when they understand what to expect from products & results they create. Examples: Are they buying the best tools for producing & maintaining their results? How long should they expect results to last?
Offer extra value that makes your store an irreplaceable part of projects.
Example: ‘Your project success depends on step-by-step plans for using high quality tools & materials. That’s why (store) offers consultations to be sure product features & specifications match your project expectations. Let’s plan tasks & choose products based on your goal, so everything is compatible with your needs & skills.’
Customized Value
Will customers need to adjust long-term solutions? Example: Some people invest in high quality vacuum cleaners, but some cleaners are too heavy as people age. Some stores take trade-ins & sell lighter models, so customers can keep benefits as their conditions change.
Ask for details about customers’ property conditions & desired results, so you can compare how well products fill each gap & reduce risks.
There can be safety & visual issues from damage. Help people identify safety issues that are less obvious than visual issues.
Guide people in prioritizing problems to avoid increasing damage. Example: What would happen if we fix (problem 1) now & fix (problem 2) later?
Help people consider options.
Examples: What’s needed to restore conditions or even upgrade to better level? Should customers replace parts with the same specifications as originals? Would more advanced parts resist damage better?
Help customers choose products based on their desires, plus provide information about needs they might not recognize.
Explore Product Limitations & Potentials.
Do products totally fulfill customers’ needs & desires? Which added details & benefits would make solutions complete?
Are products too powerful or weak for customers’ comfort? Do products have excessive (& more expensive) features than customers need or want?
Review how product advantages & disadvantages affect tasks & results, so people are prepared to work before they leave your store. Example: Tasks take longer if people have to stop work to avoid hazards (vent toxic fumes).
Are there milder products that bring complete results?
When customers are aware of gaps or risks, you can help them avoid problems & maximize value by working around imperfections.
Review risks & help people prepare for unavoidable risks.
Example: Since perfection is impossible, products can fail at the worst times. Is it practical to have a loaner or prorated replacement program? Even if new product versions are released, you could have older versions from trade-ins. People, who use older loaners, won’t have to learn instructions of new versions at stressful times.
Influence People By Helping Them
People are attracted & influenced by value. Gain & maintain attention & influence by offering benefits that fit what people want to control.
When vital issues are at risk, people often have to make unfamiliar decisions. Make their decisions easier by explaining problems & clarify how products & instructions bring specific results.
Even if competitors have wide selections, they have limited influence if they only offer products without guidance. Increase your influence by offering all resources for maximizing people's results.
Effectively helping people can depend on what you offer & how you offer it. You can make effective offers based on physical (what people need) & psychological (why they need it) conditions.
Here are some reactions to perceived risks with general offers for those people:
Fight: Even without full preparation, people might rush to mitigate damage with current resources. They might think they know enough & don’t need other resources. When problems are imminent, it’s important to assure people you'll help them prepare with full solution implementations.
Example: ‘(Symptoms) show (problem) is starting. (Store) has kits for diagnosing & solving (problem). These kits include products, instructions & plans for eliminating & preventing (problem) step-by-step for long-term relief.’
Flight/Flee/Denial: People try to escape by ignoring or denying problems if solutions seem impossible, impractical or too expensive. Authoritative information can confirm problems are real & solutions work. Explain how offers fit people’s conditions.
Example: ‘You’ve probably noticed (symptoms) as (problem) starts. According to (authority), (problem) is caused by __ & (product) is an effective remedy. You can reduce or eliminate (cause) with techniques using (product). (Store) has kits for different budgets. Kits include instructions for products with tasks & information to confirm tasks are completed. For $XX, you can get temporary relief by reducing (symptoms) with a cleanup kit. $YY will bring full relief from a cleanup & prevention kit.’
Freeze: People hesitate to avoid making mistakes because potential mistakes seem worse than original problems. It’s especially true if they’re unsure about causes & effects. They need information, but don’t know where to find it. Assure them you can help with diagnosis & step-by-step plans.
Example: ‘When you notice (symptoms) from (problem), it’s hard to determine what happened & why. You need complete solutions including information about causes & effects, plus advice about (products) & plans for using them, so you can solve & prevent (problem). (Store) has that information, advice & products.’
