Instead of just advertising products, also offer insights to specifically increase people’s satisfaction & decrease frustration.
Satisfactory lives are built on organized positive experiences. People can be more satisfied when you show them processes to produce desired results.
Reduce people's frustration by helping them with specific products & methods they need for gaining control. Example: ‘Winter Storms Are Almost Here! You’ll be less frustrated when your home is prepared. Even novices can learn maintenance tasks. Instead of wondering if you’re ready, use our checklist to determine what you need. We’ll check our information & product inventory. We’ll review your needs & develop methods.’
Review your inventory to find products to help people produce positive experiences & prepare for negative experiences.
Form offers by combining experience specific products & tasks based on local conditions & product instructions.
Example: ‘Since your total satisfaction depends on using products & tasks, we offer what you need to __ including advice. We study local needs & focus on product quality, instructions & specifications, so products fit your needs.’
Each role (personal, social, professional, family, etc.) of people’s lives includes tasks. You should have specialized offers for people’s roles.
Example: ‘Since it’s time to prepare for __, you’ll need __. Home owners use top quality products to thoroughly fix & prevent problems. Other people try to fix & prevent problems without advice & they buy low quality products from discount stores. People often don’t realize they can have better options to improve results. Quality results depend on methods for using products. We recommend methods & products for results you need. Since results depend on product quality & details of your methods, tell us what you want to change. We can study your conditions, check product options & develop planned tasks for results you need.’
Problems seem to pile up & negative experiences can be overwhelming & stressful enough to undermine health.
Urge people to manage experiences to reduce problems, so they’ll have time & energy for pleasure. Since often people are more concerned about losing than gaining, help people manage experiences. Offer information for preventing & diagnosing problems. Offer solutions, plus products & information to prevent problem reoccurrence.
Specify product benefits in contexts of experiences. Example: ‘After you use (product) to seal your deck, the wood will be resilient. When your deck is ready for any weather, you can focus on other tasks, plus enjoy grilling, games & other activities. (Product) is ideal for (conditions) because __.’
You can use this concept to promote kits for individuals to produce benefits & prevent problems. This approach makes your offers better than stores just selling for money. Those stores are like doctors habitually pushing pills based on average patients without listening to individuals.
People may think they have no alternatives for retailers pushing products without any concern about improving people’s lives.
Refund policies don’t show much concern because refunds don’t improve lives.
Though it’s important to emphasize risk reversal like exchange & refund policies, also emphasize your commitment to satisfaction by discussing customers’ needs.
Example: ‘Some retailers think they satisfy customers with exchanges & refunds. It’s frustrating to go back to stores for exchanges & refunds. We help you avoid those frustrations by asking about your expectations. We know satisfaction happens when you get great results, so we ask about your goals & assemble what you what you need.’
Integrate Your Store with Customers’ Lives
When you know precisely what satisfies customers, you can avoid advertising clutter & competing only based on prices.
People expect results from what Clayton M. Christensen calls jobs-to-be-done.
You can integrate your store with customers’ lives by integrating your inventory & customer service with their jobs-to-be-done. You can integrate by connecting necessary products & services, so there are no physical or information gaps to interfere with completing jobs-to-be-done.
People might need product combinations for jobs-to-be-done requiring expertise including knowledge for diagnosing conditions.
As a customer intimate retailer, differentiate your store by coordinating products & instructions based on expected results. Plan steps by determining which methods create the best value from products.
You build credibility by showing how your offers complete jobs-to-be-done.
You can offer products & methods for decreasing or removing problems especially if there are common causes.
Example: Rotting walls & health problems can start from mold & excessive humidity. When you help remove causes (mold spores & excessive humidity), people can mitigate negative experiences. By mitigating negative experiences, you offer freedom to produce & enjoy positive experiences.
Example: ‘As soon as you notice (symptoms list), come in to get __. We’ll discuss your needs, so you’ll prevent (problem) & you’ll be free to enjoy __.’
Selling Products Isn't The Same As Solving Problems.
Discount retailers might gladly load up a customer with air purifiers, though totally eliminating mold spores is unlikely. Air purifiers remove some spores, but humidity is easier to detect & reduce. Customer intimate retailers would consult with consumers about eliminating visible mold & controlling causes.
Since you have inventory limits, form a team of customer intimate retailers & refer customers to each other for products, plans & methods.
Based on inventory & expertise, customer intimate team retailers can contribute to a basic plan like this: Control humidity. Seal out & reduce humidity with caulking & dehumidifiers. Mitigate problems like controlling spores with air purifiers & removing mold with various products. Repair damage.
Teams should work on solutions & have an agreement, so customer referrals will be smooth & customers will get the quality they deserve.
Make negative experiences easier to endure &/or less frequent. Example: Since cleaning is necessary, develop plans for using air purifiers & vacuum cleaners to reduce dust build up. Suggest which filters to use & where to place air purifiers to catch dust.
Make Positive Experiences Better & More Frequent.
When enjoyment depends on increasing skills, promote necessary products & skills. Help customers plan & prioritize learning steps, so they can maximize experiences with little frustration.
Learn how people describe their enjoyment, so you’ll understand people’s desires & how to offer higher benefit levels in ways people understand.
You can ask for testimonials when you provide what’s needed. If you haven’t been involved in their experiences, ask about what they used; how they prepared; what made it better than previous experiences; what could’ve made it better; what they plan to do next.
When you have that information, you can make superior offers & help people increase enjoyment & have better lives. Since complete kits are superior offers if people want the benefits, describe offers as improvements.
Offers are higher priorities when you describe results & experiences people want. Results & experiences can be more than physical.
Example: Replacing worn linoleum has visual & safety benefits. People won’t fret about tripping. People feel relief when tasks are finished because they can focus on other matters.
Value is judged based on consumers’ goals, so describe full product/service results people want to achieve.
Some consumers settle for cheap products because they want temporary results.
Some people want shortcuts, but others think shortcuts are risky or at least have shoddy results. If you offer easier or quicker results, define what easier or quicker means.
People may feel unsure or even intimidated if they don’t know how to evaluate options. You can suggest product evaluation criteria based on conditions.
Example: Long-term results can be possible with good warranties & if product repairs are practical. When competitors’ products are too flimsy to repair, compare dependability. Will products produce consistent long-term results? If there’s no warranty, will repaired products be worth their prices plus repair costs?
Warranties vary so specify the benefits & terms. Benefits of warranties can be: 1) repairs are covered; 2) shops are often already chosen (the search is done); 3) possibly no need to shop for replacements (for people who don’t like to shop); 4) repaired products could produce results for longer times.
Offer Better Shopping Experiences
For people who want dependable answers & results, discount stores can be frustrating. It’s hard to find help plus cheap products might not work well long-term. Do people want to repeat that ordeal?
You can make meaningful offers when you accurately describe people’s needs & how product results fulfill their needs.
Discount stores reduce intimidation with low prices & easy returns policies, so people have low financial risk. Easy product returns don’t solve problems (reasons people buy products).
Intimidated people are apt to avoid purchases instead of approaching stores. Information can reduce intimidation.
People can be assured by descriptions of other people’s results in similar conditions. You also can reassure others by describing the results people should expect & how results are produced.
Aspiration goals can be short- or long-term depending how quickly people find & learn to use resources. You can establish your store’s value by packaging products & implementation information for maximum results from products.
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Copyright 2019 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved.
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