The superior services I described below may seem obvious, but do you promote services or assume people know what you offer?
Intel sells computer central processing units (CPUs). This is analogous to people's important, central issues.
When issues are important, people want to be sure they get the best help from insiders.
When you provide specialized knowledge, people will accept you as an insider. When you advise them about improvement processes, you're a teammate working with them, not just selling products.
CPUs process programs & data in a particular order. Processing is analogous to methods & timing.
"Garbage In, Garbage Out" means data, hardware & software quality affect results. Process quality determines whether people gain or lose benefits, so processes are as important as products.
Like developers write programs for specific results, you can combine products & methods based on customers' needs.
People often need help dealing with issues in organized ways. By offering more than products, you'll relieve stress by helping people fulfill needs.
Imagine how much influence you can have when people fulfill needs through your store.
Diagnostic questions & prescriptive guidance can encourage optimal choices. Example: 'Since you have (problem), (basic product) can fix it, but your best option is (advanced product) because __.'
You can be an improvement effort insider by gathering necessary resources, especially knowledge about choosing & using products for specific results.
You can be an insider by studying products & considering how people's circumstances fit local conditions.
With specialized knowledge, you recognize what's important & can recommend improvements. When you observe details & consider potential improvements, you can determine if problems can be fixed or prevented despite limitations of local conditions.
You know what to expect & when to be cautious by sorting through data & "noise". Data can be used to find answers. Noise is inaccurate & doesn't lead to answers.
When people lack information, noise might seem accurate. People might base purchase decisions on noise & be disappointed.
When you diagnose conditions, recommend products & give advice, you can offer: 'The right products produce the right results, so we'll recommend what you need. We have information about getting the right results because customer service is more than selling products.'
There's often conflicting information. People are confused & frustrated because just when they seem to find what they need, contradicting 'facts' come out. You can help people get what they need by accurately interpreting facts.
It's easier to identify what's missing or wrong when you know how things should fit together.
It's important to show connections among symptoms, causes, effects, problems & solutions. Example: Somebody might replace a tire without realizing a leak was caused by uneven wear from a misalignment. Problems will continue unless the alignment is corrected. Though tire replacement would seem cheaper without repairs, you can show what'll keep happening without a full solution.
You can help customers change, add or eliminate factors that cause negative results & support positive results.
To effectively compete, you should attend to details competitors ignore. Here are potential details to address:
Who has the resources people need?
Which factors are necessary for positive changes? Which factors are optional? Is it too late to change a factor?
How will people know which changes to make? Which process steps & products are vital?
Do people need new information to adapt to changes? Do people need advanced product technology?
Help People Recognize Needs & Solutions
People need help interpreting information & using it to produce precise benefits & improve specific conditions.
You can offer a service for consumers who don't have time or desire to learn complex subjects. Though you won't teach everything, you can teach enough to help people discern what's important to improve their lives.
Services can range from consultations to full service. As you learn what people have & need, you can outmaneuver competitors who only offer products.
Help consumers understand what they need to achieve results. Help consumers understand what you & they can & can't do (legally & practically) so expectations are realistic.
Help people match products with their needs. Example: Do people need big phone buttons because of visual impairments or arthritis? People, who have arthritis, need particular phone & button shapes.
Help consumers find options for changing conditions. If consumers use the same methods & products each year, results may be inadequate because something changed. Example: As climate change continues, plants grow differently & invasive insects move.
Since consumers can't specialize in all issues, they need insiders to track changes & develop improvements.
If problems start, consumers need early interventions to mitigate problems. As you track changes, you can warn about potential problems & develop solutions.
Fight, Flight Or Freeze
Stressed people's reactions are fight, flight or freeze. They might freeze if they don't know what to do. Their problems & stress will continue until you build confidence in solutions. Example: '(Problem) is serious, but (product) is effective for many. Installation takes a day & maintenance is easy.'
People might 'fight' & get suboptimal results without the right resources. Show you're an ally with necessary resources. Example: 'When __ strikes, you can solve it because we have (product).'
Choosing flight could mean hiring somebody to do tasks. You should inspire confidence with prescribed improvements. Example: 'Solving (problem) requires specialized products & knowledge. Learning the skills would delay results. We have what you need now, so we can start now! You don't have to struggle with (problem) longer than necessary.'
Your inside knowledge can help people in ways discounters can't. As an insider, you can guide people because you understand people's conditions & reactions. Example: 'Describe your situation, so we can recommend products.'
Establish your inside position by offering to help people use the best products. Example: 'In this climate, you need __ to make a lasting difference when you fix __. It's expensive to redo projects & sometimes you have one chance to get it right. We'll consult with you to determine how to use tools & materials.'
Ads should focus on consumers' frustrations & aspirations. Consumers might disregard ads that don't describe how products affect situations.
Show you know consumers' general situations with a preliminary diagnosis & prescription. Example: 'You should seal drafty windows because you're paying for lost heat. We'll match windows & frames with guaranteed sealants compatible with your weather conditions. Some sealants work for a few seasons, then effectiveness decreases. We've identified ways to help you avoid problems.'
Valuable Habits
Insiders know what value means to a niche, so they know how to add value to products & services.
People change habits if there's enough value in new habits, so make it valuable to habitually buy from you.
Some habitually go to discount stores to solve problems. Though some won't change habits, you can attract those who want real value by defining what value is & why it's important. Examples: Value is helping fulfill their responsibilities based on personal or social expectations. Value is also stress relief when issues are settled.
People often have little time & energy for thinking & learning. Offer information to help people find the value they want. You can do it with information levels from novice (product functions, maintenance & basic uses) to advanced, so people can focus on what they need.
Turn-Key Solutions
Turn-key solutions should be complete & high quality.
High maintenance, cheap products from discount stores aren't turn-key solutions without information.
Real turn-key offers are a step short of full service & include information & products people need to produce results. Some turn-key offers include preliminary service, so buyers can avoid a few steps.
Turn-key solutions should include full instructions because people need to know how to use materials & tools. Coaching would be a good bonus to avoid misunderstandings.
People prefer turn-key solutions to be like turning a key & driving because when cars work, people don't need to think about mechanical issues.
Differentiate Your Store
After discount store shopping without assistance, people still have to solve problems, then maintain results after projects are finished.
Valuable offers can include plans & checklists for confirming & maintaining solutions. Great customer service increases consumer value for differentiating your store & justifying profitable prices.
Describe how you diagnose & solve problems. Show your qualifications to consult with customers to choose full improvements compared to cheap stuff from discount stores.
Compare product quality & why it matters. Examples: Material thickness; Iron vs. brass
Good products break less & reduce injuries. Caution requires knowledge & safe products.
High quality solutions last longer & maintenance is easier.
High quality manufacturers might have better warranties.
Business Structure Makes A Difference.
Discount stores invest in systems for moving big amounts of cheap products instead of solving people's problems.
Solutions require useful knowledge. You should invest in knowledge about products & local conditions, so you can offer solutions. Example: 'Describe your conditions & we'll help with your plans. We invest in information & product quality to help you choose the best products for your improvement plans.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Superior Customer Service Improves Customers' Lives
Typical product name & price ads don't help consumers choose based on needed results.
Advertising should emphasize how products & services are used to improve conditions. Emphasize how specialized knowledge & product quality can lead to lasting high quality results.
Advertise ways of producing value by combining knowledge, products &/or services, example: Small animal cages can be used to protect plants from animals (i.e., cages can keep animals out). Caged plants can be moved to manage exposure to sunlight & rain.
You can create more value for customers when you're more knowledgeable & innovative than competitors.
Superior customer service is based mostly on developing ways to improve customers' lives. You can create value by innovatively combining knowledge & products to create results.
As you consider people's conditions, think of ways to improve results. Expand safe ways to use & possibly combine products. Example: People rake leaves onto tarps, then haul leaves to collection points. Tent stakes can hold tarps while leaves fall from trees.
Show you want to do more than just sell products & services by using innovation to improve lives.
Help people focus on a full range of benefits, example: Hearing aids help people communicate & connect with loved ones. People can hear sounds they've missed for years. People enrich their lives when they hear lessons & entertainment. People can use audio-based safety devices, plus hear alarms & sirens.
Use Benefits To Offset Complaints
What are people's main objections about products?
Is product quality high enough for people's needs? Do products have the main benefits people need without excessive features? Do manufacturers make cheap products to fit discount prices?
Do you suggest product choices based on customers' conditions? Do you help with problems after customers buy products?
Here's a good product & service example:
A cell phone company advertises in senior citizen magazines. It overcomes service objections: "No Contracts" & "No Cancellation Fees". It offers "the simplest smartphone". A picture shows the large screen & easy-to-read menu. It has a longer-lasting battery & clear sound. When users don't feel safe, they can press a button to request help.
Its limited features & services appeal to people who want simplicity. This simplicity makes the phone & service affordable.
Representatives help customers pick or switch service plans. Technical support is free. Phones are available from retailers, so people can try models.
Clear Up Confusion
Helping people solve problems includes helping them decide. When people are unfamiliar with problems & solutions, they might be undecided because they're missing facts.
Here's how to clear up confusion & help people choose what they need: As you serve customers, document their conditions & questions with your answers. Your notes can help several people in similar conditions because they might have the same concerns.
When people describe their conditions, you can clarify their concerns. When people hesitate or object, you can check your notes & ask, "Are you wondering about __?" When you help people define concerns, you'll assure them you have answers.
You could use testimonials to help people decide which solutions to buy.
Consult with people about complicated products, so they're confident enough to do projects. Example: 'When You Have __ Problems, Technology Offers Solutions & Causes Confusion. We'll help you clear up confusion & choose solutions. Describe your conditions & we'll recommend improvements. You don't have to be an expert because we'll explain how to use products. If your conditions change, we'll help you adjust with step-by-step plans.'
Improve Lives With More Value
Though national retailers advertise based on general conditions, you can offer more meaningful local results. Diagnostic expertise can satisfy people who are frustrated by incomplete enhancements from big retailers.
You can use diagnostic questions to improve lives. Explain symptoms, causes & effects, so people can avoid or recover from problems.
In your advertising, explain the value of prevention, example: 'In Spring, look for __. If you don't eliminate it, it can become __. Prevention is easier & less expensive. We have __ in stock, so you can quickly __. We'll include a guide for diagnosing, preventing & correcting problems.'
Your guide can help consumers, who don't have deep expertise, avoid inferior results. Example: They might need mildew-resistant paint.
Your guide establishes you as an authority & is an incentive to choose your store.
Hope Is A Valuable Benefit
Though people probably won't say it, relief includes hope. Your solutions can increase hope & inspire more confidence in you.
Ask how people define relief, so you can determine how to help. If your recommendations don't fit customers' paradigms, ask questions to reach a mutual understanding about resolving their needs.
Relief can mean preventing & correcting problems. Relief also could mean more pleasure & less boredom.
Though general life dissatisfaction may seem minor, low morale is bad for health.
Increasing life satisfaction is a valuable service. People are more satisfied when they finish projects, complete collections & learn skills.
Check your inventory, services & knowledge base for ways to fill people's gaps. Gaps can mean people need skills, tools &/or materials.
People can be effective, efficient & less stressed when you help with plans.
You can help people learn better techniques with various tutorials. People might have some necessary skills, but not a full skill set. Example - Carpenters should know how to choose & use materials, fasteners & tools to get specific results.
When people rely on you, your store is mentally linked with optimistic feelings.
You offer hope about improving lives when you offer reliable ways to prevent & correct problems.
Since products don't improve lives without knowledge, your expertise can inspire more hope & confidence than discount stores do. You can offer tangible & intangible benefits of gaining control & decreasing stress. Gaining control increases hope & confidence.
You can offer: 'Decrease your stress as you prevent/solve __.' '(Business name) has products & information you need to control __.'
Explain what's possible, so people understand & can choose options. 'With __, you can __. When you're finished, you can expect __.'
Make decisions & tasks less complex by explaining causes & step-by-step plans to solve problems.
Small Adjustments Can Improve Lives
If you don't stock popular brands, show how substitutes can be adjusted or used directly to fulfill people's desires.
You can consult with customers to find or create what they want. Example: 'You need (result), so you need to know how to __. With your budget, I recommend (materials & tools).'
There's a variety of whole products, parts, materials & tools to customize.
I'm using plants as an example & analogy. You can apply this to other categories by considering what produces benefits people want.
Allergic people might like the visual stimulation or fragrances of flowers. People can get benefits of flowers from various plants, fragrances & artificial flower arrangements.
If you offer lessons on growing plants & arranging artificial flowers, people can create what they want.
During classes, people can socialize & collaborate in creating value. You can benefit from collaborations & adjust your inventory based on students' input.
You'll improve lives whether you customize products or teach people to do it. You can teach people how to make things fit their medical needs.
You can help people enjoy the creativity & practical benefits of hobbies. People might enjoy their creations more than mass produced products.
Creative people will prefer your store when you offer customizable products, materials, tools & lessons.
Emphasize how you'll make things easier by helping people create benefits. You can offer: 'Improve Your Life By Being Kind to Yourself! If you're missing __, we'll help you create it.'
Retailers often sell products without offering help. To differentiate your store, promote your ability to help people improve their lives. Examples:
'In (specific local condition), the best result is __. Here's how to achieve it: (methods summary). You need (products) & a plan to __.'
'In (personal/local condition), your options are __. We'll help you choose & use products for your best result.'
'Your life should be __. We'll help you find what you need & adapt it for the life you want.'
'You need more than products, you need results. You can improve your life with the knowledge, products & services we offer.'
'Your life can be __ when you have the right __. We have the knowledge & materials to help you develop __ based on your concerns.'
Differentiate your business by offering the extra value of preventing subsequent problems, example: Roof gutters & downspouts direct water away from basements until leaves & seeds get stuck. Sprouting seeds make problems worse.
If manufacturers thought about what could go wrong, they could've sold covered gutters years earlier.
If you notice flaws or predict problems, you can prevent frustrations & increase your profits. Carpenters & metal workers can help you fabricate solutions.
Compare products & services to local conditions & think about what's missing. Can you add or eliminate something to improve results? Tell suppliers about local conditions & ask for improvements.
Consumers need manufacturers & retailers to deal with quality details. Help consumers understand how details & features are beneficial, example: 'You won't have to pay anybody to clear these gutters because covers keep leaves & seeds out, so water flows.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Advertising should emphasize how products & services are used to improve conditions. Emphasize how specialized knowledge & product quality can lead to lasting high quality results.
Advertise ways of producing value by combining knowledge, products &/or services, example: Small animal cages can be used to protect plants from animals (i.e., cages can keep animals out). Caged plants can be moved to manage exposure to sunlight & rain.
You can create more value for customers when you're more knowledgeable & innovative than competitors.
Superior customer service is based mostly on developing ways to improve customers' lives. You can create value by innovatively combining knowledge & products to create results.
As you consider people's conditions, think of ways to improve results. Expand safe ways to use & possibly combine products. Example: People rake leaves onto tarps, then haul leaves to collection points. Tent stakes can hold tarps while leaves fall from trees.
Show you want to do more than just sell products & services by using innovation to improve lives.
Help people focus on a full range of benefits, example: Hearing aids help people communicate & connect with loved ones. People can hear sounds they've missed for years. People enrich their lives when they hear lessons & entertainment. People can use audio-based safety devices, plus hear alarms & sirens.
Use Benefits To Offset Complaints
What are people's main objections about products?
Is product quality high enough for people's needs? Do products have the main benefits people need without excessive features? Do manufacturers make cheap products to fit discount prices?
Do you suggest product choices based on customers' conditions? Do you help with problems after customers buy products?
Here's a good product & service example:
A cell phone company advertises in senior citizen magazines. It overcomes service objections: "No Contracts" & "No Cancellation Fees". It offers "the simplest smartphone". A picture shows the large screen & easy-to-read menu. It has a longer-lasting battery & clear sound. When users don't feel safe, they can press a button to request help.
Its limited features & services appeal to people who want simplicity. This simplicity makes the phone & service affordable.