Focus On Higher Priorities: With limited resources, people tolerate some problems & only solve what seems most serious. Explain why imminent or current problems should be high priorities.
Example: ‘Each summer brings (problem). Symptoms diminish in winter, but damage increases each year until all causes are eliminated. Look for (symptoms), answer the questions below & bring your details to (Store). You’ll find the kit you need for the amount of damage you need to repair.’
You can influence people by helping them regain & maintain control.
Your inventory & marketing should be influenced by customers’ priorities. You can shape their responses to your inventory & marketing by offering more effective ways of fulfilling their priorities.
Describe why products & services are more effective & efficient in specific conditions.
Example: ‘When (product) is used according to instructions, outside air is sealed out, so (describe positive result). (Product) is effective & efficient for local needs because (describe how the product is made).’
People can focus on more serious matters after using products & services to control some factors.
Many offers can be framed as maintenance to control conditions by preventing, reversing or limiting losses. People might prioritize maintenance more than gaining what’s out of reach but if they’ve almost achieved something, they don’t want to lose their opportunities.
Need & Readiness Are NOT the Same.
If people feel they aren't ready for offers, they might not respond. You can decrease people’s distress by integrating with them at different preparation & skill levels.
Example: ‘(Store) has products & advice for a variety of skill levels & needs. Let’s talk about your readiness & find what you need.’
Fast Information Can Reduce Stress.
Your store can be a resource for preventing & solving problems & relieving stress.
Since stress can increase until problems are solved, stress increases while people research & compare solution options. It’s especially true if people don’t know which information is reliable.
Relieve stress by making your store a total source of products plus information about identifying & solving problems.
Offer Example: ‘New product innovations can totally solve more problems. The options can be overwhelming because as questions increase, answers feel more confusing. (Store) is designed to clarify issues & stop problems. Let’s compare your needs & options by finding specific questions & answers. Let’s sift through the possibilities & find what works for you.’
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Copyright 2020 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Monday, June 22, 2020
Retailers Should Reduce Stress with Full Solutions
Stressful changes are perceived in a range from inconvenient to threatening. Those perceptions influence what people are willing to do. It’s important to understand how consumers perceive conditions & their levels of control.
If customers are inconvenienced by changes, you’ll lose credibility by offering responses to threats. If customers feel threatened by changes, you could miss sales by offering ways to avoid inconveniences.
People reject negative ads that seem like scare tactics. Influence people through their perceptions instead of trying to alter emotions.
Losing or gaining benefits of physical objects can affect emotions through perceptions. Emotions shape perceptions, then those perceptions influence emotions. Your offers can interrupt that spiral. Help people notice damage & understand problems, so they avoid losing benefits.
Retailers should help people avoid or reduce stresses from significant losses. Customer consultations are vital for individual service & indicate offers to advertise to prevent losses.
Describe how changing conditions can affect people's lives & how you help people control results & limit negative effects.
People could lose progress or chances to advance if they aren’t prepared. You need a range of offers for preparing for emerging changes & adjusting if changes don't happen as predicted.
Offer ways to preserve & adjust benefits gained from improvements, so people decrease stress & don't lose pleasure.
You can build superior value by exploring issues many retailers ignore. Example: People can fully benefit from healed injuries if they know how to avoid reinjuring themselves. Would different product versions reduce injuries or would techniques matter more?
Superior customer service is often a matter of combining products & information.
Distress Makes Physical Problems Worse.
Distress happens when people: 1) aren’t ready to stop or control changes; 2) won’t accept changes; &/or 3) don’t know how to prepare for & recover from negative changes.
Stress increases as people try to avoid mistakes while searching for solutions. When you have a reputation as a solution source, people can reduce search times by starting with you.
People can get faster, better results when you prevent gaps by connecting problem diagnosis, products & facts.
Emphasize how knowledge is necessary for optimal, long lasting results.
Example: ‘It can seem easy to make quick repairs with cheap products because long-term problems appear later. (Store) has information about diagnosing & solving problems, so you’ll know what to do, how to do it & when it’s complete. Products will be matched to long-term results you need.’
