Your business should work for you. You should NOT work for it. Optimal methods increase the total value of your business to your clientele and to you. It IS Possible To Decrease A Marketing Budget, Increase Effectiveness Plus Efficiency This forum was started with a service that closed. Many messages have the same posting date. These posts are listed as if they've originated with me. I brought these with me to Blogger.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Successful Results Start with Evaluating Plans
Let’s build on previous posts including Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter’s Success Delusion analogy from WHAT GOT YOU HERE WON’T GET YOU THERE plus my introduction. We’re anthropomorphizing salmon & bears in conditions not optimized for them. Bears ruin salmons’ one chance to spawn.
I’m delicately approaching disability issues because customer integration can help people with sensitive issues.
You might not know why somebody can’t/won’t use products or methods. People won’t buy if opportunities are apparently gone.
People might reject personal, social or environmental condition changes & necessity of different products or methods.
Information with sensory input can enlighten people by clarifying inaccurate perspectives. Use facts, sounds, sights, flavors, fragrances &/or feelings to link people’s experiences with benefits you offer. Mental &/or physical shifts change people’s comprehension.
Real estate case study: People wouldn’t buy a house near train tracks because of potential noise. An agent setup a TV, scheduled showings when trains went past & sold the house. As people enjoyed a TV show, train noises were minor, brief distractions. Or was the TV a distraction from disruptive noises?
People have different tolerances. After entering during a cold night, I might say your store is pleasantly warm but the lights are too bright. Physical discomfort (eye strain) can interfere with idea receptivity. You could conclude sensory shifts affected my comfort & ask questions about my goals while my eyes adjust to lighting. When I’m comfortable, I can accurately compare your suggested products to my goals.
As I adjust, my perceptions & comfort will change. Perceptions affect comfort & vice versa. Exposure triggers reactions & distractions from other sensations.
Salmon Proceed Despite Dangers.
Human actions impede fish more than natural obstacles plus bears have more options & wider visual ranges. Fish have limited abilities in natural environments & people try helping by adapting human-made dams. (Fish recognize water, but ELEVATORS?!) Fish might be confused if you offer help with living in water because they’re unaware of other possibilities. Comparing rivers & oceans could optimize preparations.
Help people understand possibilities & use cognitive labor (goal-organized thinking). Example: This (after) option fits (before context) because __. It’ll fit your goal when you (methods).
Like some people, salmon accept only one 'THERE' (spawning river), but people accept possibilities for getting to a chosen 'THERE'.
Consultations raise customers' & your understanding of conditions & help compare desires with available benefits.
The concept of never swimming in the same river twice expresses life fluidity. Salmon hatchlings might experience flood-stage. Spawning adults might get stuck in drought-stricken river-beds. Limited vision limits physical & mental perceptions.
If fish could process information, conditions limit ability to receive information. If fish could perceive unfavorable conditions, they have limited physical abilities no matter how well they swim. Persistence is only good for those who are prepared. Like salmon, people might persevere without knowing or admitting they’re unprepared for conditions.
It can be awkward to explain necessary methods & urge customers to improve skills, choose better products or get somebody’s help.
Consultation Example: ‘I’m committed to helping customers understand necessities for achieving goals. I also need to understand people’s abilities. If I misinterpret your abilities, please forgive me. I want you to have the best affordable benefits. It’s why I’m explaining how (Product A) is worth the higher price & better for your goal than (B). Results might seem similar until wind & heat cause warping & leaking.’
Retailers & consumers act as if they don’t need anybody’s adaptations despite available advantages. Offer options to motivate people who think they’re doing everything possible. Your OBVIOUS things might seem foreign & unnecessary until you connect offers (ways to get ‘THERE’) to customers’ desires, needs & criteria for results.
Current tools, materials & methods seem to work, so how will you explain the necessity for different resources to solve or prevent current, future or potential problems? How will you assure customers your suggestions won’t compromise established positives? Learn about customers’ current benefits & goals, so you can compare your offers plus explain why your criteria should be considered.
Sore Throat from Eating Fish? Never Happened Before
Did the first fish-eating bear imitate another animal or give-in to curiosity or extreme hunger? Bears might imitate what works for others.
Land-based animals drink from rivers & could notice strange legless creatures. Apparently, they’re slimy, yet satisfying.