Representatives help customers pick or switch service plans. Technical support is free. Phones are available from retailers, so people can try models.
Clear Up Confusion
Helping people solve problems includes helping them decide. When people are unfamiliar with problems & solutions, they might be undecided because they're missing facts.
Here's how to clear up confusion & help people choose what they need: As you serve customers, document their conditions & questions with your answers. Your notes can help several people in similar conditions because they might have the same concerns.
When people describe their conditions, you can clarify their concerns. When people hesitate or object, you can check your notes & ask, "Are you wondering about __?" When you help people define concerns, you'll assure them you have answers.
You could use testimonials to help people decide which solutions to buy.
Consult with people about complicated products, so they're confident enough to do projects. Example: 'When You Have __ Problems, Technology Offers Solutions & Causes Confusion. We'll help you clear up confusion & choose solutions. Describe your conditions & we'll recommend improvements. You don't have to be an expert because we'll explain how to use products. If your conditions change, we'll help you adjust with step-by-step plans.'
Improve Lives With More Value
Though national retailers advertise based on general conditions, you can offer more meaningful local results. Diagnostic expertise can satisfy people who are frustrated by incomplete enhancements from big retailers.
You can use diagnostic questions to improve lives. Explain symptoms, causes & effects, so people can avoid or recover from problems.
In your advertising, explain the value of prevention, example: 'In Spring, look for __. If you don't eliminate it, it can become __. Prevention is easier & less expensive. We have __ in stock, so you can quickly __. We'll include a guide for diagnosing, preventing & correcting problems.'
Your guide can help consumers, who don't have deep expertise, avoid inferior results. Example: They might need mildew-resistant paint.
Your guide establishes you as an authority & is an incentive to choose your store.
Hope Is A Valuable Benefit
Though people probably won't say it, relief includes hope. Your solutions can increase hope & inspire more confidence in you.
Ask how people define relief, so you can determine how to help. If your recommendations don't fit customers' paradigms, ask questions to reach a mutual understanding about resolving their needs.
Relief can mean preventing & correcting problems. Relief also could mean more pleasure & less boredom.
Though general life dissatisfaction may seem minor, low morale is bad for health.
Increasing life satisfaction is a valuable service. People are more satisfied when they finish projects, complete collections & learn skills.
Check your inventory, services & knowledge base for ways to fill people's gaps. Gaps can mean people need skills, tools &/or materials.
People can be effective, efficient & less stressed when you help with plans.
You can help people learn better techniques with various tutorials. People might have some necessary skills, but not a full skill set. Example - Carpenters should know how to choose & use materials, fasteners & tools to get specific results.
When people rely on you, your store is mentally linked with optimistic feelings.
You offer hope about improving lives when you offer reliable ways to prevent & correct problems.
Since products don't improve lives without knowledge, your expertise can inspire more hope & confidence than discount stores do. You can offer tangible & intangible benefits of gaining control & decreasing stress. Gaining control increases hope & confidence.
You can offer: 'Decrease your stress as you prevent/solve __.' '(Business name) has products & information you need to control __.'
Explain what's possible, so people understand & can choose options. 'With __, you can __. When you're finished, you can expect __.'
Make decisions & tasks less complex by explaining causes & step-by-step plans to solve problems.
Small Adjustments Can Improve Lives
If you don't stock popular brands, show how substitutes can be adjusted or used directly to fulfill people's desires.
You can consult with customers to find or create what they want. Example: 'You need (result), so you need to know how to __. With your budget, I recommend (materials & tools).'
There's a variety of whole products, parts, materials & tools to customize.
I'm using plants as an example & analogy. You can apply this to other categories by considering what produces benefits people want.
Allergic people might like the visual stimulation or fragrances of flowers. People can get benefits of flowers from various plants, fragrances & artificial flower arrangements.
If you offer lessons on growing plants & arranging artificial flowers, people can create what they want.
During classes, people can socialize & collaborate in creating value. You can benefit from collaborations & adjust your inventory based on students' input.
You'll improve lives whether you customize products or teach people to do it. You can teach people how to make things fit their medical needs.
You can help people enjoy the creativity & practical benefits of hobbies. People might enjoy their creations more than mass produced products.
Creative people will prefer your store when you offer customizable products, materials, tools & lessons.
Emphasize how you'll make things easier by helping people create benefits. You can offer: 'Improve Your Life By Being Kind to Yourself! If you're missing __, we'll help you create it.'
Retailers often sell products without offering help. To differentiate your store, promote your ability to help people improve their lives. Examples:
'In (specific local condition), the best result is __. Here's how to achieve it: (methods summary). You need (products) & a plan to __.'
'In (personal/local condition), your options are __. We'll help you choose & use products for your best result.'
'Your life should be __. We'll help you find what you need & adapt it for the life you want.'
'You need more than products, you need results. You can improve your life with the knowledge, products & services we offer.'
'Your life can be __ when you have the right __. We have the knowledge & materials to help you develop __ based on your concerns.'
Differentiate your business by offering the extra value of preventing subsequent problems, example: Roof gutters & downspouts direct water away from basements until leaves & seeds get stuck. Sprouting seeds make problems worse.
If manufacturers thought about what could go wrong, they could've sold covered gutters years earlier.
If you notice flaws or predict problems, you can prevent frustrations & increase your profits. Carpenters & metal workers can help you fabricate solutions.
Compare products & services to local conditions & think about what's missing. Can you add or eliminate something to improve results? Tell suppliers about local conditions & ask for improvements.
Consumers need manufacturers & retailers to deal with quality details. Help consumers understand how details & features are beneficial, example: 'You won't have to pay anybody to clear these gutters because covers keep leaves & seeds out, so water flows.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Improve People's Lives & Increase Your Store's Value
My goal is to help you increase your store's value by improving people's lives.
As you help people improve results & avoid disappointment, you increase your store's value.
In the USA, people have the right to "the pursuit of happiness." That pursuit can be in many directions, so people need a plan focused in one direction.
The best pursuit will fail without the right tools & materials to make plans effective. After people define what brings happiness, retailers can help them find & use products in step-by-step plans.
People pursue happiness if they believe they can achieve it. You should show what's available to make happiness achievable & offer ways to use products to fulfill their hopes.
People Find Happiness In Experiences.
Some products have little value until results are produced. Happiness requires many factors; products can't fulfill each factor. Tangible results require action guided by knowledge, so you should offer products & knowledge.
Some people need help applying instructions of multiple tools & materials to affect conditions. You can coordinate instructions to guide people in using your resources to create & maintain results.
Though people want more happiness, they'll probably do more to avoid losing what brings happiness now.
Depending on how much specialized knowledge & skill is necessary, you can help people create & maintain happiness with various service levels.
You can create packages including materials & tools, plus some service. Services can be installation, maintenance & repairs or advice to help people do tasks.
In full-service packages, professionals could do initial setups & scheduled maintenance.
In partial-service packages, customers could be independent except for professionals doing specialized tasks.
Self-service packages could include advice &/or full lessons about initial setup & maintenance.
You should consider allowing upgrades to more service because conditions could change.
People need personal advice because typical advice & tutorials might be wrong for some conditions. Advice should include reviewing conditions & determining what to do & not do.
When people don't know what they need, you can help them recognize & interpret symptoms with questions & insights. Example: 'Have you noticed __? It could mean __. If there's also __, you need__.'
Since you're in business to help people improve their lives, you need to know which problems are high priorities.
Here are examples of offers based on priorities:
"When your reputation is on the line, you need __."
"When happiness requires __, you need __ because __."
"When satisfaction means __, ask for__. You'll find it at__."
"When a job well-done includes __, start your task with__."
"When a full solution requires __, settle for nothing less than __."
"When you only have one chance to get it right, you need __."
"When success means __, you need __ because __."
"When you need to avoid/end __, it's time for __."
You can make these statements when you know how to use products to produce promised results.
Check your ability to fulfill these statements by asking your staff & customers what's necessary. You need this information, so you know what to offer.
What do you need to learn about products & customers' conditions? What should your inventory be? Which services should you add?
As you get answers, setup procedures to quickly deliver what customers come to get.
Gaining Benefits From Results
Let's use equations to define terms. Plans = Methods + Knowledge;
Results = Plans + Work + Materials + Tools + Conditions; Benefits = Results + Information
When people have suitable plans, materials & tools, conditions might not be ready. Example: People delay repairs because of storms. If storms increase damage, people might need your help to adjust plans & use different materials.
If people work long enough at the right time, their results will be improved conditions. By applying information, they can maintain benefits of improved conditions.
Though consumers want better conditions, big box stores sell products, not results. You should differentiate your store by offering results.
You can create better results by collaborating with customers. This collaboration can produce information to turn results into benefits & prevent problems.
Example: Cars & parts are products. Repairs are results. Transportation is a benefit. To produce that lasting benefit, help people understand how to prevent break downs.
Questions & checklists can help people customize results by adapting tools & materials.
Develop questions & checklists to: 1- Match consumers' desires & conditions with products & services; & 2- Help people produce & maintain necessary results & benefits.
Example: Is cold air entering through a crack or hole? Cracks can be sealed with caulk. Small holes can be sealed with a mixture of caulk & steel wool.
Offer Better Experiences
What can you offer to improve popular experiences? At minimum, describe how you can improve what people usually do, example: 'While most people are (doing common activities), you'll be (enhanced experience) because you'll have (product/service result).'
You can arrange alternative experiences. 'Free yourself from tiresome tedium. Break free with (product/service). It's the recreation you need because (product/service result) will restore your morale. You deserve relief. It's hard to renew yourself when you're frustrated in the same old situation. You need to get away to refresh & in effect, press your reset button.'
If people want different experiences, they might need instructions & supplies. If they want the same experiences again, they might only need to replace consumable products.
Consider which experiences people can create with your products: 1- What do people need to know? 2- Do they need products you don't offer? 3- Do they need professional services?
Can you supply everything people need for their desired experiences? Do you refer people to other businesses for products & services you don't offer?
You can collaborate with other businesses & customers to coordinate inventories & develop plans to help people create experiences. This combination of resources can produce more value than discount stores that only offer cheap products.
More Than Product Claims
Do more than make product claims, explain how to use products to produce results. Apply manufacturers' product claims to local conditions. It's especially good if you recommend products based on personal experience.
Possible Example:
'Finally dry weather! Rain was on its way as I rushed home. The trimmer is ergonomic & well-balanced to reduce operator fatigue. The battery provides fade-free power. It's easier to use than other trimmers. I finished about 45 minutes earlier than I did with the old trimmer. My wife was waiting when I walked in & ... she noticed I wasn't as tired as usual.'
Plan Results & Reduce Confusion
It's best to ask questions to form plans & reduce confusion. Which results will fulfill people's needs & desires? Which combination of tasks & products will produce those results? What do people need for specific tasks? Do people need help choosing & learning to use products? Who has the knowledge people need?
Confusion can cause mistakes & stress. People delay decisions & solutions when they're confused. By reducing confusion, you can create more value & sell more in less time.
To clear up confusion, help people outline their conditions, then prepare product & service options to fulfill their needs. Help people choose options by comparing their conditions with each option.
You can outline tasks to solve problems & prevent recurrences, then develop a plan based on the outline & chosen options.
Plans can include financial arrangements; assigning tasks; time for learning & doing tasks; or possibly scheduling professionals to do the work.
Recommendations For Specific Conditions
Hammer sellers might suggest using hammers. People want advice about what they need, not based on what retailers need to sell.
People are apt to ask questions, when they're sure they'll get unbiased advice.
Show your integrity by differentiating between advising what customers need & suggesting extra value. Example: 'This basic unit can __. This deluxe unit can __.'
Here are examples of product advice based on customers' needs:
'The basic version is the least expensive & yields short-term results. You can get fast results with this option, but it costs more. The deluxe version takes more time to apply & gives you longer quality.'
People might wonder about keeping or replacing things. People will realize your advice isn't based just on selling things if you show objective criteria about replacements.
Example: 'If you notice __, it means __. In that case, you should replace it with __.'
To novices, some tools seem interchangeable & confusing. Example: Some tasks can be done with a combination wrench set, an adjustable wrench or pliers.
Clear explanations help people determine what to buy for current & future tasks. Posters, checklists & flip chart summaries can help people choose what's best, example: 'When your issue is __, you need (product) because __.'
Summaries can help you also because your answer is ready when you're mentally processing multiple issues.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
As you help people improve results & avoid disappointment, you increase your store's value.
In the USA, people have the right to "the pursuit of happiness." That pursuit can be in many directions, so people need a plan focused in one direction.
The best pursuit will fail without the right tools & materials to make plans effective. After people define what brings happiness, retailers can help them find & use products in step-by-step plans.
People pursue happiness if they believe they can achieve it. You should show what's available to make happiness achievable & offer ways to use products to fulfill their hopes.
People Find Happiness In Experiences.
Some products have little value until results are produced. Happiness requires many factors; products can't fulfill each factor. Tangible results require action guided by knowledge, so you should offer products & knowledge.
Some people need help applying instructions of multiple tools & materials to affect conditions. You can coordinate instructions to guide people in using your resources to create & maintain results.
Though people want more happiness, they'll probably do more to avoid losing what brings happiness now.
Depending on how much specialized knowledge & skill is necessary, you can help people create & maintain happiness with various service levels.
You can create packages including materials & tools, plus some service. Services can be installation, maintenance & repairs or advice to help people do tasks.
In full-service packages, professionals could do initial setups & scheduled maintenance.
In partial-service packages, customers could be independent except for professionals doing specialized tasks.
Self-service packages could include advice &/or full lessons about initial setup & maintenance.
You should consider allowing upgrades to more service because conditions could change.
People need personal advice because typical advice & tutorials might be wrong for some conditions. Advice should include reviewing conditions & determining what to do & not do.
When people don't know what they need, you can help them recognize & interpret symptoms with questions & insights. Example: 'Have you noticed __? It could mean __. If there's also __, you need__.'
Since you're in business to help people improve their lives, you need to know which problems are high priorities.
Here are examples of offers based on priorities:
"When your reputation is on the line, you need __."
"When happiness requires __, you need __ because __."
"When satisfaction means __, ask for__. You'll find it at__."
"When a job well-done includes __, start your task with__."
"When a full solution requires __, settle for nothing less than __."
"When you only have one chance to get it right, you need __."
"When success means __, you need __ because __."
"When you need to avoid/end __, it's time for __."
You can make these statements when you know how to use products to produce promised results.
Check your ability to fulfill these statements by asking your staff & customers what's necessary. You need this information, so you know what to offer.
What do you need to learn about products & customers' conditions? What should your inventory be? Which services should you add?
As you get answers, setup procedures to quickly deliver what customers come to get.
Gaining Benefits From Results
Let's use equations to define terms. Plans = Methods + Knowledge;
Results = Plans + Work + Materials + Tools + Conditions; Benefits = Results + Information
When people have suitable plans, materials & tools, conditions might not be ready. Example: People delay repairs because of storms. If storms increase damage, people might need your help to adjust plans & use different materials.
If people work long enough at the right time, their results will be improved conditions. By applying information, they can maintain benefits of improved conditions.
Though consumers want better conditions, big box stores sell products, not results. You should differentiate your store by offering results.
You can create better results by collaborating with customers. This collaboration can produce information to turn results into benefits & prevent problems.
Example: Cars & parts are products. Repairs are results. Transportation is a benefit. To produce that lasting benefit, help people understand how to prevent break downs.
Questions & checklists can help people customize results by adapting tools & materials.
Develop questions & checklists to: 1- Match consumers' desires & conditions with products & services; & 2- Help people produce & maintain necessary results & benefits.
Example: Is cold air entering through a crack or hole? Cracks can be sealed with caulk. Small holes can be sealed with a mixture of caulk & steel wool.
Offer Better Experiences
What can you offer to improve popular experiences? At minimum, describe how you can improve what people usually do, example: 'While most people are (doing common activities), you'll be (enhanced experience) because you'll have (product/service result).'