The Right Products for the Right Conditions
Communicate with consumers to monitor conditions. Communicate with suppliers to interpret how product specifications fit conditions. Example: Thick oil isn’t always right for every need.
Though perception seems to be reality, help consumers interpret their perceptions, so solutions are accurate.
When you search suppliers’ offers, you need to balance local conditions & what products are promoted to do. Example: Some products can withstand high temperatures, but how often is that needed & does that product withstand low temperatures?
Help customers identify damage & assess their skills, so you can choose plans & kits.
Guide how they do tasks. Example: ‘If you’re learning as you do this, it’ll take longer, so you have to start now to finish on time. We can add basic tool, material & task instructions with the plan. (Product) needs X hours of drying time, so start early on a dry weather day. This advanced tool works quickly, but you’d need time to learn the techniques, so your first project might be relatively long.’
Offer products with proactive plans as solutions to differentiate yourself from retailers just selling products.
When you know about impending issues & work with suppliers, you can help customers with timely plans to reduce stress & mistakes.
Arrange supplier deliveries after helping determine when customers need results.
Offer Example: ‘(Authoritative sources) warn us about (issue). Since neighbors' needs can be different, (store) has checklists for choosing (products) & planning tasks. Let’s review your conditions now & find ways you can avoid problems. We’ll combine products & plans for the results you need at the right time.’
Being in Control is a Benefit.
When conditions are beyond people’s control, priorities change. People are apt to postpone opportunities & focus on avoiding losses. Some losses feel more threatening than others.
Your knowledge might include ways to mitigate or avoid current & potential losses.
Offer Example: ‘Retailers might claim to have solutions, but they only sell products. You need the right products plus actionable information to control conditions & solve problems. (Store) offers full value of consulting with you about products you need for results you want. Investing in total results is better than paying for products.’
Multiple small losses can have negative multiplier effects, so warn about future losses & offer guidance in choosing options.
Example: ‘Let’s solve & prevent problems to save you money & reduce stress. Sometimes you'll stop a series of problems by solving one problem. For example: Water leaking around windows can weaken window frames & walls. Look for evidence of leaks like this (picture). Problems are fully solved by high quality products with specific actions. (Store) combines top quality products plus consultations for identifying & effectively solving problems. The full value you get from (Store) includes understanding causes & effects, so you can prevent recurring problems. Let’s prevent & solve problems that cause stress. Life is the total of your experiences & (Store) is designed to make your experiences easier. How you change experiences depends on details we can discover with questions & answers about your conditions. Let’s combine our knowledge with products to create great experiences.’
It’s Great to Be Needed.
Integrate your store with people’s efforts to mitigate or avoid threats. Determine which losses are apt to happen & which threats you can minimize better than competitors.
Based on current information, is there enough time to prevent losses?
If there's only enough time to mitigate losses now, can you offer a solution later?
Example: ‘Prepare for problems from imminent rough weather. Look for problems like these (pictures). (Product) is strong & flexible enough to resist some hail damage. If overpowering wind & hail cause damage, you can use (tools) to remove & replace damaged material. (Product) is easy to reapply, so you’ll be ready for the next storm. Though weather is stronger than man-made products, (Store) can help you prepare for storms as much as possible. (Store) has products & information you need for local conditions. Let's review your needs, so you'll be ready for summer weather.’
People can be so distracted by current needs & desires, they aren’t aware of looming trouble.
Help people track how causes lead to effects & effects become causes of other effects.
Example: People prepare for cold weather effects on their bodies, but forget about property problems & effects of those problems.
Explain causes & how you help people limit negative effects.
Offer Example: ‘The forecasted cold weather can strain old furnaces. If your furnace breaks down now, you’ll wait for expensive emergency repair service. If your furnace can’t work any harder, it’s time to buy space heaters for your most used rooms. Your furnace’s work load will be reduced as it maintains lower temperatures in unoccupied rooms. Space heaters can match each family member’s individual comfort needs. Bring your family requirements & room measurements to (store), so we can choose the best heaters for your rooms.’
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Copyright 2020 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Monday, May 25, 2020
Customer Integration Inspires Consumers’ Attention, Interest, Desire & Action
I’m adding incrementally to previous posts. Here are more approaches to test & adapt.