Sharp fish bones can become imbedded & obstruct throats because of infection & inflammation. Animals probably won’t link causes & effects. Swollen-throated bears might misattribute throat trouble after previously successfully swallowing fish without removing bones.
Customer integration includes inspiring curiosity & hunger for progress, so customers are open to advanced knowledge & imitating best practices. Explain reasons so people don’t skip inconvenient methods. Salmon might be an acquired-taste, but are nutritious.
People can advance incrementally & determine if results indicate progress or necessary adjustments. Set comparison criteria for determining step-by-step adjustments & successful results, so people don’t proceed & blame bad luck.
Failure delusion can happen like when Rufus recognized problems but not reasons. Rufus remembered his wife stayed faithful 50 years despite problems & thought she brought bad luck.
Since evaluation requires insights & mental energy, it’s easy to consider superficial factors & ignore deep, uncomfortable details.
People might own or have access to resources, but think there’s nothing left to achieve because nobody offered more opportunities.
People might think there’s no hope if they experience more frustration than success. It’s why I write about offering functional hope with products.
Offer Example: ‘Create more & higher quality (benefits) with less frustration. (Store) offers guidance for you to identify problem causes. Whether your barriers are problems or insufficient resources, don’t give up on opportunities. You’ll create relieving benefits & decrease irritation because we'll review what’s worked & didn’t, so you’ll achieve goals. (Store) has options for increasing effectiveness & efficiency to save your time with high productivity plus reduce fatigue. If you’re too tired from (project) or run out of time for other priorities, you may need better products & methods. Let’s check your goal, results & conditions, so we can determine which optimization criteria will boost your success. Let’s find what you need for converting possibilities into achievements. If you haven’t started (project), it’s time for optimizing productivity & bypassing frustration. If you have preliminary results, let’s evaluate current conditions because you might need & want better results.’
Will Resources & Methods Fit Goals & Overcome Obstacles?
Since rivers are narrower than oceans, salmon can’t swim around all obstacles. Maybe they can jump, but they should consider: 1) Do they see the whole obstacle & what’s around it? 2) Excessively high jumps increase vulnerability plus require energy needed for swimming upstream; 3) Do they recognize plus know how to avoid all risks & threats? 4) How should they compare risks of jumping & not jumping? 5) If necessary while jumping or going between obstacles, can they change directions, including reverse?
People might focus on resources for success without considering resources for preventing failure. People might bias problem diagnoses to fit their knowledge & tools.
After solving problems, people may recognize advanced cases without knowing how to identify & stop nascent recurrences. Guide their processes from causes to effects, so customers accurately expect to interrupt or prevent emerging cause & effect recurrences. Do solutions prevent recurrences?
Offer Example: ‘(Symptom) indicates (problem) is starting to mar (material). By stopping the cause now, you can restore surfaces & prevent severe damage. (Kit) guides you to identify, end & prevent (problem) causes plus it includes restoration & repair supplies & method instructions. At (Store), you’ll have the comfort of having the best resources, so you’ll be confident about results.’
Causes can’t advance without connected components. Can you help customers identify & exploit vulnerabilities of causes or effects to disrupt emerging problems?
Coach customers to keep components separated &/or break connections like replacing or patching leaky pipes to stop mold. Example: People might suffer from medical symptoms after eliminating obvious causes. Equipment could detect mold spores in/near walls around pipes. Kits could provide instructions, tools & materials for minimally invasive repairs to replace or refurbish what’s damaged plus intermittently test to confirm mold remediation.
Can you help customers identify & reduce personal vulnerabilities? How can you augment customers’ abilities to recognize & close gaps?
People can become more vulnerable if they misdiagnose problems &/or make product & method mistakes.
Consultation Example: ‘Let’s consider what you know & can learn about current causes & effects without disassembling anything or disrupting current results? Has anything disrupted plans already? Any previous actions are experiments we can learn from or adapt. What seemed to almost work until you noticed something unexpected? What indicated results went astray? Let’s develop criteria for your desired benefit & make a preliminary plan. As you study these criteria, imagine working this plan where you’ll use these products. If you notice things won’t fit or work out, write your impressions so we can discuss them & finalize a plan.’
Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Copyright 2022 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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