You can arrange alternative experiences. 'Free yourself from tiresome tedium. Break free with (product/service). It's the recreation you need because (product/service result) will restore your morale. You deserve relief. It's hard to renew yourself when you're frustrated in the same old situation. You need to get away to refresh & in effect, press your reset button.'
If people want different experiences, they might need instructions & supplies. If they want the same experiences again, they might only need to replace consumable products.
Consider which experiences people can create with your products: 1- What do people need to know? 2- Do they need products you don't offer? 3- Do they need professional services?
Can you supply everything people need for their desired experiences? Do you refer people to other businesses for products & services you don't offer?
You can collaborate with other businesses & customers to coordinate inventories & develop plans to help people create experiences. This combination of resources can produce more value than discount stores that only offer cheap products.
More Than Product Claims
Do more than make product claims, explain how to use products to produce results. Apply manufacturers' product claims to local conditions. It's especially good if you recommend products based on personal experience.
Possible Example:
'Finally dry weather! Rain was on its way as I rushed home. The trimmer is ergonomic & well-balanced to reduce operator fatigue. The battery provides fade-free power. It's easier to use than other trimmers. I finished about 45 minutes earlier than I did with the old trimmer. My wife was waiting when I walked in & ... she noticed I wasn't as tired as usual.'
Plan Results & Reduce Confusion
It's best to ask questions to form plans & reduce confusion. Which results will fulfill people's needs & desires? Which combination of tasks & products will produce those results? What do people need for specific tasks? Do people need help choosing & learning to use products? Who has the knowledge people need?
Confusion can cause mistakes & stress. People delay decisions & solutions when they're confused. By reducing confusion, you can create more value & sell more in less time.
To clear up confusion, help people outline their conditions, then prepare product & service options to fulfill their needs. Help people choose options by comparing their conditions with each option.
You can outline tasks to solve problems & prevent recurrences, then develop a plan based on the outline & chosen options.
Plans can include financial arrangements; assigning tasks; time for learning & doing tasks; or possibly scheduling professionals to do the work.
Recommendations For Specific Conditions
Hammer sellers might suggest using hammers. People want advice about what they need, not based on what retailers need to sell.
People are apt to ask questions, when they're sure they'll get unbiased advice.
Show your integrity by differentiating between advising what customers need & suggesting extra value. Example: 'This basic unit can __. This deluxe unit can __.'
Here are examples of product advice based on customers' needs:
'The basic version is the least expensive & yields short-term results. You can get fast results with this option, but it costs more. The deluxe version takes more time to apply & gives you longer quality.'
People might wonder about keeping or replacing things. People will realize your advice isn't based just on selling things if you show objective criteria about replacements.
Example: 'If you notice __, it means __. In that case, you should replace it with __.'
To novices, some tools seem interchangeable & confusing. Example: Some tasks can be done with a combination wrench set, an adjustable wrench or pliers.
Clear explanations help people determine what to buy for current & future tasks. Posters, checklists & flip chart summaries can help people choose what's best, example: 'When your issue is __, you need (product) because __.'
Summaries can help you also because your answer is ready when you're mentally processing multiple issues.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Friday, September 21, 2018
Advertise Based On People's Desired Results
Satisfy people with valuable additions; example: Awnings add spaces onto houses & block harsh sunlight & light rain. Awnings combine effects of shelter & being outside. Screen walls are added to keep out insects.
It's important to help people maintain or improve circumstances more than just satisfying typical needs & desires.
Customize offers for people's needs. Help people increase benefits & avoid risks of pursuing benefits. Fill in the blanks - 'People would enjoy ___ if they could avoid __.' Eliminate what prevents them from having what they need & want.
To improve conditions, what could be added or removed? Example: Will people accept awnings without screens?
Help people improve circumstances by increasing their abilities with upgraded possessions or rented products.
By offering lessons & plans with basic tools, you help people improve skills & conditions. When you accept trade-ins of basic tools, people can get advanced tools & you can offer affordable basic tools to others.
Promote your expertise to make your store a source of superior products & information about choosing & using products. It'll help people trust you & become familiar with your store.
Help people get more benefits from what they have; example: A dealer can help customers choose a propane or natural gas grill.
If somebody has natural gas service & often will use a grill, a natural gas model could be more convenient & safer.
After pipes are installed, using natural gas could be safer than disconnecting, hauling, refilling & connecting propane tanks.
Better Reputation From Beneficial Services
Build your reputation by focusing on what people need to buy instead of what you need to sell.
While big retailers cut service, increase your profits by explaining how products & services fit local conditions.
When you observe people's actions & ask about their needs & desires, your inventory will help customers & will be profitable for you.
Confirm what people need by asking questions: 'Do you have __? Do you know how _? Have you ever __?'
If you're uncomfortable about asking questions, show what people need & invite them to ask questions. You can refer them to information sources to indicate what to learn before starting projects.
By exchanging information, you help customers get maximum value. They're apt to buy from you again & give you referrals.
Extra Efforts Can Bring You More Sales.
Overwhelmed people might hesitate to buy because they don't understand things. Here are miscellaneous issues to consider:
Do people's desired results fit their circumstances or should they consider other options?
Help people learn skills (how & when to use tools & materials), so they understand what's necessary to create & maintain benefits.
Interpret product specifications to prescribe the best solutions.
Combine products & services to create the best benefits.
Show how to schedule things in time segments.
Realistic Budgets & Time Commitments
You can help people plan how much time & money to invest in tasks. If they aren't ready for the effort & expense, they might lose interest & the activity will be crowded out by other priorities.
To keep customers returning, make things interesting & easy. The novelty can wear off & products won't be used. Bored people won't be long-term customers & might say the products aren't worthwhile.
What are ways to keep products & activities interesting? People might buy accessories to change the challenge level or add novel aspects. Is there a product version requiring less time & energy?
Rentals have little risk, so people can try things. If people lose interest in a rented product, others can rent it.
People Need Facts
In some communities, groups look for activities & subjects for classes. By sponsoring classes, you'll help people keep interests alive by sharing them.
Sponsorships also help you because groups promote activities & classes.
In ads & classes, information helps people choose activities & they might prefer your store.
People might need help finding products for improving their lives because ads don't have enough information. When people do web searches for product information, they might buy from businesses that provide the best information.
If you want to sell, tell how products are special. Tell about extra value you add to products to make people's lives easier.
Advertising should help people choose & use the best products for their goals.
You can provide a wide perspective of practical knowledge about producing specialized solutions for local problems.
Create more value by tracking consumers' needs, technology & competitors' offers.
What would solve problems without overshooting people's needs & exceeding their budgets? You can help people determine if a general solution is enough or if they should invest in a specialized solution.
Promote your expertise in a solution category, so you can show how your offers fit results people need.
Invite people to ask about using products for their goals. Example: Though product packages have instructions, provide plans for achieving results. You can sell products for those plans.
Your Business's Purpose
Attract people by promoting your business's purpose. Your business's purpose should be helping people achieve specific results.
Help people adjust their environments as their needs & desires change. Help people change, then maintain their lives at desired levels.
Entice people to return to pursue more happiness. Show you have more treasures than they can experience in a short time.
Goal pursuits should be planned. As plans are formed, show how tools & materials fit the plans. Products & plans can be put together in self-service kits. For people who need more help, you can offer full-service kits.
Whether you offer full-service or self-service kits, your options should exceed what people could develop without your help.
Each kit can offer benefits for various budgets.
Show how your offers make results achievable instead of offering miscellaneous products.
Promotions Should Focus On People's Goals.
You need research to determine which resources to prepare & what to promote.
Why do people hesitate about pursuing goals? Do they need help clarifying what they need?
Would they be confident if they had lessons & could rent equipment? Are they more satisfied when they plan experiences? Are they more satisfied with things they make or ready-made products?
Do people want traditional or innovative options?
As they discuss preferences, you might suggest alternatives for better results. People can only make ordinary decisions until they receive extraordinary offers.
You can persuade people to prefer your offers as you learn what's more attractive than other options.
Big retailers compete based on products. It's important to help people get specific results from products.
As you consider which benefits to offer, think about these issues:
Do competitors offer the same benefits? How can you make benefits more specific to customers' goals?
Do competitors help customers choose the best product version for their conditions?
Do competitors help customers get maximum results or is it total self-service?
Do self-service retailers imply a lack of concern for customers?
People can be comfortable with retailers who use expertise to carefully serve them instead of just selling for profits. You might be more credible if you show concern about people & their results.
It's important to provide mental benefits. Confidence is a benefit. Some feel confident if they get step-by-step guidance & others prefer a few helpful hints.
Help people be sure they can use products well & products will safely solve problems. Guesses leads to more stresses.
Your expertise & concern for people should be part of your business differentiation.
Ask about customers' needs & conditions, so you can provide specific instructions. Guide them with details to find causes & effects, so products, plans & solutions will fit problems.
When you provide written instructions, you can include liability disclaimers (ask a lawyer).
Clear up misconceptions about what products will & won't do.
Help people be certain about what to expect & how to adjust results. When people know what to expect step-by-step, they can recognize variations & can stop to ask for advice.
As you learn about local conditions & product limitations, you'll know what to expect. As customers describe their conditions, goals & preliminary results, you can help eliminate or decrease trouble.
People Like Special Offers
Compare your offers & service with competitors in your advertising. Example: 'Do our competitors have (specific benefit)? Will our competitors help you solve problems step-by-step? Any store will sell you any product, but we'll help you find what you need.'
Show people are special by making special efforts to serve them. When competitors make dull offers, it implies consumers prefer dull products.
People are interested in details about solutions, so make specific offers, example: A window company explains why Wisconsinites need specific windows. It explains the materials, manufacturing & installation differences.
Technology changes regularly. Help customers decide if the newest technology is worth a higher price or if they should use older technology.
Help customers compare warranties & other benefits, example: A more fuel efficient car might have a shorter warranty.
In addition to product & service offers, offer your expertise as a secondary benefit. Example: 'We have what you need for (specific conditions). We provide the right products & knowledge you need for the right solution.'
Encourage people to be sure they buy the right solution. Examples: 'Before you leave any store be sure you have (checklist). Before you accept an offer, be sure you know (checklist).'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
It's important to help people maintain or improve circumstances more than just satisfying typical needs & desires.
Customize offers for people's needs. Help people increase benefits & avoid risks of pursuing benefits. Fill in the blanks - 'People would enjoy ___ if they could avoid __.' Eliminate what prevents them from having what they need & want.
To improve conditions, what could be added or removed? Example: Will people accept awnings without screens?
Help people improve circumstances by increasing their abilities with upgraded possessions or rented products.
By offering lessons & plans with basic tools, you help people improve skills & conditions. When you accept trade-ins of basic tools, people can get advanced tools & you can offer affordable basic tools to others.
Promote your expertise to make your store a source of superior products & information about choosing & using products. It'll help people trust you & become familiar with your store.
Help people get more benefits from what they have; example: A dealer can help customers choose a propane or natural gas grill.
If somebody has natural gas service & often will use a grill, a natural gas model could be more convenient & safer.
After pipes are installed, using natural gas could be safer than disconnecting, hauling, refilling & connecting propane tanks.
Better Reputation From Beneficial Services
Build your reputation by focusing on what people need to buy instead of what you need to sell.
While big retailers cut service, increase your profits by explaining how products & services fit local conditions.
When you observe people's actions & ask about their needs & desires, your inventory will help customers & will be profitable for you.
Confirm what people need by asking questions: 'Do you have __? Do you know how _? Have you ever __?'
If you're uncomfortable about asking questions, show what people need & invite them to ask questions. You can refer them to information sources to indicate what to learn before starting projects.
By exchanging information, you help customers get maximum value. They're apt to buy from you again & give you referrals.
Extra Efforts Can Bring You More Sales.
Overwhelmed people might hesitate to buy because they don't understand things. Here are miscellaneous issues to consider:
Do people's desired results fit their circumstances or should they consider other options?
Help people learn skills (how & when to use tools & materials), so they understand what's necessary to create & maintain benefits.
Interpret product specifications to prescribe the best solutions.
Combine products & services to create the best benefits.
Show how to schedule things in time segments.
Realistic Budgets & Time Commitments
You can help people plan how much time & money to invest in tasks. If they aren't ready for the effort & expense, they might lose interest & the activity will be crowded out by other priorities.
To keep customers returning, make things interesting & easy. The novelty can wear off & products won't be used. Bored people won't be long-term customers & might say the products aren't worthwhile.
What are ways to keep products & activities interesting? People might buy accessories to change the challenge level or add novel aspects. Is there a product version requiring less time & energy?
Rentals have little risk, so people can try things. If people lose interest in a rented product, others can rent it.
People Need Facts
In some communities, groups look for activities & subjects for classes. By sponsoring classes, you'll help people keep interests alive by sharing them.
Sponsorships also help you because groups promote activities & classes.
In ads & classes, information helps people choose activities & they might prefer your store.
People might need help finding products for improving their lives because ads don't have enough information. When people do web searches for product information, they might buy from businesses that provide the best information.
If you want to sell, tell how products are special. Tell about extra value you add to products to make people's lives easier.
Advertising should help people choose & use the best products for their goals.
You can provide a wide perspective of practical knowledge about producing specialized solutions for local problems.
Create more value by tracking consumers' needs, technology & competitors' offers.
What would solve problems without overshooting people's needs & exceeding their budgets? You can help people determine if a general solution is enough or if they should invest in a specialized solution.
Promote your expertise in a solution category, so you can show how your offers fit results people need.
Invite people to ask about using products for their goals. Example: Though product packages have instructions, provide plans for achieving results. You can sell products for those plans.
Your Business's Purpose
Attract people by promoting your business's purpose. Your business's purpose should be helping people achieve specific results.
Help people adjust their environments as their needs & desires change. Help people change, then maintain their lives at desired levels.
Entice people to return to pursue more happiness. Show you have more treasures than they can experience in a short time.
Goal pursuits should be planned. As plans are formed, show how tools & materials fit the plans. Products & plans can be put together in self-service kits. For people who need more help, you can offer full-service kits.
Whether you offer full-service or self-service kits, your options should exceed what people could develop without your help.
Each kit can offer benefits for various budgets.
Show how your offers make results achievable instead of offering miscellaneous products.
Promotions Should Focus On People's Goals.
You need research to determine which resources to prepare & what to promote.
Why do people hesitate about pursuing goals? Do they need help clarifying what they need?
Would they be confident if they had lessons & could rent equipment? Are they more satisfied when they plan experiences? Are they more satisfied with things they make or ready-made products?
Do people want traditional or innovative options?
As they discuss preferences, you might suggest alternatives for better results. People can only make ordinary decisions until they receive extraordinary offers.
You can persuade people to prefer your offers as you learn what's more attractive than other options.
Big retailers compete based on products. It's important to help people get specific results from products.
As you consider which benefits to offer, think about these issues:
Do competitors offer the same benefits? How can you make benefits more specific to customers' goals?
Do competitors help customers choose the best product version for their conditions?
Do competitors help customers get maximum results or is it total self-service?
Do self-service retailers imply a lack of concern for customers?
People can be comfortable with retailers who use expertise to carefully serve them instead of just selling for profits. You might be more credible if you show concern about people & their results.
It's important to provide mental benefits. Confidence is a benefit. Some feel confident if they get step-by-step guidance & others prefer a few helpful hints.
Help people be sure they can use products well & products will safely solve problems. Guesses leads to more stresses.
Your expertise & concern for people should be part of your business differentiation.
Ask about customers' needs & conditions, so you can provide specific instructions. Guide them with details to find causes & effects, so products, plans & solutions will fit problems.
When you provide written instructions, you can include liability disclaimers (ask a lawyer).
Clear up misconceptions about what products will & won't do.
Help people be certain about what to expect & how to adjust results. When people know what to expect step-by-step, they can recognize variations & can stop to ask for advice.
As you learn about local conditions & product limitations, you'll know what to expect. As customers describe their conditions, goals & preliminary results, you can help eliminate or decrease trouble.
People Like Special Offers
Compare your offers & service with competitors in your advertising. Example: 'Do our competitors have (specific benefit)? Will our competitors help you solve problems step-by-step? Any store will sell you any product, but we'll help you find what you need.'