Explain how your offers specifically help people fulfill needs.
Example: ‘Each summer when humidity rises, mildew & mold will increase unless you control the conditions. (Store) has checklists for evaluating your conditions. Let’s use your checklist findings to choose products & plan tasks to protect your health, plus increase your comfort. We'll focus on effectiveness & safety for superior results you need by matching product instructions & specifications with your conditions & priorities. (Store) has products you need, plus safety information. You can save time in one store & get effective results sooner.'
People want to control their conditions, so explain how you help them take & maintain control.
Example: ‘By using (product) to control humidity now, you can reduce mildew & mold. If small mildew or mold patches grow in areas of stagnant air, use (product) to stop the spread. Let’s talk about the level of control you need, so you get the right results.’
Make Meaningful Offers Based On People’s Priorities.
Explain how product value fits personal needs & desires.
Product Value: Specific solution kits are more effective & efficient than cobbling individual products together.
Personal Need/Desire: Help customers get effective results without the stress of hunting for information about problems & products.
Example: ‘(Store) has kits to solve (problems). Kit instructions accurately fit specific conditions, plus the products are compatible & effective. These kits reduce your stress by streamlining step-by-step tasks. You don’t need to research problems & products, because (store) has full information & instructions for tools & materials.’
Assure people by building a superior value reputation, so they pay attention to your ads. Differentiate your store by offering solutions, guiding people's choices & expressing concern with benefit descriptions.
Client consultations build empathetic understanding about high priority needs & desires. Your offers should gain attention by showing you understand people's desires & needs.
Ads can prompt people to prepare to shop in your store & expect exclusive benefits competitors don’t offer. Invite people to express concerns & guide them to answer questions with basic checklists in your ads. You can offer more detailed checklists in your store.
Example: ‘When you notice (symptoms), take pictures & write notes based on this checklist to accurately identify problems. When you come into (store), we’ll guide you through detailed checklists to find accurate solutions.’
In addition to helping clients based on their details, you’ll know how & when to adjust offers.
Explain how offers are beneficial & relevant in current or changing conditions to gain people's attention, interest, desire & action.
Example: ‘Checklists help us understand problems & adjust solutions when necessary. (Store) has a variety of products to prevent & solve household problems. Consultations turn these products into effective, efficient solutions. It’s time to end your frustration with big retailers’ lack of service. Reduce your stress from problems by getting satisfactory results from (store).’
As time passes & conditions evolve, clients’ details indicate how problems change & whether solutions are still applicable & popular.
You need to understand needs & desires because priorities affect choices & satisfaction with results.
People might prioritize symptom elimination when problems emerge instead of problem prevention. Guide clients' priorities by helping them understand what they need & guide how they fulfill desires.
Example: ‘Taking early action will reduce problems & your stress. By the time you notice (symptom A) & (symptom B), (problem) has already caused damage. Replace cracked & peeling paint with (product) to stop (problem). (Store) has tools & materials plus step-by-step information you need to eliminate vulnerabilities & fix problems.’
Reassurance Affects Responses to Advertising
When comparing offers, do you prefer buying from somebody who understands products & conditions, plus empathizes with you? Do you already feel comfortable with empathetic people because compatibility is built into the relationship?
Through advertising, your knowledge & empathetic expressions build customer integration before clients arrive in your store. Empathetic understanding shows concern for people & desire to help instead of just desire for their money. Empathetic understanding brings details for maximizing value compared to big retailers’ minimal service & product quality.
Helping customers make optimal choices is a service that differentiates you from retailers who avoid customer contacts.
Offer Example: ‘Discount stores won’t decrease your stress when products fail to prevent & solve problems. Discount retailers want millions of fast sales with little service, so they don't ask for your details. At (store), service is based on your details & desired results. Let’s create your best results by reviewing your current & future needs. Your details determine which products will totally solve problems & reduce your long-term costs.’
Differentiate Your Store With Service
Offer Example: 'Retail advertising is an invitation, but many big retailers invite you then ignore you. How can they serve you while avoiding contact? (Store) invites you to experience the service you need to create long-term results. Summer often brings (problems). Let’s review products & information you already have, so we can choose what completes your project & produces your best results.’
