People might need your advice about choosing products & services to maintain, change or achieve a status & conditions.
Life roles & occupations are parts of people's identities & statuses. A status can be a social reputation &/or self-concept relating to how people control conditions.
A status relates to what people think about a person or somebody thinks about him/herself.
When conditions change, a status can change. Losing a status can be like losing oneself, so people struggle to hold a status. They might buy the best status symbols they can afford.
You can choose inventory to help people with status issues.
Status issues tend to be long-term & you can follow-up with people about results better than a web site.
As people progress, they want more or less of some experiences. You can help with details, so they can achieve goals.
Explain how to use products & techniques to solve specific problems & fine-tune results. You can help them choose the best options based on their expectations & priorities.
With your local knowledge, you can plan your inventory & promotions based on your niche's priorities & budgets.
Priorities & local conditions determine what appeals to people. Example: If real estate sales are low, resale value might be a low priority. Your home improvement offers could focus on safety & comfort.
You need to know which priority people want to fulfill. Example: Security is a higher priority than a home's appearance. If people don't have a secure place for physical safety & privacy, they'll focus on decreasing threats.
Eliminate Vulnerabilities & Repair Damage
Guaranteed results can be very important because there's a limit to how much uncertainty people can bear. After losing anything valuable, they can't afford to risk losing more.
Generally, people do more to avoid losing things than they would to gain things. Perceived risks can be almost as stressful as actual losses. Each risk can cause people to feel less control.
For total well-being, people need to feel in control. Losing things is a sign of not being in control.
People prioritize because they can't protect everything equally. When you know their priorities, you can offer products, services & plans for fulfilling priorities.
In your area, what are people's major vulnerabilities? How can you help them eliminate or reduce vulnerabilities? If people can't eliminate vulnerabilities, what you can offer to repair damage?
Some damage can cause worse vulnerabilities, so quick plans & repairs are vital.
Some plans are made & implemented seasonally or in reaction to problems. If you know which problems to expect, you can quickly offer solutions if you have responsive suppliers.
You can help people plan by identifying problems & solutions. Solutions require matching techniques with tools & materials.
People can quickly finalize plans when they know which tools & materials are available. As people plan repairs, you can help them decide whether to regain what they had or upgrade.
Even if you don't help people with repair plans, your inventory & promotion plans should be based on what happened or is expected to happen.
Your promotion can be "Repair (damaged property) Now & Avoid (secondary damage). Check the products in this ad & bring your list today while supplies are available."
Your offer can focus on preventing problems. "Be Ready For (problem). Bring your plans or we'll help you plan to avoid (potential kind of damage)."
When people perceive your knowledge, concern & understanding, they'll feel confident about your advice & offers. That confidence is almost like a feeling of control, so people can be less stressed. It's a valuable benefit they won't get from an impersonal web site or automated store.
Dialog In People's Minds
The following wisdom is still true: Your ad about a solution should reach people when they're already focused on a problem. Ads related to subjects in articles, shows or videos can reach people who are focused on solving specific problems.
It's also important to use this wisdom: For optimal results, ads should merge with dialogs people have in their minds & with each other.
When people consciously focus on a task, their subconscious minds are still aware of other concerns. When people have multiple concerns, it's like they have multiple internal dialogs. Like verbal dialogs, you're more apt to be accepted if you contribute relevant thoughts.
An internal dialog is like mental traffic. Merging with traffic means matching speed, occupying an open space & going in the same direction toward a destination (goal). Go in the same direction unless you have a better detour to arrive at the same or better destination.
Prove a different destination or detour is better based on their conditions. Assure them you'll help them with the right results & they'll open a mental space for you.
Connect your advertising with current conditions. Headlines & opening statements can show you understand & have value to add.
Help people overcome doubts. They might think, "What If I Make A Mistake?" You can reassure them, "You don't have to be perfect to solve this. If it doesn't work well, we'll go over the steps with you again. We'll make adjustments & solve it together."
Use ad headlines & opening statements to enter conversations. People wonder, "How Can We (solve a problem)? With (product), there are 3 steps & we'll guide you." You can use their internal questions in your ads. Example: "How Am I Going To__? Here's your answer - __."
Connect offers with desired conditions. Example: "We'll show you how to start getting benefits you need today. On your way home, come to (store name & address) & ask for (product/service). It's only $X."
You can test offers of good, better & best quality. You can offer various combinations of products & services, so people can choose which tasks to delegate to you.
Offer To Improve People's Conditions
Cultivate your knowledge, products & services based on people's conditions.
What can you add or combine to form new solutions?
Can you adapt solutions to improve other conditions? How are conditions changing?
Are people struggling to maintain current conditions?
Are people struggling to cope with changes?
What's the biggest relief you can offer? Check your inventory for solutions to top priority problems.
When you have a compelling offer for a top priority solution, people will change schedules & budgets to buy it.
Is there a new problem or solution? Explain why the problem is bad & how a solution will make their lives better.
Would things be worse if they don't solve it? Explain how much worse things could be. Show they can enjoy benefits & keep problems from becoming worse.
People want to know how to experience benefits, so include details.
If products & services can be used individually &/or socially, show benefits of both.
You can use auditory & visual techniques to demonstrate people enjoying experiences. Use words to express people's thoughts related to those experiences. Examples: "How Do They __? It's easy, when you use (product name)." "I Wish I Could __. You can do it & we'll show you how."
Tap into consumers' feelings & thoughts with words your niche members use.
Ready Or Not To Start A Project
You can help people determine if they're ready to start a project. Though some projects can be done incrementally, others shouldn't be started until people have all necessary resources.
You can earn trust & faith by helping people avoid costly mistakes. Current conditions might not be as bad as a mistake.
Should people change something or maintain it as it is?
When should they start a project?
When should they expect to finish? If they get behind schedule, should they hurry or postpone it until another season?
When you give information, you should include guidelines for creating & maintaining results.
People might want a new benefit without realizing the commitment involved in creating & maintaining it. Creating & maintaining a result might require resources people can't afford.
A project could be more complex than it seems.
Can they change an aspect without changing others?
Can they adjust a project to get desired benefits without paying extra for what they don't want?
Based on your inventory & their current resources, can you help people customize projects?
People need access to various kinds of knowledge. You can be a resource by teaching or consulting with them.
They might need knowledge about causes & effects, so they can prevent & mitigate problems.
Are they ready for possible problems?
Do they know about risks of using the tools & materials?
They might need diagnostic knowledge to recognize positive & negative changes. Diagnostic knowledge is necessary, so people know what to allow or stop.
To use the right knowledge, tools & materials at the right times, they might need a plan & prescriptive knowledge.
Can you help people replace products (including disposal of old products)?
If they can't afford big changes, can you help with the incremental improvements?
If they only can afford to prevent more damage now, maybe you'll help with a solution later.
Guide them in choosing the best value they can afford now & invite them back.
Balance between urging them to buy the best solution & understanding their limits. If you seem judgmental, they might choose a different store.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Plan Your Inventory & Promotions Based On People's Priorities
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