Show people are special by making special efforts to serve them. When competitors make dull offers, it implies consumers prefer dull products.
People are interested in details about solutions, so make specific offers, example: A window company explains why Wisconsinites need specific windows. It explains the materials, manufacturing & installation differences.
Technology changes regularly. Help customers decide if the newest technology is worth a higher price or if they should use older technology.
Help customers compare warranties & other benefits, example: A more fuel efficient car might have a shorter warranty.
In addition to product & service offers, offer your expertise as a secondary benefit. Example: 'We have what you need for (specific conditions). We provide the right products & knowledge you need for the right solution.'
Encourage people to be sure they buy the right solution. Examples: 'Before you leave any store be sure you have (checklist). Before you accept an offer, be sure you know (checklist).'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Top Of Mind Awareness For Superior Value
Build superior value with offers based on specific needs & desires. Combine products with instructions for diagnosing, preventing, mitigating or solving problems.
A superior product is just a foundation. Knowledge is necessary to create maximum short-term & long-term advantages for customers. Example: Help car buyers conserve fuel each day & maintain cars for lasting value.
Customized creations can be better than generic results, so explain how you help people create what they need.
Sometimes, there are better ways than standard methods, especially if a person's problem isn't "standard". Tricks of the trade (different ways to use tools & materials) can be valuable advice to reduce frustration & increase success.
Analogy: People submit questions to cooking shows about adapting recipes for their equipment & nutritional requirements.
Product instructions are like recipes. Help people adapt instructions to their conditions. Many retailers don't advertise services like these.
Put information in your ads, so people understand why products & services are important. Most advertisers don't explain which problems a product can prevent or fix.
Example: Pictures of downspouts with prices won't help if people don't know downspouts keep rain out of their basements.
Information For Successful Tasks
As you consider clients' conditions, combine knowledge of problems with known causes & effects. Work with clients to determine why problems happened, how to prevent deterioration & restore correct functioning.
Do your best to combine everything people need. Tools & materials are more useful with information about causes plus ways to fix & prevent problems.
When a step is over, people need to know what their next step is. Each step requires more information & they might need you to make a step fit their conditions.
Example: When people work on old vehicles or buildings, the original materials might be different than new materials.
Help people find sealers, adhesives or fasteners that are compatible with original & new materials.
Should original materials be replaced to avoid more problems?
How can people determine if original materials will break or wear out soon?
If you show objective criteria for replacing materials, people will realize your advice isn't based just on selling things.
Top Of Mind Awareness as a Source Of Specific Solutions
People will recognize your expertise as a specialist if you promote solutions instead of just products.
You can find solutions & ways to prevent problems by exploring subjects & local conditions.
Problems are gaps in ideal conditions. Knowledge is necessary to identify precise gaps then adapt materials & tools to fill gaps.
Generic "solutions" might be incomplete & temporary because methods, materials & tools don't fit the problems. Specialists recognize gaps & can identify what's missing.
Store chains have Top Of Mind Awareness (T-O-M-A) for retail or product categories. To compete, you should have T-O-M-A as a source of specific solutions.
You should compete based on satisfaction, not just sales. You can achieve long-term success & satisfy people by helping them implement clear solutions.
Use specialized knowledge to develop instructions for achieving goals & solving problems. By packaging instructions, tools & materials, you can help people finish tasks quickly & completely.
Help people understand how products fit their conditions, so they'll have faith in your offers.
People will be satisfied & less stressed if you provide plans with checklists for confirming problems are solved. They'll have faith in plans when you show how the steps fit symptoms of problems.
Top Of Mind Awareness For Specialized Knowledge
To thrive, you should differentiate your business by developing T-O-M-A for specialized knowledge.
Offer the specific knowledge your market niche needs to adapt products for their conditions.
Your specialized knowledge could be combining previous parts with new materials to fix older things. You can help people adapt resources & buy the best options for improvement.
Example: Products could be out of date because different materials were used years ago. There could be compatibility issues between old products & new parts.
When you learn about consumers' current conditions, you'll know how well their old resources fit their new needs.
You can create more value than big retailers that feature general product categories like plumbing.
With specialized knowledge, you offer more value by solving, then preventing specific problems like slow drains.
Provide instructions & products to solve a problem. Add products & information about avoiding those problems.
Since you'll help people understand causes & effects, they can prevent reoccurrences. Example: Toothpaste can build up into clogs, so people should use less paste & rinse thoroughly.
Diagnosis & prevention require knowledge about how problems develop. Prevention depends on noticing symptoms early enough to avoid serious problems.
Find Options That Fit Customers' Conditions
People might need advice based on skills, tools, needs & local conditions. You can determine which options fit people's conditions or problems.
Help people consider advantages, example: Would a regular version fully solve a customer's problem? Is there enough advantage in a premium version to make a higher price worthwhile?
Situations are like puzzles & people need diagnostic help to fill gaps. Like puzzle pieces fit physically & visually, people need products to fit their lives in multiple ways.
People want their completed puzzles to match their mental pictures, but mental pictures might not match what's available. When you help people diagnose problems & compare product specifications, you can determine if the benefits fit people's gaps.
Since people don't always know which benefits they need, ask them for details. You should focus on details of problems & solutions to show benefits are vital in filling gaps. People can choose options based on how well those benefits fill their gaps.
People need to prioritize advantages & disadvantages based on their needs. Example: Big vehicles use more fuel, but some are safer in crashes.
Top Of Mind Awareness For Diagnosing & Preventing Problems
When you have T-O-M-A for diagnosing & preventing problems, people will be open to your advertising.
Ads are valuable if they help people prevent or eliminate problems. People resist ads about selling things they don't need.
You can focus on a solution each month for your locality. Is there a time when a problem is worse or easier to solve?
Example: If slow drains are worse in winter, urge people to clear drains in November. Some people let water trickle to prevent frozen water in pipes.
People might not have serious drain problems when they occasionally use water in summer, but trickling water can back up in pipes. If water doesn't flow quickly through drain pipes, ice could block whatever little space is available.
Help people determine causes & the best solution for each cause - examples: hair or grease in pipes.
Help People Decrease Their Distress.
Your store can be an environment for helping people maintain what's good & change what isn't.
Discount stores sell products, but not always full solutions. You can show options & give advice based on customers' needs. That extra help can be valuable enough to make higher prices a bargain.
If people have to open or replace pipes, you can help them choose mechanical snakes, wrenches, new pipes & sealers or chemicals to dissolve clogs.
Offer what people need before they start tasks. Example: Before opening pipes, people should prepare for a mess with cleaning products.
Warn people about hazards, example: Pouring caustic chemicals into a drain is easy, but it might be too late for an easy 'solution'? People might not realize when it's dangerous to open a pipe.
In discount stores, people might buy products without knowing the risks of combining products & methods.
Offering a solution is more than offering a product. Do you have guidelines to help people determine which solution to use?
Be Prepared For Issues
Differentiate your store from competitors who sell products regardless of people's conditions. Learn about people's conditions, so you can offer the best combinations of products, services & information.
Compare customers' needs with your inventory & suppliers' offers. Compile customers' issues & questions for future reference when you plan promotions.
You also can learn about consumers' concerns through social media, blogs & product reviews.
By tracking patterns like weather, time-related issues & people's obligations, you can learn about customers' concerns & explore options competitors don't offer.
Help people fulfill obligations with better products & updated information.
Ask people to bring questions & ask them questions, so you can compare their needs with product specifications.
If a product requires repair or maintenance, offer a service plan based on how they use that product.
Time-related issues can be people's ages & product obsolescence (warranty expirations).
Example: If many people bought products during a strong economy, warranties will expire about the same time. When the economy is strong again, urge people to buy new versions with warranties. Your offer will be stronger if you accept trade-ins or recycle old products.
Explain how new technology has improved results people need. Example: '(Product) will (produce benefit) longer because of (new materials). (Benefit) is important when you need __. We'll help you pick the best model & show how to get the results you need. If your needs change, let's work together to find new solutions.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
A superior product is just a foundation. Knowledge is necessary to create maximum short-term & long-term advantages for customers. Example: Help car buyers conserve fuel each day & maintain cars for lasting value.
Customized creations can be better than generic results, so explain how you help people create what they need.
Sometimes, there are better ways than standard methods, especially if a person's problem isn't "standard". Tricks of the trade (different ways to use tools & materials) can be valuable advice to reduce frustration & increase success.
Analogy: People submit questions to cooking shows about adapting recipes for their equipment & nutritional requirements.
Product instructions are like recipes. Help people adapt instructions to their conditions. Many retailers don't advertise services like these.
Put information in your ads, so people understand why products & services are important. Most advertisers don't explain which problems a product can prevent or fix.
Example: Pictures of downspouts with prices won't help if people don't know downspouts keep rain out of their basements.
Information For Successful Tasks
As you consider clients' conditions, combine knowledge of problems with known causes & effects. Work with clients to determine why problems happened, how to prevent deterioration & restore correct functioning.
Do your best to combine everything people need. Tools & materials are more useful with information about causes plus ways to fix & prevent problems.
When a step is over, people need to know what their next step is. Each step requires more information & they might need you to make a step fit their conditions.
Example: When people work on old vehicles or buildings, the original materials might be different than new materials.
Help people find sealers, adhesives or fasteners that are compatible with original & new materials.
Should original materials be replaced to avoid more problems?
How can people determine if original materials will break or wear out soon?
If you show objective criteria for replacing materials, people will realize your advice isn't based just on selling things.
Top Of Mind Awareness as a Source Of Specific Solutions
People will recognize your expertise as a specialist if you promote solutions instead of just products.
You can find solutions & ways to prevent problems by exploring subjects & local conditions.
Problems are gaps in ideal conditions. Knowledge is necessary to identify precise gaps then adapt materials & tools to fill gaps.
Generic "solutions" might be incomplete & temporary because methods, materials & tools don't fit the problems. Specialists recognize gaps & can identify what's missing.
Store chains have Top Of Mind Awareness (T-O-M-A) for retail or product categories. To compete, you should have T-O-M-A as a source of specific solutions.
You should compete based on satisfaction, not just sales. You can achieve long-term success & satisfy people by helping them implement clear solutions.
Use specialized knowledge to develop instructions for achieving goals & solving problems. By packaging instructions, tools & materials, you can help people finish tasks quickly & completely.
Help people understand how products fit their conditions, so they'll have faith in your offers.
People will be satisfied & less stressed if you provide plans with checklists for confirming problems are solved. They'll have faith in plans when you show how the steps fit symptoms of problems.
Top Of Mind Awareness For Specialized Knowledge
To thrive, you should differentiate your business by developing T-O-M-A for specialized knowledge.
Offer the specific knowledge your market niche needs to adapt products for their conditions.
Your specialized knowledge could be combining previous parts with new materials to fix older things. You can help people adapt resources & buy the best options for improvement.
Example: Products could be out of date because different materials were used years ago. There could be compatibility issues between old products & new parts.
When you learn about consumers' current conditions, you'll know how well their old resources fit their new needs.
You can create more value than big retailers that feature general product categories like plumbing.
With specialized knowledge, you offer more value by solving, then preventing specific problems like slow drains.
Provide instructions & products to solve a problem. Add products & information about avoiding those problems.
Since you'll help people understand causes & effects, they can prevent reoccurrences. Example: Toothpaste can build up into clogs, so people should use less paste & rinse thoroughly.
Diagnosis & prevention require knowledge about how problems develop. Prevention depends on noticing symptoms early enough to avoid serious problems.
Find Options That Fit Customers' Conditions
People might need advice based on skills, tools, needs & local conditions. You can determine which options fit people's conditions or problems.
Help people consider advantages, example: Would a regular version fully solve a customer's problem? Is there enough advantage in a premium version to make a higher price worthwhile?
Situations are like puzzles & people need diagnostic help to fill gaps. Like puzzle pieces fit physically & visually, people need products to fit their lives in multiple ways.
People want their completed puzzles to match their mental pictures, but mental pictures might not match what's available. When you help people diagnose problems & compare product specifications, you can determine if the benefits fit people's gaps.
Since people don't always know which benefits they need, ask them for details. You should focus on details of problems & solutions to show benefits are vital in filling gaps. People can choose options based on how well those benefits fill their gaps.
People need to prioritize advantages & disadvantages based on their needs. Example: Big vehicles use more fuel, but some are safer in crashes.
Top Of Mind Awareness For Diagnosing & Preventing Problems
When you have T-O-M-A for diagnosing & preventing problems, people will be open to your advertising.
Ads are valuable if they help people prevent or eliminate problems. People resist ads about selling things they don't need.
You can focus on a solution each month for your locality. Is there a time when a problem is worse or easier to solve?
Example: If slow drains are worse in winter, urge people to clear drains in November. Some people let water trickle to prevent frozen water in pipes.
People might not have serious drain problems when they occasionally use water in summer, but trickling water can back up in pipes. If water doesn't flow quickly through drain pipes, ice could block whatever little space is available.
Help people determine causes & the best solution for each cause - examples: hair or grease in pipes.
Help People Decrease Their Distress.
Your store can be an environment for helping people maintain what's good & change what isn't.
Discount stores sell products, but not always full solutions. You can show options & give advice based on customers' needs. That extra help can be valuable enough to make higher prices a bargain.
If people have to open or replace pipes, you can help them choose mechanical snakes, wrenches, new pipes & sealers or chemicals to dissolve clogs.
Offer what people need before they start tasks. Example: Before opening pipes, people should prepare for a mess with cleaning products.
Warn people about hazards, example: Pouring caustic chemicals into a drain is easy, but it might be too late for an easy 'solution'? People might not realize when it's dangerous to open a pipe.
In discount stores, people might buy products without knowing the risks of combining products & methods.
Offering a solution is more than offering a product. Do you have guidelines to help people determine which solution to use?
Be Prepared For Issues
Differentiate your store from competitors who sell products regardless of people's conditions. Learn about people's conditions, so you can offer the best combinations of products, services & information.
Compare customers' needs with your inventory & suppliers' offers. Compile customers' issues & questions for future reference when you plan promotions.
You also can learn about consumers' concerns through social media, blogs & product reviews.
By tracking patterns like weather, time-related issues & people's obligations, you can learn about customers' concerns & explore options competitors don't offer.
Help people fulfill obligations with better products & updated information.
Ask people to bring questions & ask them questions, so you can compare their needs with product specifications.
If a product requires repair or maintenance, offer a service plan based on how they use that product.
Time-related issues can be people's ages & product obsolescence (warranty expirations).
Example: If many people bought products during a strong economy, warranties will expire about the same time. When the economy is strong again, urge people to buy new versions with warranties. Your offer will be stronger if you accept trade-ins or recycle old products.
Explain how new technology has improved results people need. Example: '(Product) will (produce benefit) longer because of (new materials). (Benefit) is important when you need __. We'll help you pick the best model & show how to get the results you need. If your needs change, let's work together to find new solutions.'
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Gain Top Of Mind Awareness As a Team of Businesses
You can invest in Top Of Mind Awareness with advertising. To make the investment worthwhile, you need to become well known for solving specific problems.
Problems have Top Of Mind Awareness because of people's daily experiences & news reports. As problems become common, you should earn Top Of Mind Awareness by offering specific solutions.
Earn Top Of Mind Awareness with a reputation for offering superior value.
Businesses can team up to solve problems & invest in cooperative advertising to make Top Of Mind Awareness affordable.
As soon as you're aware of problems, you should check your inventory & ask suppliers about solutions.
Learn who has or will have problems & reach them with urgent messages about full solutions. If you don't have full solutions, you can work with other businesses to offer full solutions.
A Dangerous Household Problem
In the US, there are news reports about lead poisoning from pipes & paint.
In some neighborhoods, houses were built about the same time & have the same issues. You could use direct mail to reach neighborhoods with messages about hazards.
Depending on local laws, you might have testing kits or information about who can legally test for lead.
By advising people to talk to a doctor about medical tests, you'd show how serious the problem could be.
After you gain attention & raise awareness, you can offer solutions.