Powerfully differentiate yourself with concern for clients by specializing in knowledge about their needs. Explain your dedication to superior customer service compared to competitors.
Example: 'Have you noticed retailers advertise what's important to them? Many retailers focus on profits by promoting products & prices. (Store) specializes in what's important to you. (Store) has products & information for identifying, preventing or solving local problems, so your tasks bring satisfactory results. Let’s review your needs, so we can reduce your risks & stress.'
Though empathy is intangible, it communicates your desire to understand & fulfill customers' needs with the best product & information combinations.
Empathy helps you connect products’ physical results to people’s personal results.
Differentiate Your Store With Everything You Do To Improve Clients’ Results.
To compete with discount store commodities, you might have to specialize in new innovations. Make that an advantage for clients by explaining how to make innovative products produce better results than commodities.
New innovations can seem confusing, so demystify products by explaining how benefits fit specific conditions, plus customize instructions for specific needs.
Example: ‘(Store) specializes in new innovations to better solve (problem category). Let’s study your needs & discover ways to produce & maintain results you need. You can enjoy (activity) more because (problems) won’t interfere anymore when you learn how to use (products).’
You can show testimonials & even say you expect to earn more testimonials with superior service.
When you connect products & information, you create end-to-end results & reduce customers’ frustrations.
Unfamiliar product selections can frustrate customers, so compare products & match benefits with desires & expectations. Ask for examples & descriptions of desired & expected results to compare with product specifications.
As you develop plans for customers’ projects, you’ll notice which products & details are missing. You can connect customers’ current resources with new products & information they need. When you help customers review conditions & evaluate products, you can determine what would complete their projects.
Maybe they haven’t bought necessary things because they need product knowledge to compare benefits with their needs.
Maybe they bought some necessary things but haven’t finished tasks because they need advice about next steps.
Empathy Enhances Compatibility.
When people need solutions, they’re uncomfortable. Your empathy can instill some comfort. Their comfort with you affects their comfort with your offers & vice versa.
Though solution effectiveness is a major concern, convenience & confidence affect satisfaction. Help people be confident in your offers starting with your advertising.
Describe how products fit people’s general expectations & how your consultations fulfill specific expectations.
Example: ‘Discount stores avoid customer service. (Store) is designed to satisfy your expectations & advise you about potential opportunities & problems. Since it’s important to get maximum value for your money, (store) offers __. Consultations about your needs & expectations will help you maximize your projects.’
After you give advice, you can confirm understanding of shared insights by asking, ‘How does that connect with your experience?’ When you offer solutions, you can confirm understanding & acceptance by asking, ‘How does that fit your expectations?’
Customized Kits & Product Displays
Offer kit customization by having products displayed according to planned steps, so clients can quickly identify & use what's necessary at home. Example: Provide what people need to start plants & optimize garden soil & continuing through to freezer bags & canning jars for storing harvested vegetables.
Outline general steps with specific instructions for each step.
'Step 1 includes these products: __. Check chapter 1 for specific instructions. When step 1 is finished, the project should like this __ & you'll be ready for step 2.'
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Copyright 2020 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Enrich People’s Lives With Customer Integrated Options
To fulfill needs in special ways, people might need to use unfamiliar products & tasks, so they also want information & reassurance. Customer integrated retailers connect with customers more than physically with products.
Customer integration includes mental factors like confidence to try different products & methods. Since customer integrated retailers want customers to be totally satisfied with results, product satisfaction isn’t enough.
When people are disappointed by results, they might blame themselves &/or products. Disappointment leads to limited options because people hesitate about new things.
Help people explore options to enrich their lives. When you have a specialty, you offer a narrow, but deep range of options. If people are frustrated with limited results, you can offer better options in that deep range.
Example: Fitness stores match products with people’s needs & include information about specific exercises. As fitness levels change, customers can progress with different exercises & products.
You can make your store a necessity for people’s desired results in the range of your specialty. Your store becomes more necessary with each information detail & physical aspect you offer for specific improvements.
Your expertise & option range can reassure customers how well you enrich their lives & how necessary your store is. Since you have to limit your inventory, specialize in specific improvements & be an authority with valuable information.
Inspire trust by offering information that makes improvements complete in local conditions. Detailed advertising can explain how your specialty makes desirable improvements possible. Describe current & near future issues, so people recognize signs & symptoms. Explain how your products mitigate, solve or prevent problems, plus how your information improves product performance.
Eliminate Or Mitigate Risks.
Explain what eliminates or mitigates exposures to risks. Example: Problems cause gaps around windows. Caulking can seal small gaps & prevent some damage, but won’t fix problems that could cause gaps or previous damage.
Example Offer: ‘It’s time to check windows for drafts. (Store) has caulking & information for you to determine if there’s a problem to fix before you use caulking. It’s easy to find stores that just sell products. (Store) has products & information you need to find & fix problems, plus maintain improvements. (Store) offers what you need for long-term maintenance, so you’ll get results that are worth your time, effort & money.’
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA)
Do big competitors attend to or ignore regional differences? You should emphasize specialized products, services & knowledge about what matters locally & help people thrive in changing conditions.
AIDA is a common advertising model. It describes effects of advertising on consumers. Customer intimacy & integration emphasizes how retailers make that model optimally effective.
Here are questions to help implement that model:
How much Attention do you pay to customers’ concerns?
How do you Attend to what’s necessary to improve conditions & maintain improvements?
How do your show your Interest in helping customers produce & maintain superior results?
How do you fulfill your helpful Desire with Actions to help customers choose specific products & methods for superior results?
Show you pay attention to & are interested in customers’ details, so you can inspire them to integrate their lives with your store. Offer what they desire for maintaining & enhancing important life aspects. Develop preliminary action plans for using products. When people respond to your ads, you can ask for details to finalize plans.
Integration forms relationships by connecting with what's important to people. There’s little connection in exchanging products & money because it doesn’t express much concern about customers’ results. When you have customer relationships, you want each other to thrive.
People buy discount store products when they think they have enough information or aren’t aware of better options.
Compared to big retailers’ lack of product quality & service, you can focus on improving customers’ results, even if improvements are incremental.
Instead of loading up on discounted products, customers can invest in better products for each step, so they can evaluate & customize incremental results. Explain how incremental progress can be adjusted for budgets & changing conditions.
Offer Full Solutions
Instead of advertising products, offer full solutions by helping people choose their best options by comparing their needs with product features.
Determine which product & task combinations can improve conditions & guide customers in checking progress. When customers check progress based on your guidance, they can adjust to be sure results become long-term solutions.
Offer Example: ‘Since home improvement solutions require more than products, (store) offers full guidance. Let’s review total conditions to determine what you need. We’ll choose tools & materials based on your needs & abilities. If necessary, we’ll explore adding to your skills, so you can create & maintain results. Let’s decrease your stress & increase your confidence with step by step plans.’
People need to know what to expect from problems, so they can choose products. Example: If an illness starts with fever & aches, people buy relief from those. Later, they might lose sleep because of coughing. Signs can help people prepare for what’s not currently apparent. ‘This current virus causes (symptom list). Products on this shelf can bring you comfort. If you have questions about symptoms, ask us now, so you’ll feel better soon.’
Promote Better Options.
People will opt for discount store lower prices & wider selections unless you promote better options.
Customer Intimate retailers offer customized, lower risk solutions. Customer integration goes further by helping people customize experiences.
Offer Example: ‘To offer you total confidence in home repairs, (store) will recommend products & customized plans for long-term, high quality weatherization. You’ll enjoy your warm home & low utility bills. (Store) focuses on your total enjoyment because minimal satisfaction & temporary results aren't enough. Let's make your results special by adding benefits with products & information discount stores ignore. Discount store commodities might barely do what you expect. Let's review what you need & choose tools & materials for the best results.’
Problem solutions can be experiences when people enjoy improvements & confidence in long-term results. Since actions produce results & inspire confidence, you can offer more significant value with products & planned tasks than discount stores.
Discount store executives show their disinterest in consumers’ details by reducing employee contacts. Show your interest in consumers’ details by encouraging contacts. You can learn how to help individuals, plus gather & combine their details for a fuller perspective of local conditions. That perspective can help you offer better kits for preventing or solving problems.