Offer the Right Solution for Each Person
For this example, let's assume you own a hardware store & your advertising partners (team members) are a plumber, painter & carpenter. You could advertise about poisoning from lead water pipes & lead paint.
(Note: I'm using this example to show how businesses can use details to sell products & services. You should focus on details of problems & solutions to show benefits are vital.)
Individual & combined offers from a team can focus on a variety of customers' conditions. As a team, businesses have more resources, including a bigger knowledge base.
The team can make better offers, so each member can be stronger in its category.
You can split advertising costs or you could pay for ads & partners could pay you per sale. Payments could be a set dollar amount per sale or a percentage of transactions.
Together, you can afford longer advertising & more frequency. Longer advertising can present more product & service details to help people choose options.
Your combined promotions can raise more awareness than smaller, individual efforts. As a team, you also can establish Top Of Mind Awareness by offering better benefits than competitors.
Partners can include individual & combined offers, so customers will have a full range of solutions.
Advise People To Quickly Solve Problems
After cities replace municipal lead pipes, there are still lead pipes in houses.
Assure people you have knowledge & other resources they need. Their solution can start soon after they contact you.
They might get partial relief by using water filters to remove lead. You can help people fully solve their problem by replacing lead pipes.
Show you have valuable knowledge by summarizing the problem & solution steps. Explain what's necessary & what people's options are. Explain how you help people plan for what happens.
Example: Lead pipe replacement probably requires making & patching holes in walls, floors or ceilings. There could be another hazard because walls might be covered with lead paint. Making those holes can break up paint & lead paint particles can become airborne.
While that work is being done, it's inconvenient & possibly unsafe for people living in a house. Since potential hazards increase until the work is finished, professionals work quickly to reduce hazards & inconvenience.
Explain how professionals assure safety & satisfaction. They can do it by showing step by step results before closing up walls. They can also show & explain materials & methods before they start working.
If there are regulations, specify how professionals comply with laws. Set people's buying criteria like this: 1- Advise people how to be sure the work is done in full compliance with laws by a qualified business. 2- Specify how you fulfill legal & professional requirements. 3- Explain why each step & method is necessary.
Hire Professionals For Hazardous Work
Help people understand their conditions are hazardous & why they should hire professionals - example: "Lead poisoning causes long-term health problems. We have equipment for safely removing hazardous materials. As we remove lead paint, we safely remove lead laden dust & scraps. We obey all laws for disposing of lead pipes."
If people think of doing it themselves to save money, they should consider how quickly & safely they can do it.
You could outline hazards for home owners who choose to do that work. Explain why your knowledge & equipment are necessary. Summarize regulations about disposing of scraps & lead pipes.
Hire Professionals For Full Solutions
If the conditions aren't hazardous, people might wonder if they should do a task or hire a professional.
A professional could offer consultations, including diagnosis & instructions for fully solving problems. Professionals could visit early in a day & check back later.
Depending on customers' skills, here are some options-
Option 1: Professionals could do complicated work. Customers could do the other work.
Option 2: After customers do tasks, consultants could check the work & make adjustments.
Option 3: Multiple professionals could be involved. Example - After plumbers replace leaky pipes, carpenters could patch walls or show customers how to do it. Painters or customers could paint walls.
You can help people choose from a list of options. Example: "We have instructions, tools & materials you can use for these repairs: (list). Hire us if you find these problems: (List hazards they might find & legal prohibitions about who should those tasks)."
Rate The Difficulty & Risk Levels
With your knowledge of local conditions, you can be an authority on fulfilling people's needs.
To keep problems from getting worse, people need to quickly determine if they'll do tasks or hire somebody. You can help them compare options.
You could use a scale to rate the difficulty & risk levels, so people can determine if they'll do tasks. After setting a rating, explain why.
Here are optional rating criteria - Difficulty could be rated according to the kinds of parts involved or tools needed. Risks can include poisonous residue & gases, or if sharp tools & parts are involved.
Home owners are distracted by many priorities & might have stress from several unsolved problems. You can reduce their stress with guidelines for deciding whether to hire somebody or do tasks by themselves. You can help to prioritize solutions, then set a budget & schedule.
If consumers do a task, they need to diagnose a problem, learn how to fix it, then buy & organize what they need. They may need help choosing the best products for their conditions.
You can offer kits (including diagnostic & repair instructions) of materials with or without tool purchases or rentals. Kits can be combined with consultations. It's important to consider what people need for one time repairs or frequent maintenance.
People want bargains & a bargain can be a total (permanent) solution even if it doesn't have a discount price.
You should offer better, more convenient solutions than competitors.
Amateurs might assume they can diagnose & solve a problem, so you might tactfully suggest reading instructions.
After starting, people might find a problem is worse than they thought. If they follow instructions step-by-step, they can notice at which point they find something unexpected.
When they ask for help, they can more easily report what happened at a particular step. Their descriptions can include what's right & wrong. After good & bad symptoms & events are isolated, a more precise diagnosis & thorough solution are possible.
As you outline knowledge people need to diagnose problems, you should consider various issues. Examples -
Can a problem be accurately diagnosed before disassembling parts?
Do you have tips to guide people in disassembling only what's necessary?
Disassembly can be confusing & cause more stress if people don't already have everything they need.
After disassembly, problems become more urgent, so people might have to solve a problem even if they have to delay other tasks.
Do you have tips for organizing & identifying parts for easy reassembly?
Do you have tips for checking parts to determine what to replace? Do you have a list of parts & tools they need? Do you offer tool rentals?
If there are typical results, your instructions can guide people to the next step. Example - "If you find __, it means __. Your next step is __."
If they find anything unusual, they can ask your team for help. Your team can update instruction books as you get customers' questions & results reports. Your team's knowledge base will grow & you can offer more value.
With these efforts, you can learn about customers' concerns & explore options competitors don't offer.
Even if you can't compete with a wide selection, you can offer better solutions with products & services combinations from multiple businesses. A business team can coordinate offers instead of each business expanding products & services.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Problems have Top Of Mind Awareness because of people's daily experiences & news reports. As problems become common, you should earn Top Of Mind Awareness by offering specific solutions.
Earn Top Of Mind Awareness with a reputation for offering superior value.
Businesses can team up to solve problems & invest in cooperative advertising to make Top Of Mind Awareness affordable.
As soon as you're aware of problems, you should check your inventory & ask suppliers about solutions.
Learn who has or will have problems & reach them with urgent messages about full solutions. If you don't have full solutions, you can work with other businesses to offer full solutions.
A Dangerous Household Problem
In the US, there are news reports about lead poisoning from pipes & paint.
In some neighborhoods, houses were built about the same time & have the same issues. You could use direct mail to reach neighborhoods with messages about hazards.
Depending on local laws, you might have testing kits or information about who can legally test for lead.
By advising people to talk to a doctor about medical tests, you'd show how serious the problem could be.
After you gain attention & raise awareness, you can offer solutions.
Offer the Right Solution for Each Person
For this example, let's assume you own a hardware store & your advertising partners (team members) are a plumber, painter & carpenter. You could advertise about poisoning from lead water pipes & lead paint.
(Note: I'm using this example to show how businesses can use details to sell products & services. You should focus on details of problems & solutions to show benefits are vital.)
Individual & combined offers from a team can focus on a variety of customers' conditions. As a team, businesses have more resources, including a bigger knowledge base.
The team can make better offers, so each member can be stronger in its category.
You can split advertising costs or you could pay for ads & partners could pay you per sale. Payments could be a set dollar amount per sale or a percentage of transactions.
Together, you can afford longer advertising & more frequency. Longer advertising can present more product & service details to help people choose options.
Your combined promotions can raise more awareness than smaller, individual efforts. As a team, you also can establish Top Of Mind Awareness by offering better benefits than competitors.
Partners can include individual & combined offers, so customers will have a full range of solutions.
Advise People To Quickly Solve Problems
After cities replace municipal lead pipes, there are still lead pipes in houses.
Assure people you have knowledge & other resources they need. Their solution can start soon after they contact you.
They might get partial relief by using water filters to remove lead. You can help people fully solve their problem by replacing lead pipes.
Show you have valuable knowledge by summarizing the problem & solution steps. Explain what's necessary & what people's options are. Explain how you help people plan for what happens.
Example: Lead pipe replacement probably requires making & patching holes in walls, floors or ceilings. There could be another hazard because walls might be covered with lead paint. Making those holes can break up paint & lead paint particles can become airborne.
While that work is being done, it's inconvenient & possibly unsafe for people living in a house. Since potential hazards increase until the work is finished, professionals work quickly to reduce hazards & inconvenience.
Explain how professionals assure safety & satisfaction. They can do it by showing step by step results before closing up walls. They can also show & explain materials & methods before they start working.
If there are regulations, specify how professionals comply with laws. Set people's buying criteria like this: 1- Advise people how to be sure the work is done in full compliance with laws by a qualified business. 2- Specify how you fulfill legal & professional requirements. 3- Explain why each step & method is necessary.
Hire Professionals For Hazardous Work
Help people understand their conditions are hazardous & why they should hire professionals - example: "Lead poisoning causes long-term health problems. We have equipment for safely removing hazardous materials. As we remove lead paint, we safely remove lead laden dust & scraps. We obey all laws for disposing of lead pipes."
If people think of doing it themselves to save money, they should consider how quickly & safely they can do it.
You could outline hazards for home owners who choose to do that work. Explain why your knowledge & equipment are necessary. Summarize regulations about disposing of scraps & lead pipes.
Hire Professionals For Full Solutions
If the conditions aren't hazardous, people might wonder if they should do a task or hire a professional.
A professional could offer consultations, including diagnosis & instructions for fully solving problems. Professionals could visit early in a day & check back later.
Depending on customers' skills, here are some options-
Option 1: Professionals could do complicated work. Customers could do the other work.
Option 2: After customers do tasks, consultants could check the work & make adjustments.
Option 3: Multiple professionals could be involved. Example - After plumbers replace leaky pipes, carpenters could patch walls or show customers how to do it. Painters or customers could paint walls.
You can help people choose from a list of options. Example: "We have instructions, tools & materials you can use for these repairs: (list). Hire us if you find these problems: (List hazards they might find & legal prohibitions about who should those tasks)."
Rate The Difficulty & Risk Levels
With your knowledge of local conditions, you can be an authority on fulfilling people's needs.
To keep problems from getting worse, people need to quickly determine if they'll do tasks or hire somebody. You can help them compare options.
You could use a scale to rate the difficulty & risk levels, so people can determine if they'll do tasks. After setting a rating, explain why.
Here are optional rating criteria - Difficulty could be rated according to the kinds of parts involved or tools needed. Risks can include poisonous residue & gases, or if sharp tools & parts are involved.
Home owners are distracted by many priorities & might have stress from several unsolved problems. You can reduce their stress with guidelines for deciding whether to hire somebody or do tasks by themselves. You can help to prioritize solutions, then set a budget & schedule.
If consumers do a task, they need to diagnose a problem, learn how to fix it, then buy & organize what they need. They may need help choosing the best products for their conditions.
You can offer kits (including diagnostic & repair instructions) of materials with or without tool purchases or rentals. Kits can be combined with consultations. It's important to consider what people need for one time repairs or frequent maintenance.
People want bargains & a bargain can be a total (permanent) solution even if it doesn't have a discount price.
You should offer better, more convenient solutions than competitors.
Amateurs might assume they can diagnose & solve a problem, so you might tactfully suggest reading instructions.
After starting, people might find a problem is worse than they thought. If they follow instructions step-by-step, they can notice at which point they find something unexpected.
When they ask for help, they can more easily report what happened at a particular step. Their descriptions can include what's right & wrong. After good & bad symptoms & events are isolated, a more precise diagnosis & thorough solution are possible.
As you outline knowledge people need to diagnose problems, you should consider various issues. Examples -
Can a problem be accurately diagnosed before disassembling parts?
Do you have tips to guide people in disassembling only what's necessary?
Disassembly can be confusing & cause more stress if people don't already have everything they need.
After disassembly, problems become more urgent, so people might have to solve a problem even if they have to delay other tasks.
Do you have tips for organizing & identifying parts for easy reassembly?
Do you have tips for checking parts to determine what to replace? Do you have a list of parts & tools they need? Do you offer tool rentals?
If there are typical results, your instructions can guide people to the next step. Example - "If you find __, it means __. Your next step is __."
If they find anything unusual, they can ask your team for help. Your team can update instruction books as you get customers' questions & results reports. Your team's knowledge base will grow & you can offer more value.
With these efforts, you can learn about customers' concerns & explore options competitors don't offer.
Even if you can't compete with a wide selection, you can offer better solutions with products & services combinations from multiple businesses. A business team can coordinate offers instead of each business expanding products & services.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Friday, June 15, 2018
People Are Ruled By Life Roles
People do tasks because they 'have to'. They want to get tasks over with & not think about them. If they don't give tasks much thought, they might not know about better ways.
Think about customers' conditions, ask "Where's the struggle?" When you find struggles, offer easier results. You can increase profits by decreasing people's struggles.
If people only want easier results, they might reject offers of better results. Describe how they'll get easier results. Example - "You'll easily rinse dirt way when __."
There are rules & expectations for life roles. People aren't always realistic.
They might achieve quicker, easier results if they redefine rules & expectations. You can offer - "Let's check your To-Do List for easier ways to do tasks."
Put helpful tips in ads to show you have solutions people need.
Example - Sell detergent pods with this tip: After working outside, put dirty clothes in a pail of water with detergent pods. The detergent will start cleaning the clothes. You can carry the pail to a washing machine. Dirt won't be spread in your house.
When you know their criteria, you can consult about methods & tools to determine what's realistic.
People might do their best & be disappointed with results, so recommend better methods & tools.
Your offer can be - "Are you disappointed despite doing your best? We'll show you how to use new materials & tools, so you'll get the results you deserve. It's our job to supply what you need, including instructions."
Continuing Priority Cycles
As conditions change, people adjust to changing problems & needs. Each adjustment could require different products. Products can be risky & pose other problems.
Guide people in prioritizing problems & choosing products based on their needs & resources. As you show how to use products to solve problems, people fulfill needs & take another priority.
Each consumer priority change brings another chance to make your business valuable. Create value by matching products & local needs.
Make complete offers of products with instructions to solve problems, so people will buy all they need from you.
People might need medical advice because they have physical restrictions & need help adjusting actions.
If you allow trial purchases, they can bring products to medical appointments for help in choosing & using the best options. They can live independently & still fulfill their roles.
As our population ages, people are in transition. You might need to adjust your business according to people's desires & needs.
Example - As lives change, people change how they do tasks. Changing tasks requires extra effort & results aren't satisfactory until people gain mastery.
Learning new methods requires mental energy, so people may be distracted. Tired, distracted people need guidance in planning tasks & setting easy steps to achieve results.
By consulting with people, you can save them time & reduce frustration.
People prioritize changes because they can make only a limited number of changes at a time. Changes require resources & limited resources restrict options.
They're apt to buy if your solution fits most or all of their priorities.
People might base resource priorities on shortages, so they conserve their scarcest resources, especially time, money & energy. They might invest a little more money to save time.
Offer products & plans to save resources based on their conditions.
Same Life Goals, But Different Lives
As conditions change, you can help people adjust tasks. Evaluate what they have & determine what they need. Offer solution packages so people won't have the frustration of going to multiple stores.
People might want what neighbors have, but they have different needs & resources. Example - Home owners might want great lawns like their neighbors. Soils are different, so their lawns won't be the same. Previous residents might have used different seeds, fertilizers, pesticides & weed killers.
A customer might use a neighbor's lawn as a standard. How does that customer describe an ideal lawn? Is an ideal lawn achievable without replacing sod?
If they can afford what's ideal, can they maintain it with satisfactory quality?
Help customers achieve & maintain an affordable version of ideal conditions based on priorities, budgets & standards.
You should sell satisfaction by focusing on long-term value.
Basis Of Comparison
When people want benefits, they might not think about drawbacks.
People should include positives & negatives when comparing results & experiences.
Example - Travelers see great sites. People might be jealous because they can't physically sit for hours in a car or plane.