Each detail can help you enhance kits to provide complete results.
Help People Understand Information You Offer
If you only focus on product sales, you’ll limit customers’ options. You can be flexible & help consumers be flexible by adding information.
Unfortunately, information can be interpreted & rejected as opinions. Success can depend on handling or detouring around disagreements.
Though facts seem to be black & white, there are often shades of gray. You can reduce doubt by consulting based on customers’ details. Focus on details that make particular products & methods necessary. When you effectively & efficiently combine those products & methods into superior results, customers’ testimonials can support your statements.
Products & methods work in some conditions & fail in others, but those success & failure evaluations are often subjective.
If nothing worked before, limited effects seem like success, so people repeat methods. They advise others to do the same in similar conditions. They might do the same things until you persuade them to try what’s more convenient, less expensive, easier to achieve &/or more effective & efficient.
Though discount stores might have low standards, people might think commodities are better than nothing or good enough. Differentiate your store by making higher standards part of your offers.
Example: ‘Stores are setup to either push products or help customers. (Store) will help you combine products & information into superior results. When you need full, long-term superior quality, don’t settle for partial relief from discount store bargains. You should depend on store owners to help you use products. Let’s review what you want, so you’ll get lasting benefits that are worthy of your time & efforts.’
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Copyright 2020 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Integration Prevents or Solves Customers’ Specific Problems.
Since products are similar, differentiate your business as a superior choice for specific results.
Compare customers’ concerns & purchase patterns with suppliers’ offers.
If you have the same suppliers as big retailers, do those competitors advertise the same product versions? This information can help you plan promotions & avoid direct competition.
Do products seem alike despite different quality? Compare how differences will affect results.
If product versions are the same, specify how your services produce better results. Example: ‘Customer services make big differences when products seem similar. (Store) will help you plan tasks & choose products based on your goals because results depend on how you combine & use products. You need superior quality, so (store) adds the value you need.’
Customer integration decreases problems by using supply chain communication & team efforts. Encourage customers to share observations & insights. Organize & combine their input with professional level information, including advice from manufacturers. This information can help you optimize ads & precisely guide product choices & methods according to people's goals.
Offer complete results by forming an information & products supply chain. Example: ‘(Store) offers products with methods you need to start & finish projects. With information for each step, you’ll know how to use each product & get effective, efficient long-term results. We’ll guide you in choosing products that are compatible with each other & your goal. Your successful projects will upgrade your home & reduce your stress as you solve & prevent problems.’
Control Quality Issues With Products & Processes.
Problems could change or be uncovered in any process step. When people need to adjust steps &/or ways they use products, they need specific information instead of one-size-fits-all approaches.
When your store is integrated into customers' lives, results depend on the value you add. That integrated value can be customized results from combining products & insights.
Customer intimacy builds relationships & creates optimal insights developed by understanding people's needs.
Good relationships form around mutual dedication to achieving goals. Show you’re more dedicated to customers' goals than competitors by combining details into long-term improvements. Example: ‘We learn from research & solving customers’ problems because (store) does more than sell products. Bring shopping lists & questions, so we can guide you.’
Since suppliers need sizable markets, products might be made for a variety of tasks instead of being specialized. Compare products to local conditions. Some suppliers might offer you better service but their products might less effective in local conditions.
Consumers can get limited results from big retailers' commodities. When customers need something in your specialty to achieve goals, they can’t afford to come up short. To go the distance, they need progress without regression.
Offer confidence by explaining how & why products & methods contribute to long-term progress. Help people invest in more progress without excessive maintenance made necessary by using inferior products.
When you learn about people's conditions & goals, you can integrate with people’s lives. You’ll gain insights about positive & negative details.
Sorting details is necessary to determine what interferes with goals & positive conditions. Sort details & prioritize which factors to change according to people's limits (budgets, scheduling, etc.).
If people can't change each factor, check details to determine what interferes most with goals & positive conditions.
Find positive details & determine which factors to adjust. Example: Cushions & mechanisms make some lift chairs too big or heavy for patients' homes. Customer consultations can focus on appropriate chairs for people & possibly modifying their homes or other furniture.
Discuss Priorities
Since changes disrupt lives & can interfere with progress, discuss whether disruptions might become problems. If people can’t afford to change every factor or solve each problem, review conditions & discuss priorities, so they change or solve high priorities.
Discuss options. Example: Is it more effective &/or less expensive to enhance positive factors or eliminate negative factors?
Some say the devil is in the details. There can be angels in details. Angels are considered good forces (effects). Angels are also messengers, so look for messages (indicators). Details can indicate opportunities or growing problems while there’s still time for action.
Some details to examine are: causes & effects; current & potential problem symptoms; & consequences of disregarding problems.
Check for compatibility among customers’ priorities & goals; current resources; knowledge & skills; previous & developing results from actions in progress.
Help people consider future issues. Example: People want small, easy to park, fuel economic cars. Diabetes patients, who need canes now, soon might need wheel chair accessible vehicles.
It’s important to ask how people define what’s important to them. ‘It seems __ is especially important. I can help with that if you describe what it means to you.’
People use what feels comfortable, so compare results of their familiar tools & methods with what's better for new conditions. Explore options slightly beyond their comfort to expand possible solutions.
As people’s desires change gradually, maybe their current interests don’t match their resources, knowledge & skills. You can help people transition by accepting trade-ins & offering products, knowledge & coaching skills for their new interests. Sometimes, you might help rekindle interests by introducing new methods & products to end boredom.
Promote new details, so people know improvements are possible. Even if people get new innovative products, they might need new methods to get improved results.
Prepare For Changes
As you monitor new products & changing conditions, you can advise people to prepare for what's starting to happen.
Details help you guide people’s actions, projects & purchases in ways many big retailers won’t.
Study product details & methods, so you can help people focus on key details to improve projects & overall quality of life.
Prioritize details based on people’s needs, product availability, current & potential conditions.
If customers’ details indicate immediate needs but the most effective products aren’t in stock or affordable, discuss options.
How long can they wait?
What are their financing options?
Is it practical to start multiple step projects & delay some steps?
Can you plan the best interim results & adjust when better products or more money are available?
Some details could seem to be subjective or objective or at least be interpreted subjectively or objectively. Help people examine product advantages (pros) & disadvantages (cons) based on current & long-term needs compared to their desires.
Use important details about people’s conditions to determine product advantages & disadvantages.
‘(Product A) costs more because it does __ better than competitors’ products. You might need that if __.’
‘(Product B) does __ less thoroughly than competitors’ products. That lower quality is enough if you don’t need __.’
‘(Product C) does __ & __ to a lesser degree. That’s enough if you only need the results for a few years.’
Fiduciary Adviser
Do your best to fulfill a fiduciary role & advise customers to do what’s best for them even if you get less profits now.
Customers might not know what to ask because they don’t have enough information about problems & products.
Example: People might not notice slowly developing odors & wall discolorations until there's a big problem. Noticing problems isn’t the same as identifying causes & effects. Indicate how & where to look for symptoms, then determine what to do about causes & effects.
Even when people know something is wrong, they need to know who has resources. Your ads & in-store efforts (signs & discussions) should describe symptoms, summarize effects of problems & offer remedies.
Put details in ads, so people can recognize problems & know which solutions to discuss with you. Offer total solutions so people are less apt to settle for inadequate products from discount stores.
Example: ‘Have you notice (symptom list) in your basement? Those might be symptoms of (problem) & could be caused by __. Look also for causes like __. Bring your pictures, notes & concerns to (store), so we can confirm the conditions & determine what to do.’
Though it’s common to think about making competitively priced offers, you should make complete solution & prevention offers.
Solving problems can be a process starting with identification, progressing with choosing products & tasks for solving problems & maintaining results. Each process step depends on information.
Review people’s details, so you can help them with questions & answers.
To consistently add value to products, use lists to make basic processes. List questions for examining products & conditions to find details about what’s missing from conditions & which products & tasks could fill those gaps. List details you & customers need to know.
Processes increase effectiveness & efficiency. When you use processes to serve people, use Stephen R. Covey’s wisdom. Be effective with people. Be efficient with things. That’s very important in customer intimacy.
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