They could see sites with a big screen TV, but they'd miss cultural benefits. Some things could be added as replacements & problems can be eliminated.
Examples - "Experience Site Seeing & Movie Theater Thrills Without Discomfort of Hours Of Travel & Pain of Small Seats"
Benefits & problems can be listed like this: "Do you want - (benefits list). Do you want to avoid - (problems list)."
An electronics store could arrange with restaurants to provide exotic meals for big screen TV buyers.
Other experiences can be combined. A motel & restaurant could emulate cruises at lower costs by combining lodging, exotic meals & entertainers. Museums & ethnic groups feature art & entertainment of foreign nations. Zoos & ranches might have exotic animals.
Businesses can work together to offer "A 'Cruise' Experience Without (two main problems). You'll save $XYZ & still get these benefits: (list)"
Some people would go on cruises if problems didn't prevent them. Each eliminated problem should be highlighted in a 'without' statement.
Develop benefits to promote as reasons to accept the offer. Example - This 'cruise' alternative is available to people who don't have passports & don't want vaccinations.
Projects & Goals
Helping with projects could be your competitive edge over discount stores. You can help in planning projects including choosing tools & materials based on people's limitations & resources. Are they ready to start the project & maintain results? If they can't afford each detail, discuss adjustments. What do they need now & what can they delay? What are they willing to do without?
Solve Problems, Not Symptoms
People work hard & are frustrated when a problem doesn't go away. They get only temporary relief if they work on a symptom or related problem. It's like wiping up a puddle without fixing a leaking pipe.
They only get full relief by solving the main problem.
People might buy what's necessary for a symptom & feel cheated because their problem isn't solved.
They might go to another store in hopes of getting something better. A retailer, who helps them solve a problem, can earn more sales in the future.
You can use point-of-purchase signs to urge people to think before buying. Here's a sample sign: "Please let us help you SOLVE A PROBLEM, NOT A SYMPTOM. We're here to help you, please ask us questions."
It's hard to create a standard way to identify & solve every possible problem because situations vary.
Here are some questions for isolating & possibly identifying the main problem: Example - There's rotten wood because water leaks from a pipe. If a problem is solved, are related problems easier to solve? Which problem causes the most trouble now? Which problem will cause the most trouble in the future? What's the source of the trouble?
When A Diagnosis Is Hard
Unfortunately, sometimes a way to diagnose a problem is to start treating symptoms. Example - You can wipe up a puddle & watch where water starts accumulating.
You can use a search engine to get diagnostic charts, symptom checkers & potential solutions.
If you use magazines, books, videos or blogs for tips about diagnoses & solutions, you shouldn't lock into a diagnosis too early. You can go astray with a preconceived idea. Compare details between those case studies & your conditions because a difference can change a diagnosis.
You might have theories about what's causing trouble. Forming & dismissing theories can be like trying on shoes & eliminating what doesn't fit.
A diagnosis depends on accurately identifying symptoms & checking if there are enough related symptoms to indicate a specific problem.
Hopefully, you'll recognize the problem based on how it fits the diagnosis criteria.
Finding A Solution
When prescribing a cure isn't easy, you might need to find a solution by iteration.
You can evaluate results of each treatment. Has the problem faded? Is a potential solution closer? As you try a remedy, are symptoms subsiding or getting worse? If the problem lingers, are the most troublesome symptoms subsiding?
Some manufacturers recommend how much of a product to use & for how long. Without those recommendations, it can be hard to determine whether to stop a "solution" & try another.
Something to consider is - Are other potential solutions similar? What are risks & side effects of other potential solutions? Is there a satisfaction guarantee for other products? How comfortable are you with other products?
If you offer tool rentals, people could rent what they need until they solve a problem. People might buy tools if problem recurs. If they start with a small amount of materials & find what works, they can buy enough to solve a problem.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Think about customers' conditions, ask "Where's the struggle?" When you find struggles, offer easier results. You can increase profits by decreasing people's struggles.
If people only want easier results, they might reject offers of better results. Describe how they'll get easier results. Example - "You'll easily rinse dirt way when __."
There are rules & expectations for life roles. People aren't always realistic.
They might achieve quicker, easier results if they redefine rules & expectations. You can offer - "Let's check your To-Do List for easier ways to do tasks."
Put helpful tips in ads to show you have solutions people need.
Example - Sell detergent pods with this tip: After working outside, put dirty clothes in a pail of water with detergent pods. The detergent will start cleaning the clothes. You can carry the pail to a washing machine. Dirt won't be spread in your house.
When you know their criteria, you can consult about methods & tools to determine what's realistic.
People might do their best & be disappointed with results, so recommend better methods & tools.
Your offer can be - "Are you disappointed despite doing your best? We'll show you how to use new materials & tools, so you'll get the results you deserve. It's our job to supply what you need, including instructions."
Continuing Priority Cycles
As conditions change, people adjust to changing problems & needs. Each adjustment could require different products. Products can be risky & pose other problems.
Guide people in prioritizing problems & choosing products based on their needs & resources. As you show how to use products to solve problems, people fulfill needs & take another priority.
Each consumer priority change brings another chance to make your business valuable. Create value by matching products & local needs.
Make complete offers of products with instructions to solve problems, so people will buy all they need from you.
People might need medical advice because they have physical restrictions & need help adjusting actions.
If you allow trial purchases, they can bring products to medical appointments for help in choosing & using the best options. They can live independently & still fulfill their roles.
As our population ages, people are in transition. You might need to adjust your business according to people's desires & needs.
Example - As lives change, people change how they do tasks. Changing tasks requires extra effort & results aren't satisfactory until people gain mastery.
Learning new methods requires mental energy, so people may be distracted. Tired, distracted people need guidance in planning tasks & setting easy steps to achieve results.
By consulting with people, you can save them time & reduce frustration.
People prioritize changes because they can make only a limited number of changes at a time. Changes require resources & limited resources restrict options.
They're apt to buy if your solution fits most or all of their priorities.
People might base resource priorities on shortages, so they conserve their scarcest resources, especially time, money & energy. They might invest a little more money to save time.
Offer products & plans to save resources based on their conditions.
Same Life Goals, But Different Lives
As conditions change, you can help people adjust tasks. Evaluate what they have & determine what they need. Offer solution packages so people won't have the frustration of going to multiple stores.
People might want what neighbors have, but they have different needs & resources. Example - Home owners might want great lawns like their neighbors. Soils are different, so their lawns won't be the same. Previous residents might have used different seeds, fertilizers, pesticides & weed killers.
A customer might use a neighbor's lawn as a standard. How does that customer describe an ideal lawn? Is an ideal lawn achievable without replacing sod?
If they can afford what's ideal, can they maintain it with satisfactory quality?
Help customers achieve & maintain an affordable version of ideal conditions based on priorities, budgets & standards.
You should sell satisfaction by focusing on long-term value.
Basis Of Comparison
When people want benefits, they might not think about drawbacks.
People should include positives & negatives when comparing results & experiences.
Example - Travelers see great sites. People might be jealous because they can't physically sit for hours in a car or plane.
They could see sites with a big screen TV, but they'd miss cultural benefits. Some things could be added as replacements & problems can be eliminated.
Examples - "Experience Site Seeing & Movie Theater Thrills Without Discomfort of Hours Of Travel & Pain of Small Seats"
Benefits & problems can be listed like this: "Do you want - (benefits list). Do you want to avoid - (problems list)."
An electronics store could arrange with restaurants to provide exotic meals for big screen TV buyers.
Other experiences can be combined. A motel & restaurant could emulate cruises at lower costs by combining lodging, exotic meals & entertainers. Museums & ethnic groups feature art & entertainment of foreign nations. Zoos & ranches might have exotic animals.
Businesses can work together to offer "A 'Cruise' Experience Without (two main problems). You'll save $XYZ & still get these benefits: (list)"
Some people would go on cruises if problems didn't prevent them. Each eliminated problem should be highlighted in a 'without' statement.
Develop benefits to promote as reasons to accept the offer. Example - This 'cruise' alternative is available to people who don't have passports & don't want vaccinations.
Projects & Goals
Helping with projects could be your competitive edge over discount stores. You can help in planning projects including choosing tools & materials based on people's limitations & resources. Are they ready to start the project & maintain results? If they can't afford each detail, discuss adjustments. What do they need now & what can they delay? What are they willing to do without?
Solve Problems, Not Symptoms
People work hard & are frustrated when a problem doesn't go away. They get only temporary relief if they work on a symptom or related problem. It's like wiping up a puddle without fixing a leaking pipe.
They only get full relief by solving the main problem.
People might buy what's necessary for a symptom & feel cheated because their problem isn't solved.
They might go to another store in hopes of getting something better. A retailer, who helps them solve a problem, can earn more sales in the future.
You can use point-of-purchase signs to urge people to think before buying. Here's a sample sign: "Please let us help you SOLVE A PROBLEM, NOT A SYMPTOM. We're here to help you, please ask us questions."
It's hard to create a standard way to identify & solve every possible problem because situations vary.
Here are some questions for isolating & possibly identifying the main problem: Example - There's rotten wood because water leaks from a pipe. If a problem is solved, are related problems easier to solve? Which problem causes the most trouble now? Which problem will cause the most trouble in the future? What's the source of the trouble?
When A Diagnosis Is Hard
Unfortunately, sometimes a way to diagnose a problem is to start treating symptoms. Example - You can wipe up a puddle & watch where water starts accumulating.
You can use a search engine to get diagnostic charts, symptom checkers & potential solutions.
If you use magazines, books, videos or blogs for tips about diagnoses & solutions, you shouldn't lock into a diagnosis too early. You can go astray with a preconceived idea. Compare details between those case studies & your conditions because a difference can change a diagnosis.
You might have theories about what's causing trouble. Forming & dismissing theories can be like trying on shoes & eliminating what doesn't fit.
A diagnosis depends on accurately identifying symptoms & checking if there are enough related symptoms to indicate a specific problem.
Hopefully, you'll recognize the problem based on how it fits the diagnosis criteria.
Finding A Solution
When prescribing a cure isn't easy, you might need to find a solution by iteration.
You can evaluate results of each treatment. Has the problem faded? Is a potential solution closer? As you try a remedy, are symptoms subsiding or getting worse? If the problem lingers, are the most troublesome symptoms subsiding?
Some manufacturers recommend how much of a product to use & for how long. Without those recommendations, it can be hard to determine whether to stop a "solution" & try another.
Something to consider is - Are other potential solutions similar? What are risks & side effects of other potential solutions? Is there a satisfaction guarantee for other products? How comfortable are you with other products?
If you offer tool rentals, people could rent what they need until they solve a problem. People might buy tools if problem recurs. If they start with a small amount of materials & find what works, they can buy enough to solve a problem.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Plan Your Inventory & Promotions Based On People's Priorities
People might need your advice about choosing products & services to maintain, change or achieve a status & conditions.
Life roles & occupations are parts of people's identities & statuses. A status can be a social reputation &/or self-concept relating to how people control conditions.
A status relates to what people think about a person or somebody thinks about him/herself.
When conditions change, a status can change. Losing a status can be like losing oneself, so people struggle to hold a status. They might buy the best status symbols they can afford.
You can choose inventory to help people with status issues.
Status issues tend to be long-term & you can follow-up with people about results better than a web site.
As people progress, they want more or less of some experiences. You can help with details, so they can achieve goals.
Explain how to use products & techniques to solve specific problems & fine-tune results. You can help them choose the best options based on their expectations & priorities.
With your local knowledge, you can plan your inventory & promotions based on your niche's priorities & budgets.
Priorities & local conditions determine what appeals to people. Example: If real estate sales are low, resale value might be a low priority. Your home improvement offers could focus on safety & comfort.
You need to know which priority people want to fulfill. Example: Security is a higher priority than a home's appearance. If people don't have a secure place for physical safety & privacy, they'll focus on decreasing threats.
Eliminate Vulnerabilities & Repair Damage
Guaranteed results can be very important because there's a limit to how much uncertainty people can bear. After losing anything valuable, they can't afford to risk losing more.
Generally, people do more to avoid losing things than they would to gain things. Perceived risks can be almost as stressful as actual losses. Each risk can cause people to feel less control.
For total well-being, people need to feel in control. Losing things is a sign of not being in control.
People prioritize because they can't protect everything equally. When you know their priorities, you can offer products, services & plans for fulfilling priorities.
In your area, what are people's major vulnerabilities? How can you help them eliminate or reduce vulnerabilities? If people can't eliminate vulnerabilities, what you can offer to repair damage?
Some damage can cause worse vulnerabilities, so quick plans & repairs are vital.
Some plans are made & implemented seasonally or in reaction to problems. If you know which problems to expect, you can quickly offer solutions if you have responsive suppliers.
You can help people plan by identifying problems & solutions. Solutions require matching techniques with tools & materials.
People can quickly finalize plans when they know which tools & materials are available. As people plan repairs, you can help them decide whether to regain what they had or upgrade.
Even if you don't help people with repair plans, your inventory & promotion plans should be based on what happened or is expected to happen.
Your promotion can be "Repair (damaged property) Now & Avoid (secondary damage). Check the products in this ad & bring your list today while supplies are available."
Your offer can focus on preventing problems. "Be Ready For (problem). Bring your plans or we'll help you plan to avoid (potential kind of damage)."
When people perceive your knowledge, concern & understanding, they'll feel confident about your advice & offers. That confidence is almost like a feeling of control, so people can be less stressed. It's a valuable benefit they won't get from an impersonal web site or automated store.
Dialog In People's Minds
The following wisdom is still true: Your ad about a solution should reach people when they're already focused on a problem. Ads related to subjects in articles, shows or videos can reach people who are focused on solving specific problems.
It's also important to use this wisdom: For optimal results, ads should merge with dialogs people have in their minds & with each other.
When people consciously focus on a task, their subconscious minds are still aware of other concerns. When people have multiple concerns, it's like they have multiple internal dialogs. Like verbal dialogs, you're more apt to be accepted if you contribute relevant thoughts.
An internal dialog is like mental traffic. Merging with traffic means matching speed, occupying an open space & going in the same direction toward a destination (goal). Go in the same direction unless you have a better detour to arrive at the same or better destination.
Prove a different destination or detour is better based on their conditions. Assure them you'll help them with the right results & they'll open a mental space for you.
Connect your advertising with current conditions. Headlines & opening statements can show you understand & have value to add.
Help people overcome doubts. They might think, "What If I Make A Mistake?" You can reassure them, "You don't have to be perfect to solve this. If it doesn't work well, we'll go over the steps with you again. We'll make adjustments & solve it together."
Use ad headlines & opening statements to enter conversations. People wonder, "How Can We (solve a problem)? With (product), there are 3 steps & we'll guide you." You can use their internal questions in your ads. Example: "How Am I Going To__? Here's your answer - __."
Connect offers with desired conditions. Example: "We'll show you how to start getting benefits you need today. On your way home, come to (store name & address) & ask for (product/service). It's only $X."
You can test offers of good, better & best quality. You can offer various combinations of products & services, so people can choose which tasks to delegate to you.
Offer To Improve People's Conditions
Cultivate your knowledge, products & services based on people's conditions.
What can you add or combine to form new solutions?
Can you adapt solutions to improve other conditions? How are conditions changing?
Are people struggling to maintain current conditions?
Are people struggling to cope with changes?
What's the biggest relief you can offer? Check your inventory for solutions to top priority problems.
When you have a compelling offer for a top priority solution, people will change schedules & budgets to buy it.
Is there a new problem or solution? Explain why the problem is bad & how a solution will make their lives better.
Would things be worse if they don't solve it? Explain how much worse things could be. Show they can enjoy benefits & keep problems from becoming worse.
People want to know how to experience benefits, so include details.
If products & services can be used individually &/or socially, show benefits of both.
You can use auditory & visual techniques to demonstrate people enjoying experiences. Use words to express people's thoughts related to those experiences. Examples: "How Do They __? It's easy, when you use (product name)." "I Wish I Could __. You can do it & we'll show you how."
Tap into consumers' feelings & thoughts with words your niche members use.
Ready Or Not To Start A Project
You can help people determine if they're ready to start a project. Though some projects can be done incrementally, others shouldn't be started until people have all necessary resources.
You can earn trust & faith by helping people avoid costly mistakes. Current conditions might not be as bad as a mistake.
Should people change something or maintain it as it is?
When should they start a project?
When should they expect to finish? If they get behind schedule, should they hurry or postpone it until another season?
When you give information, you should include guidelines for creating & maintaining results.
People might want a new benefit without realizing the commitment involved in creating & maintaining it. Creating & maintaining a result might require resources people can't afford.
A project could be more complex than it seems.
Can they change an aspect without changing others?
Can they adjust a project to get desired benefits without paying extra for what they don't want?
Based on your inventory & their current resources, can you help people customize projects?
People need access to various kinds of knowledge. You can be a resource by teaching or consulting with them.
They might need knowledge about causes & effects, so they can prevent & mitigate problems.
Are they ready for possible problems?
Do they know about risks of using the tools & materials?
They might need diagnostic knowledge to recognize positive & negative changes. Diagnostic knowledge is necessary, so people know what to allow or stop.
To use the right knowledge, tools & materials at the right times, they might need a plan & prescriptive knowledge.
Can you help people replace products (including disposal of old products)?
If they can't afford big changes, can you help with the incremental improvements?
If they only can afford to prevent more damage now, maybe you'll help with a solution later.
Guide them in choosing the best value they can afford now & invite them back.
Balance between urging them to buy the best solution & understanding their limits. If you seem judgmental, they might choose a different store.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Life roles & occupations are parts of people's identities & statuses. A status can be a social reputation &/or self-concept relating to how people control conditions.
A status relates to what people think about a person or somebody thinks about him/herself.
When conditions change, a status can change. Losing a status can be like losing oneself, so people struggle to hold a status. They might buy the best status symbols they can afford.
You can choose inventory to help people with status issues.
Status issues tend to be long-term & you can follow-up with people about results better than a web site.
As people progress, they want more or less of some experiences. You can help with details, so they can achieve goals.
Explain how to use products & techniques to solve specific problems & fine-tune results. You can help them choose the best options based on their expectations & priorities.
With your local knowledge, you can plan your inventory & promotions based on your niche's priorities & budgets.
Priorities & local conditions determine what appeals to people. Example: If real estate sales are low, resale value might be a low priority. Your home improvement offers could focus on safety & comfort.
You need to know which priority people want to fulfill. Example: Security is a higher priority than a home's appearance. If people don't have a secure place for physical safety & privacy, they'll focus on decreasing threats.
Eliminate Vulnerabilities & Repair Damage
Guaranteed results can be very important because there's a limit to how much uncertainty people can bear. After losing anything valuable, they can't afford to risk losing more.
Generally, people do more to avoid losing things than they would to gain things. Perceived risks can be almost as stressful as actual losses. Each risk can cause people to feel less control.
For total well-being, people need to feel in control. Losing things is a sign of not being in control.
People prioritize because they can't protect everything equally. When you know their priorities, you can offer products, services & plans for fulfilling priorities.
In your area, what are people's major vulnerabilities? How can you help them eliminate or reduce vulnerabilities? If people can't eliminate vulnerabilities, what you can offer to repair damage?
Some damage can cause worse vulnerabilities, so quick plans & repairs are vital.
Some plans are made & implemented seasonally or in reaction to problems. If you know which problems to expect, you can quickly offer solutions if you have responsive suppliers.
You can help people plan by identifying problems & solutions. Solutions require matching techniques with tools & materials.
People can quickly finalize plans when they know which tools & materials are available. As people plan repairs, you can help them decide whether to regain what they had or upgrade.
Even if you don't help people with repair plans, your inventory & promotion plans should be based on what happened or is expected to happen.
Your promotion can be "Repair (damaged property) Now & Avoid (secondary damage). Check the products in this ad & bring your list today while supplies are available."
Your offer can focus on preventing problems. "Be Ready For (problem). Bring your plans or we'll help you plan to avoid (potential kind of damage)."
When people perceive your knowledge, concern & understanding, they'll feel confident about your advice & offers. That confidence is almost like a feeling of control, so people can be less stressed. It's a valuable benefit they won't get from an impersonal web site or automated store.
Dialog In People's Minds
The following wisdom is still true: Your ad about a solution should reach people when they're already focused on a problem. Ads related to subjects in articles, shows or videos can reach people who are focused on solving specific problems.
It's also important to use this wisdom: For optimal results, ads should merge with dialogs people have in their minds & with each other.
When people consciously focus on a task, their subconscious minds are still aware of other concerns. When people have multiple concerns, it's like they have multiple internal dialogs. Like verbal dialogs, you're more apt to be accepted if you contribute relevant thoughts.
An internal dialog is like mental traffic. Merging with traffic means matching speed, occupying an open space & going in the same direction toward a destination (goal). Go in the same direction unless you have a better detour to arrive at the same or better destination.
Prove a different destination or detour is better based on their conditions. Assure them you'll help them with the right results & they'll open a mental space for you.
Connect your advertising with current conditions. Headlines & opening statements can show you understand & have value to add.
Help people overcome doubts. They might think, "What If I Make A Mistake?" You can reassure them, "You don't have to be perfect to solve this. If it doesn't work well, we'll go over the steps with you again. We'll make adjustments & solve it together."
Use ad headlines & opening statements to enter conversations. People wonder, "How Can We (solve a problem)? With (product), there are 3 steps & we'll guide you." You can use their internal questions in your ads. Example: "How Am I Going To__? Here's your answer - __."
Connect offers with desired conditions. Example: "We'll show you how to start getting benefits you need today. On your way home, come to (store name & address) & ask for (product/service). It's only $X."
You can test offers of good, better & best quality. You can offer various combinations of products & services, so people can choose which tasks to delegate to you.
Offer To Improve People's Conditions
Cultivate your knowledge, products & services based on people's conditions.
What can you add or combine to form new solutions?
Can you adapt solutions to improve other conditions? How are conditions changing?
Are people struggling to maintain current conditions?
Are people struggling to cope with changes?
What's the biggest relief you can offer? Check your inventory for solutions to top priority problems.
When you have a compelling offer for a top priority solution, people will change schedules & budgets to buy it.
Is there a new problem or solution? Explain why the problem is bad & how a solution will make their lives better.
Would things be worse if they don't solve it? Explain how much worse things could be. Show they can enjoy benefits & keep problems from becoming worse.
People want to know how to experience benefits, so include details.
If products & services can be used individually &/or socially, show benefits of both.
You can use auditory & visual techniques to demonstrate people enjoying experiences. Use words to express people's thoughts related to those experiences. Examples: "How Do They __? It's easy, when you use (product name)." "I Wish I Could __. You can do it & we'll show you how."
Tap into consumers' feelings & thoughts with words your niche members use.
Ready Or Not To Start A Project
You can help people determine if they're ready to start a project. Though some projects can be done incrementally, others shouldn't be started until people have all necessary resources.
You can earn trust & faith by helping people avoid costly mistakes. Current conditions might not be as bad as a mistake.
Should people change something or maintain it as it is?
When should they start a project?
When should they expect to finish? If they get behind schedule, should they hurry or postpone it until another season?
When you give information, you should include guidelines for creating & maintaining results.
People might want a new benefit without realizing the commitment involved in creating & maintaining it. Creating & maintaining a result might require resources people can't afford.
A project could be more complex than it seems.
Can they change an aspect without changing others?
Can they adjust a project to get desired benefits without paying extra for what they don't want?
Based on your inventory & their current resources, can you help people customize projects?
People need access to various kinds of knowledge. You can be a resource by teaching or consulting with them.
They might need knowledge about causes & effects, so they can prevent & mitigate problems.
Are they ready for possible problems?
Do they know about risks of using the tools & materials?
They might need diagnostic knowledge to recognize positive & negative changes. Diagnostic knowledge is necessary, so people know what to allow or stop.
To use the right knowledge, tools & materials at the right times, they might need a plan & prescriptive knowledge.
Can you help people replace products (including disposal of old products)?
If they can't afford big changes, can you help with the incremental improvements?
If they only can afford to prevent more damage now, maybe you'll help with a solution later.
Guide them in choosing the best value they can afford now & invite them back.
Balance between urging them to buy the best solution & understanding their limits. If you seem judgmental, they might choose a different store.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Product Value Is The Value Of Results
Discount stores accept returned products & push suppliers to take back defects. Discount stores & manufacturers accept the risk, so consumers accept the hassle of returning products.
You need high quality suppliers, who allow easy returns of defects, because people expect product returns to be standard.
Success requires fulfilling consumers' expectations & differentiating with products & services big retailers don't offer.
Manufacturers can show products are designed for long-term value by guaranteeing long-term satisfaction.
Since your success affects suppliers, they should be partners in profit, expenses & risk of product returns.
Some suppliers accept returns directly from consumers, but the process takes time & delays work on projects. People still have to replace tools or materials to finish projects. An exchange in a store would be easier.
When people exchange products ordered via the Internet, they have to wait for a pick-up & a replacement delivery.
Since product returns disrupt people's lives, you should decrease disruptions.
Since your success depends on customers getting necessary results, you need a product exchange policy. You can get guidance about product return policies from retail trade groups, wholesalers &/or lawyers.
To attract people who want long-term value, you should offer the equivalent of a partnership. Partners share risk & are committed to each other's success. When consumers notice that commitment, they'll patronize your store.
Quality Of Results
Emphasize this fact: if materials &/or tools fail, results will decrease or fail. Your ads should compare the quality of results to persuade people to buy high quality products.
People should buy high quality products like a form of insurance - insuring their ability to produce & maintain results. It's especially true when you guarantee long-term results.
Testimonials & case studies can show product & service value is the value of results. Those case studies with instructions can show how to use products to solve & prevent problems.
In your ads, detailed case studies can show conditions before & after people used products or received services. Describe the frustration of problems vividly in ways people can feel. Also vividly describe the relief & satisfaction people want from solutions.
After describing problems & solutions, make compelling offers of long-term, high quality results.
To make compelling offers, you need to know what value means for people in specific conditions. Value of results can be different at certain times or places. When you know what causes changes in value, you can determine how to adjust your offers.
Do Products Fit The Conditions?
Competition is often focused on products & services. Competitors can differentiate with various levels & kinds of information.
Information is often neglected except for warnings. People need information to compare conditions with product specifications, so they can choose the best options. They can't do it with bare minimum information like product names, pictures & prices. By filling that gap, you can help people avoid frustration.
Sometimes, people need to return products because they couldn't solve a problem. Good product descriptions can help people avoid buying the wrong products. Good product descriptions include describing problems products are made to solve.
Though you can't afford to put all details in ads, you can include diagnostic details with a promise to discuss solutions.
Diagnostic details help people determine what their problems are & which products will solve those. Those details help people justify paying you a little more money instead of buying from discount stores.
What are people told & not told by manufacturers & other retailers? Do people get all instructions they need? Do they know how to adapt the instructions for the conditions?
People could be stranded with materials & tools but not know how to solve problems. You can help people determine if their current materials & tools fit the conditions & instructions. You can help people adapt resources by combining instructions, materials & tools into a solution.
You should offer total solution packages & be flexible enough to sell only what customers need.
Offer Results Not Just Products & Services
What should successful results look like? Which tools & materials fit desired results?
You can help people adjust expectations by explaining product limitations.
Examples: In sewing, machine settings & needles should be compatible with materials. In vacuum cleaning, powerful suction leads to strong exhaust that can blow dust. Low suction can pull in light dust without causing dust clouds behind the cleaner.
Your offers shouldn't be based only on price. Offers should be based on resources & results people prioritize most.
If people want excellent results, attract them with compelling descriptions & offers of excellent materials & tools. If people want good enough results, they might settle for discount store products.
Excellent results might depend on combinations of products, services & free information.
Information would increase product & service values by improving results & reducing frustration. If you don't have specific information for customers' conditions, maybe you can refer them to somebody else's information.
It's good to find information in different forms - video, audio & print, since people learn differently.
Providing free information can be effective for competing with low-price competitors that only offer discounts.
Discount stores tend to sell products, not solutions. If people buy inadequate tools, they'll have less money & still have expensive, unsolved problems.
You should be dedicated to solving & preventing problems. Even if people buy the right tools & materials, they need information to create results & solve/prevent problems.
Deeper Information For Better Results
Though there may be blogs for your general subject, is there a blog covering challenges of people in your area? People might need different information because of rural/urban issues, climate, laws, geography, etc.
Customers can report results to you or somebody who maintains a local newsletter or blog. Their reports could be like testimonials to help people find products.
People can improve each other's methods beyond what they could do individually. Results can be compared & practices can be refined.
People can discuss how they adapt methods for conditions. If people are in similar conditions, different results are probably due to methods, materials &/or tools.
People can reduce risk by doing what works for others. They can progress by doing limited experiments & comparing results. You can show customers how to achieve results & ask if they need different materials & tools.
Example- In the USA, honey bee hives are dying. People want to support honey bees with certain plants & habitats. Undesirable insects are attracted by the same plants & habitats. People need knowledge about plants, bees & other insects. People can experiment with plant growing methods & ways to attract honey bees & repel other insects. People can make small changes & report results. When positive trends are evident, people can switch to what works in their area.
If local people don't work together like this, you'll need to find knowledge sources local people trust. You need to help them apply knowledge. With that knowledge, they'll know what to buy & what to expect. When you have service like this, you can persuade people to buy because you have important knowledge.
You need to keep your combination of service, knowledge & results relevant by communicating with customers & suppliers, plus monitoring conditions.
In some cases, it can be like math formulas: results = materials + tools + methods + conditions; methods = actions + knowledge
Service is what establishes & maintains positive conditions. Value is what enables positive results.
Changes are made by adjusting any part of a formula.
When you have most or all formula parts, you have people's basic buying criteria.
You can learn about changing conditions & methods, then change inventories according to how people change methods. When you help people change methods, your products & services can be involved in their new methods.
You should help people compare their desires & plans with current conditions, so they'll be realistic. When you help people understand their conditions, you can decrease their frustration & increase their satisfaction.
For the best inventory, you need to know about people's current & future needs. You can use this information when you consider which products to order & services to offer. It affects your supplier choices.
When you know how people use products, you can determine which tutorials they might need. Since people want assurance about results, you can offer instructions or refer them to tutorials as part of your sales process.
You don't have make each tutorial. You can check YouTube & manufacturers' web sites. You can recommend tutorials you've prescreened.
Are customers getting full benefits? What else do they need to know? Which products & services could be added to get more benefits?
Would adding products & services make solutions more complex? If so, are there tutorials available to reduce confusion?
A newsletter or blog could recommend tutorials also. Consumers can use a blog to help each other clarify issues to reduce problems & maximize benefits.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
You need high quality suppliers, who allow easy returns of defects, because people expect product returns to be standard.
Success requires fulfilling consumers' expectations & differentiating with products & services big retailers don't offer.
Manufacturers can show products are designed for long-term value by guaranteeing long-term satisfaction.
Since your success affects suppliers, they should be partners in profit, expenses & risk of product returns.
Some suppliers accept returns directly from consumers, but the process takes time & delays work on projects. People still have to replace tools or materials to finish projects. An exchange in a store would be easier.
When people exchange products ordered via the Internet, they have to wait for a pick-up & a replacement delivery.
Since product returns disrupt people's lives, you should decrease disruptions.
Since your success depends on customers getting necessary results, you need a product exchange policy. You can get guidance about product return policies from retail trade groups, wholesalers &/or lawyers.
To attract people who want long-term value, you should offer the equivalent of a partnership. Partners share risk & are committed to each other's success. When consumers notice that commitment, they'll patronize your store.
Quality Of Results
Emphasize this fact: if materials &/or tools fail, results will decrease or fail. Your ads should compare the quality of results to persuade people to buy high quality products.
People should buy high quality products like a form of insurance - insuring their ability to produce & maintain results. It's especially true when you guarantee long-term results.
Testimonials & case studies can show product & service value is the value of results. Those case studies with instructions can show how to use products to solve & prevent problems.
In your ads, detailed case studies can show conditions before & after people used products or received services. Describe the frustration of problems vividly in ways people can feel. Also vividly describe the relief & satisfaction people want from solutions.
After describing problems & solutions, make compelling offers of long-term, high quality results.
To make compelling offers, you need to know what value means for people in specific conditions. Value of results can be different at certain times or places. When you know what causes changes in value, you can determine how to adjust your offers.
Do Products Fit The Conditions?
Competition is often focused on products & services. Competitors can differentiate with various levels & kinds of information.
Information is often neglected except for warnings. People need information to compare conditions with product specifications, so they can choose the best options. They can't do it with bare minimum information like product names, pictures & prices. By filling that gap, you can help people avoid frustration.
Sometimes, people need to return products because they couldn't solve a problem. Good product descriptions can help people avoid buying the wrong products. Good product descriptions include describing problems products are made to solve.
Though you can't afford to put all details in ads, you can include diagnostic details with a promise to discuss solutions.
Diagnostic details help people determine what their problems are & which products will solve those. Those details help people justify paying you a little more money instead of buying from discount stores.
What are people told & not told by manufacturers & other retailers? Do people get all instructions they need? Do they know how to adapt the instructions for the conditions?
People could be stranded with materials & tools but not know how to solve problems. You can help people determine if their current materials & tools fit the conditions & instructions. You can help people adapt resources by combining instructions, materials & tools into a solution.
You should offer total solution packages & be flexible enough to sell only what customers need.
Offer Results Not Just Products & Services
What should successful results look like? Which tools & materials fit desired results?
You can help people adjust expectations by explaining product limitations.
Examples: In sewing, machine settings & needles should be compatible with materials. In vacuum cleaning, powerful suction leads to strong exhaust that can blow dust. Low suction can pull in light dust without causing dust clouds behind the cleaner.
Your offers shouldn't be based only on price. Offers should be based on resources & results people prioritize most.
If people want excellent results, attract them with compelling descriptions & offers of excellent materials & tools. If people want good enough results, they might settle for discount store products.
Excellent results might depend on combinations of products, services & free information.
Information would increase product & service values by improving results & reducing frustration. If you don't have specific information for customers' conditions, maybe you can refer them to somebody else's information.
It's good to find information in different forms - video, audio & print, since people learn differently.
Providing free information can be effective for competing with low-price competitors that only offer discounts.
Discount stores tend to sell products, not solutions. If people buy inadequate tools, they'll have less money & still have expensive, unsolved problems.
You should be dedicated to solving & preventing problems. Even if people buy the right tools & materials, they need information to create results & solve/prevent problems.
Deeper Information For Better Results
Though there may be blogs for your general subject, is there a blog covering challenges of people in your area? People might need different information because of rural/urban issues, climate, laws, geography, etc.
Customers can report results to you or somebody who maintains a local newsletter or blog. Their reports could be like testimonials to help people find products.
People can improve each other's methods beyond what they could do individually. Results can be compared & practices can be refined.
People can discuss how they adapt methods for conditions. If people are in similar conditions, different results are probably due to methods, materials &/or tools.
People can reduce risk by doing what works for others. They can progress by doing limited experiments & comparing results. You can show customers how to achieve results & ask if they need different materials & tools.
Example- In the USA, honey bee hives are dying. People want to support honey bees with certain plants & habitats. Undesirable insects are attracted by the same plants & habitats. People need knowledge about plants, bees & other insects. People can experiment with plant growing methods & ways to attract honey bees & repel other insects. People can make small changes & report results. When positive trends are evident, people can switch to what works in their area.
If local people don't work together like this, you'll need to find knowledge sources local people trust. You need to help them apply knowledge. With that knowledge, they'll know what to buy & what to expect. When you have service like this, you can persuade people to buy because you have important knowledge.
You need to keep your combination of service, knowledge & results relevant by communicating with customers & suppliers, plus monitoring conditions.
In some cases, it can be like math formulas: results = materials + tools + methods + conditions; methods = actions + knowledge
Service is what establishes & maintains positive conditions. Value is what enables positive results.
Changes are made by adjusting any part of a formula.
When you have most or all formula parts, you have people's basic buying criteria.
You can learn about changing conditions & methods, then change inventories according to how people change methods. When you help people change methods, your products & services can be involved in their new methods.
You should help people compare their desires & plans with current conditions, so they'll be realistic. When you help people understand their conditions, you can decrease their frustration & increase their satisfaction.
For the best inventory, you need to know about people's current & future needs. You can use this information when you consider which products to order & services to offer. It affects your supplier choices.
When you know how people use products, you can determine which tutorials they might need. Since people want assurance about results, you can offer instructions or refer them to tutorials as part of your sales process.
You don't have make each tutorial. You can check YouTube & manufacturers' web sites. You can recommend tutorials you've prescreened.
Are customers getting full benefits? What else do they need to know? Which products & services could be added to get more benefits?
Would adding products & services make solutions more complex? If so, are there tutorials available to reduce confusion?
A newsletter or blog could recommend tutorials also. Consumers can use a blog to help each other clarify issues to reduce problems & maximize benefits.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
Monday, March 12, 2018
Persuasion & Improving Other Tactics & Strategies With Workshops
In the Performance Enhancement Quotient seminar, Chet Holmes advised business owners to do workshops with staff members (or alone if there's no staff). If you have access to the transcript or recordings, you can get his suggestions.
I've written different workshops below.
Holmes said workshops are important for establishing policies, plans & procedures (3 Ps). Businesses use policies, plans & procedures to develop tactics & strategies.
Tactics & strategies make a difference between lasting success & mediocrity.
When you hear & read about topics, do research. Gain deeper understanding by asking questions. For a fuller understanding, you can use a dictionary & thesaurus. Definitions & synonyms can prompt more questions & answers.
As you implement what you learn, evaluate results & determine how to do better. As conditions change, you'll need to prioritize subjects to keep up with competitors & satisfy customers.
Chet Holmes suggested keeping a workshop binder, so you can review results & notes. You should write your insights & track results, so you know what to improve. When you add questions, leave space for future answers.
You can return to a subject again, so you can progress by integrating new knowledge & experiences.
You can do workshops with other business owners.
You can use what I wrote below as a workshop template.
Workshop About Persuasion
Note - You can get some answers (to questions below) from lessons about consultative selling. You can adapt lessons to your situation.
* Persuasive people are liked & trusted.
Questions Pertaining To Being Liked & Trusted:
In your context, what does it mean to be liked & trusted?
What can you do to increase how much people like & trust you & your business?
How can you show you're in business to help people instead of just gaining more profits?
What can you do to show how products benefit customers?
What causes distrust in your business category?
* People are persuaded by those they respect.
Questions Pertaining To Respect:
In your field, what are traits of respected people? Which of those traits can you emulate?
What can you do to inspire respect?
What has caused anybody lose respect?
* People are persuaded by those who have authoritative knowledge.
Questions Pertaining To Authoritative Knowledge:
What does it mean to be an authority on a subject?
What would cause anybody lose status as an authority?
Which subjects should you have authoritative knowledge in?
Who is an authority in a similar subject? How did they gain that status? How do they show authority?
What are their information sources? Why are those sources considered to be authoritative? What makes their information valuable?
* People can be persuaded by those who care enough to understand them.
Questions Pertaining To Understanding People:
How do you show you're concerned about customers' best interests & preferences?
Some retailers might say anything to sell things. People are wary, so they might disbelieve seemingly glib statements & questions. How can you show sincere empathy?
Observe, ask questions & understand before advising. Use guidelines from Stephen R. Covey in "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People".
People live in cycles & buy at certain times. They might ask for information long before they're ready to buy.
They have limited budgets & various priorities. When a priority comes due & money is available, they'll buy. How should you guide people in setting priorities?
People might be unsure about timing. Some problems resolve or decrease even if people don't try to solve them.
People don't always know when to be patient or how long to wait. They need advice about what to do & when. They need advice about when to act quickly or slowly. How can you guide & reassure people?
In a store, people might be unsure about a few things. They might be shy about asking some questions. How can you determine what people are unsure about?
How can you determine if people are unsure about what they need/want?
If people want to think about a purchase instead of buying now, how can you help them think clearly without pressuring them?
If people aren't sure they should buy something for themselves, how can you encourage them to do what's right?
If people aren't sure how much money they should spend, how can you help them determine what's justified?
* People buy after they're attracted by a business.
Questions Pertaining To Attractive Traits:
What are attractive traits in your business category? Which of those traits does your business have?
How are you promoting those traits? What more can you do to promote those traits?
What can you do to enhance those traits? How can you create/adopt traits of similar businesses? How can you uniquely use those traits?
* People can be persuaded by those who share their concerns.
Questions Pertaining To Shared Concerns:
How can you show concern for customers' well-being?
How can you support their groups? How do you balance between supporting their groups & preserving profit & cash flow?
Which causes do they support? Which of those causes can you join?
How do you show your concern is authentic, not just for public relations?
Should you join or start a cause or group? Should you invite customers to be part of a good cause?
Should you start a club & invite customers to be insiders?
When a customer asks for deeper discounts, you can do some things without seeming to imply anything negative:
1- Do you explain your price policy? 2- Do you suggest a less expensive substitute or a different store?
3- Do you explain the product quality? 4- Do you suggest a layaway?
5- Do you suggest a bigger purchase of multiple products, even if they share it with friends? (If you get enough cash flow in a day, can you justify a mark down? It would reduce the markup on products, but increase your cash flow. You might clear out some old products.)
When people ask for donations, how can you do what's good for business & your community?
Do you arrange fund raising projects & donate a percentage when people buy some products?
How well do you fit into the community? How can you fit into the community better?
Workshop About Information & Plan Implementation
(Note: I have applicable questions & suggestions about diagnostic charts in previous posts. You can develop questions based on what your niche needs.)
Concept - How can you help people turn information into plans & implement those plans?
If you help people use a product, you might persuade them to buy it.
Ask questions to help people describe conditions, so you can diagnose problems they have & will have.
Ask people to bring pictures & videos of symptoms. Develop questions & diagnostic charts to guide people through what led up to a problem & what kind of solutions they'll accept.
Find & develop information about things people need to solve or prevent problems. Help them based on their current resources & determine what they lack.
Develop or find tutorials on planning according to their conditions & how to produce specific results.
Since tutorials can be for various skill levels, how can you help people adapt the instructions?
Decide how to present information about product benefits & tutorials.
How will you help people determine if they have necessary skills & other resources to do projects?
If they still need assistance after their best efforts, how will you help them find that assistance?
With your help, people can be confident enough to do projects & buy products.
If they can do tasks, you can help them prioritize how they use their time & energy.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
I've written different workshops below.
Holmes said workshops are important for establishing policies, plans & procedures (3 Ps). Businesses use policies, plans & procedures to develop tactics & strategies.
Tactics & strategies make a difference between lasting success & mediocrity.
When you hear & read about topics, do research. Gain deeper understanding by asking questions. For a fuller understanding, you can use a dictionary & thesaurus. Definitions & synonyms can prompt more questions & answers.
As you implement what you learn, evaluate results & determine how to do better. As conditions change, you'll need to prioritize subjects to keep up with competitors & satisfy customers.
Chet Holmes suggested keeping a workshop binder, so you can review results & notes. You should write your insights & track results, so you know what to improve. When you add questions, leave space for future answers.
You can return to a subject again, so you can progress by integrating new knowledge & experiences.
You can do workshops with other business owners.
You can use what I wrote below as a workshop template.
Workshop About Persuasion
Note - You can get some answers (to questions below) from lessons about consultative selling. You can adapt lessons to your situation.
* Persuasive people are liked & trusted.
Questions Pertaining To Being Liked & Trusted:
In your context, what does it mean to be liked & trusted?
What can you do to increase how much people like & trust you & your business?
How can you show you're in business to help people instead of just gaining more profits?
What can you do to show how products benefit customers?
What causes distrust in your business category?
* People are persuaded by those they respect.
Questions Pertaining To Respect:
In your field, what are traits of respected people? Which of those traits can you emulate?
What can you do to inspire respect?
What has caused anybody lose respect?
* People are persuaded by those who have authoritative knowledge.
Questions Pertaining To Authoritative Knowledge:
What does it mean to be an authority on a subject?
What would cause anybody lose status as an authority?
Which subjects should you have authoritative knowledge in?
Who is an authority in a similar subject? How did they gain that status? How do they show authority?
What are their information sources? Why are those sources considered to be authoritative? What makes their information valuable?
* People can be persuaded by those who care enough to understand them.
Questions Pertaining To Understanding People:
How do you show you're concerned about customers' best interests & preferences?
Some retailers might say anything to sell things. People are wary, so they might disbelieve seemingly glib statements & questions. How can you show sincere empathy?
Observe, ask questions & understand before advising. Use guidelines from Stephen R. Covey in "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People".
People live in cycles & buy at certain times. They might ask for information long before they're ready to buy.
They have limited budgets & various priorities. When a priority comes due & money is available, they'll buy. How should you guide people in setting priorities?
People might be unsure about timing. Some problems resolve or decrease even if people don't try to solve them.
People don't always know when to be patient or how long to wait. They need advice about what to do & when. They need advice about when to act quickly or slowly. How can you guide & reassure people?
In a store, people might be unsure about a few things. They might be shy about asking some questions. How can you determine what people are unsure about?
How can you determine if people are unsure about what they need/want?
If people want to think about a purchase instead of buying now, how can you help them think clearly without pressuring them?
If people aren't sure they should buy something for themselves, how can you encourage them to do what's right?
If people aren't sure how much money they should spend, how can you help them determine what's justified?
* People buy after they're attracted by a business.
Questions Pertaining To Attractive Traits:
What are attractive traits in your business category? Which of those traits does your business have?
How are you promoting those traits? What more can you do to promote those traits?
What can you do to enhance those traits? How can you create/adopt traits of similar businesses? How can you uniquely use those traits?
* People can be persuaded by those who share their concerns.
Questions Pertaining To Shared Concerns:
How can you show concern for customers' well-being?
How can you support their groups? How do you balance between supporting their groups & preserving profit & cash flow?
Which causes do they support? Which of those causes can you join?
How do you show your concern is authentic, not just for public relations?
Should you join or start a cause or group? Should you invite customers to be part of a good cause?
Should you start a club & invite customers to be insiders?
When a customer asks for deeper discounts, you can do some things without seeming to imply anything negative:
1- Do you explain your price policy? 2- Do you suggest a less expensive substitute or a different store?
3- Do you explain the product quality? 4- Do you suggest a layaway?
5- Do you suggest a bigger purchase of multiple products, even if they share it with friends? (If you get enough cash flow in a day, can you justify a mark down? It would reduce the markup on products, but increase your cash flow. You might clear out some old products.)
When people ask for donations, how can you do what's good for business & your community?
Do you arrange fund raising projects & donate a percentage when people buy some products?
How well do you fit into the community? How can you fit into the community better?
Workshop About Information & Plan Implementation
(Note: I have applicable questions & suggestions about diagnostic charts in previous posts. You can develop questions based on what your niche needs.)
Concept - How can you help people turn information into plans & implement those plans?
If you help people use a product, you might persuade them to buy it.
Ask questions to help people describe conditions, so you can diagnose problems they have & will have.
Ask people to bring pictures & videos of symptoms. Develop questions & diagnostic charts to guide people through what led up to a problem & what kind of solutions they'll accept.
Find & develop information about things people need to solve or prevent problems. Help them based on their current resources & determine what they lack.
Develop or find tutorials on planning according to their conditions & how to produce specific results.
Since tutorials can be for various skill levels, how can you help people adapt the instructions?
Decide how to present information about product benefits & tutorials.
How will you help people determine if they have necessary skills & other resources to do projects?
If they still need assistance after their best efforts, how will you help them find that assistance?
With your help, people can be confident enough to do projects & buy products.
If they can do tasks, you can help them prioritize how they use their time & energy.
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2018 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here-
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